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Джип-тур на полдня по Королевскому ущелью

Этот захватывающий 3,5-часовой тур буквально поставит вас на край одной из самых живописных достопримечательностей Колорадо. Посмотрите вниз на захватывающее дух Королевское ущелье, поскольку этот тур проведет вас по самому высокому подвесному мосту Америки почти на 1000 футов над рекой Арканзас. Эксклюзивный доступ через южный вход к мосту и парку Королевского ущелья и к вершине пика Фремонт позволит вам увидеть и ощутить настоящую красоту Колорадо. Пройдите через кладбище, занесенное в Национальный реестр исторических мест, осмотрите следы динозавров и часто наблюдайте за дикой природой Колорадо.

Этот живописный тур — лишь одно из удивительных мест, которые мы посещаем из нашего офиса в Каньон-Сити. Если этот тур не соответствует вашим потребностям, скорее всего, у нас есть тот, который подходит. Мы предлагаем туры и пакеты от 3 часов до всего дня. Обязательно ознакомьтесь с другими нашими объявлениями, чтобы увидеть больше вариантов.
Город: Каньон Сити
Wed 23 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $129.00
Wed 23 Oct
Начинается с $129.00
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Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
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Что ожидать
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Мост и парк Королевского ущелья
Посмотрите вниз на захватывающее дух Королевское ущелье, поскольку этот тур проведет вас по самому высокому подвесному мосту Америки почти на 1000 футов над рекой Арканзас. Эксклюзивный доступ через южный вход к мосту и парку Королевского ущелья и к вершине пика Фремонт позволит вам увидеть и ощутить настоящую красоту Колорадо.
Скайлайн Драйв
Skyline Drive — живописная дорога в Каньон-Сити, штат Колорадо. Он был построен заключенными в 1905 году. Дорога начинается от шоссе 50 США с постепенным уклоном вверх по склону хребта. Когда дорога достигает гребня, она извивается, поднимается и падает, как американские горки, почти до самого конца, где открывается живописный вид как на город (восток), так и на шоссе (запад). Однополосная дорога с односторонним движением возвышается примерно на 800 футов над окружающей местностью. Несмотря на резкие обрывы, ограждений нет, а длина пути составляет около 3 миль.
Парк Темпл-Каньон
Дорога Темпл-Каньон вьется над антиклинальной линией Королевского ущелья через древние охотничьи угодья племени ют. Дорога каньона проходит мимо «Храма», но вы должны знать, где искать. Окаменелости можно увидеть вдоль дороги вместе с другими геологическими чудесами.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (141)
Aug 2019
Definitely worth the money and time! Our guide was a native to Canon City so he had lots of personal knowledge about the area. They provide one ice cold bottle of water each for the ride but you can also bring your own. This area of CO is much more desert like then I realized so very dry and dusty while riding in the open jeep(hat and sunglasses are a good idea). Part of the trip is to drive the Royal Gorge Bridge(closed to regular traffic), which is cool to be able to go across!! Also took us up the Skyline Drive, good views of town. We left around 8:30 and returned by 12noon...we were on the 12:30pm train. After the jeep tour, go inside to get your train tickets and then drive the 5 or so minutes to the depot. We upgraded to the dome car...well worth the extra money! When making the reservations, ask to be seated on the left side of the train so you can see the Arkansas River and the sides of the gorge while traveling...the right side of the train gives NO views since it is right up against the gorge wall. You're seated in nice, big fabric chairs with a table to enjoy food and drinks. We purchased chips and salsa, wine, soda, and a lasagna to share. It was just a very neat experience to sit in nice seats while going throught the gorge and eating...you can imagine this experience back in the day!! We did not walk around the cars or go out to the couple of open topped cars they have but many people around us did. You go 12 miles and then stop before heading back to the depot...I didnt realize thats what would happen. The A/C stopped and we lost power so we eventually came to a stop...not sure if thats how they normally do it or even if where we stopped was the regular "turn around" spot but we were still for more then 20 mins before starting back. It got quite hot in the dome car where we were and the whole experience of just sitting there seemed odd and a waste of time for the 2 hour train ride that you pay for...hopefully, thats not normal. You have great views from the bottom of the gorge up to the Royal Gorge Bridge and the train ride, even with the weird losing power and turn around, was well worth the almost $200 price. With taking this tour, you also get a free ticket to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park...a $28 value! You can use that ticket the same day after the train OR we went the next morning, which was a bit cooler. A definite must do if in Canon City!!!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2019
Thank you so much for taking the Jeep & Train package tour with us, and for your very nice 5-star review. I'm so happy to hear that your jeep guide did a great job! With regard to the train, they don't normally turn off the a/c but they do stop at the endpoint for a bit, as it's an up-and-back single track along the Arkansas River (no way to turn around). During the switch to return to Canon City, the engineer has to have time to transfer from the engine at one end of the train to the other, and do all his safety checks and re-start procedures, so that can take some time, especially on a very long (and heavy) summer train. Sorry to hear the a/c wasn't working so well during that time. I'm glad to know that you had an opportunity to try the food - Chef Jeremy is fantastic, and he runs a very nice catering operation. Thank you again for your business, and this detailed review. We hope to see you the next time you visit our area.
Aug 2019
My boys (9,12,and 14), my husband and I all enjoyed this tour. It was full of scenic views and history. Our tour guide Scott was very knowledgeable and safe. We got to see so much more than we would have if we’d of just drove ourselves! One such place we would not have ventured by ourselves is Skyline Drive...beautiful panoramic views but a road so steep and skinny we were thankful to have an experienced driver!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2019
Woohoo! We love to hear when families have a great time together on our tours. There aren't too many things you can do on vacation where everyone from the 9-year-old to the parents has a blast doing the same thing. Thank you so much for spending your time with us. We'll be sure to pass along your compliment to your guides Scott. Please come back and see us sometime for a different tour. They're all great!
Aug 2019
We did the Royal Gorge tour with Brandon and had an amazing time. We learned a lot about the history of the town as well as the wildland area. The off-road trails were a lot of fun also a lot of high drop off with amazing views. We plan on coming back to do this trip again.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2019
Woohoo! Love to hear this! Brandon is an excellent guide who consistently receives excellent reviews. (Did he tell you he's a teacher in his non-summer "real" life?) The Royal Gorge is our most popular tour for a reason - an abundance of really gorgeous views and lots of great local information to learn along the way. Thanks so much for jeeping with us. We look forward to your return visit -- perhaps the Red Canyon or Gold Belt tour to the historic gold mining towns of Cripple Creek and Victor? TIP: The Gold Belt is our most popular in September and October during fall foliage season!

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