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Дегустация вин и тур по озеру Сенека

Сенека — самое большое из всех Пальцевых озер по объему и глубине. Это делает его идеальным сдерживающим фактором для виноградников на берегах, которые в основном расположены на суглинках Conesus.
Наслаждайтесь дегустацией вин во всемирно известном регионе озер Фингер, путешествуя по виноградникам, окружающим живописное озеро Сенека. Найдите время, чтобы насладиться дегустацией и приобрести новые бутылки для своей коллекции. Отдохните с друзьями или семьей, и пусть ваш гид сделает указанное вождение. Вы посетите и попробуете четыре винодельни. Выберите винный тур Small & Mighty plus Lunch, чтобы добавить изысканный обед в Ventosa Vineyards Cafe Toscana.

* Проведите день в винной стране Нью-Йорка со своей группой.
* Попробуйте разнообразные премиальные Finger Региональные вина озер на четырех винодельнях.
* Посетите и попробуйте на четырех винодельнях. Выберите тур Small & Mighty plus Lunch, чтобы добавить изысканный обед в Ventosa Vineyards Cafe Toscana.
* Места винодельни могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия мест

Город: Сиракузы
Fri 20 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $204.57
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $204.57
Что включено
Wine tastings and educational tour through a selection of wineries
Small & Mighty plus Lunch visits four ineries and includes a lunch.
Lunch Included on Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour only.
Small & Mighty wine tour visits four wineries.
Hotel pick-up at select hotels if requested
Wine tastings and educational tour through a selection of wineries
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст – 21 год
  • Необходимо иметь действительное удостоверение личности с фотографией
  • Конкретные винодельни могут быть изменены
  • Требуется минимум 2 человека на бронирование
  • Винный тур Small & Mighty включает четыре винодельни
  • Small & Mighty plus Винный тур с обедом включает в себя четыре винодельни плюс обед.
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются для путешественники
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Seneca Lake
As you depart from your pickup location, you will be guided through the surrounding Seneca Lake area. Your tour includes four winery visits. You can add a delightful lunch at Ventosa Vineyards by selecting the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.There, you can enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property. With an expert wine country host as your guide, you'll have an inside look in this serene part of the Finger Lakes region. *Winery venues are subject to change due to availability
Crush Beer & Wine Tours
Crush Beer & Wine Tours offers guided tours of Breweries and Wineries in the picturesque setting of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY.
Fox Run Vineyards
Fox Run: Under the dynamic, forward-looking ownership of Scott Osborn. Fox Run is poised to become one of the handful of truly great producers in the Finger Lakes. Taste the quality that sustainable farming practices make. Explore the razor sharp Riesling created by wine maker Peter Bell.
Ventosa Vineyard
Ventosa: You will taste a variety of flavors found in Ventosa’s wines as you marvel at the view of the vineyards and Seneca Lake. The wine tasting experience at Ventosa Vineyards is second to none. Enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property on the northeastern shore of Lake Seneca. A delightful lunch is available at Ventosa's Cafe Toscana on the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.
Torrey Ridge Winery
A Finger Lakes family winery tradition, they are in the heart of Amish country with Mennonite farms surrounding the Winery. They are located on the West side of New York's beautiful Seneca Lake.
Anthony Road Wine Company
Arrive at this charming pioneering property on 100 acres of the northwestern bank of Seneca Lake. Taste through the crafted portfolio of Anne & John Martini. With the help of friends and family, they planted the first grapes, all hybrid varieties, in 1973. An array of wine is produced – from dry to dessert – with a range of tastes designed to please connoisseurs and casual aficionados alike.
Seneca Lake
As you depart from your pickup location, you will be guided through the surrounding Seneca Lake area. Your tour includes four winery visits. You can add a delightful lunch at Ventosa Vineyards by selecting the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.There, you can enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property. With an expert wine country host as your guide, you'll have an inside look in this serene part of the Finger Lakes region. *Winery venues are subject to change due to availability
Crush Beer & Wine Tours
Crush Beer & Wine Tours offers guided tours of Breweries and Wineries in the picturesque setting of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY.
Fox Run Vineyards
Fox Run: Under the dynamic, forward-looking ownership of Scott Osborn. Fox Run is poised to become one of the handful of truly great producers in the Finger Lakes. Taste the quality that sustainable farming practices make. Explore the razor sharp Riesling created by wine maker Peter Bell.
Ventosa Vineyard
Ventosa: You will taste a variety of flavors found in Ventosa’s wines as you marvel at the view of the vineyards and Seneca Lake. The wine tasting experience at Ventosa Vineyards is second to none. Enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property on the northeastern shore of Lake Seneca. A delightful lunch is available at Ventosa's Cafe Toscana on the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.
Torrey Ridge Winery
A Finger Lakes family winery tradition, they are in the heart of Amish country with Mennonite farms surrounding the Winery. They are located on the West side of New York's beautiful Seneca Lake.
Anthony Road Wine Company
Arrive at this charming pioneering property on 100 acres of the northwestern bank of Seneca Lake. Taste through the crafted portfolio of Anne & John Martini. With the help of friends and family, they planted the first grapes, all hybrid varieties, in 1973. An array of wine is produced – from dry to dessert – with a range of tastes designed to please connoisseurs and casual aficionados alike.
Seneca Lake
As you depart from your pickup location, you will be guided through the surrounding Seneca Lake area. Your tour includes four winery visits. You can add a delightful lunch at Ventosa Vineyards by selecting the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.There, you can enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property. With an expert wine country host as your guide, you'll have an inside look in this serene part of the Finger Lakes region. *Winery venues are subject to change due to availability
Crush Beer & Wine Tours
Crush Beer & Wine Tours offers guided tours of Breweries and Wineries in the picturesque setting of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY.
Fox Run Vineyards
Fox Run: Under the dynamic, forward-looking ownership of Scott Osborn. Fox Run is poised to become one of the handful of truly great producers in the Finger Lakes. Taste the quality that sustainable farming practices make. Explore the razor sharp Riesling created by wine maker Peter Bell.
Ventosa Vineyard
Ventosa: You will taste a variety of flavors found in Ventosa’s wines as you marvel at the view of the vineyards and Seneca Lake. The wine tasting experience at Ventosa Vineyards is second to none. Enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property on the northeastern shore of Lake Seneca. A delightful lunch is available at Ventosa's Cafe Toscana on the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.
Torrey Ridge Winery
A Finger Lakes family winery tradition, they are in the heart of Amish country with Mennonite farms surrounding the Winery. They are located on the West side of New York's beautiful Seneca Lake.
Anthony Road Wine Company
Arrive at this charming pioneering property on 100 acres of the northwestern bank of Seneca Lake. Taste through the crafted portfolio of Anne & John Martini. With the help of friends and family, they planted the first grapes, all hybrid varieties, in 1973. An array of wine is produced – from dry to dessert – with a range of tastes designed to please connoisseurs and casual aficionados alike.
Seneca Lake
As you depart from your pickup location, you will be guided through the surrounding Seneca Lake area. Your tour includes four winery visits. You can add a delightful lunch at Ventosa Vineyards by selecting the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.There, you can enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property. With an expert wine country host as your guide, you'll have an inside look in this serene part of the Finger Lakes region. *Winery venues are subject to change due to availability
Crush Beer & Wine Tours
Crush Beer & Wine Tours offers guided tours of Breweries and Wineries in the picturesque setting of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY.
Fox Run Vineyards
Fox Run: Under the dynamic, forward-looking ownership of Scott Osborn. Fox Run is poised to become one of the handful of truly great producers in the Finger Lakes. Taste the quality that sustainable farming practices make. Explore the razor sharp Riesling created by wine maker Peter Bell.
Ventosa Vineyard
Ventosa: You will taste a variety of flavors found in Ventosa’s wines as you marvel at the view of the vineyards and Seneca Lake. The wine tasting experience at Ventosa Vineyards is second to none. Enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property on the northeastern shore of Lake Seneca. A delightful lunch is available at Ventosa's Cafe Toscana on the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.
Torrey Ridge Winery
A Finger Lakes family winery tradition, they are in the heart of Amish country with Mennonite farms surrounding the Winery. They are located on the West side of New York's beautiful Seneca Lake.
Anthony Road Wine Company
Arrive at this charming pioneering property on 100 acres of the northwestern bank of Seneca Lake. Taste through the crafted portfolio of Anne & John Martini. With the help of friends and family, they planted the first grapes, all hybrid varieties, in 1973. An array of wine is produced – from dry to dessert – with a range of tastes designed to please connoisseurs and casual aficionados alike.
Seneca Lake
As you depart from your pickup location, you will be guided through the surrounding Seneca Lake area. Your tour includes four winery visits. You can add a delightful lunch at Ventosa Vineyards by selecting the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.There, you can enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property. With an expert wine country host as your guide, you'll have an inside look in this serene part of the Finger Lakes region. *Winery venues are subject to change due to availability
Crush Beer & Wine Tours
Crush Beer & Wine Tours offers guided tours of Breweries and Wineries in the picturesque setting of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY.
Fox Run Vineyards
Fox Run: Under the dynamic, forward-looking ownership of Scott Osborn. Fox Run is poised to become one of the handful of truly great producers in the Finger Lakes. Taste the quality that sustainable farming practices make. Explore the razor sharp Riesling created by wine maker Peter Bell.
Ventosa Vineyard
Ventosa: You will taste a variety of flavors found in Ventosa’s wines as you marvel at the view of the vineyards and Seneca Lake. The wine tasting experience at Ventosa Vineyards is second to none. Enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the 23-acre property on the northeastern shore of Lake Seneca. A delightful lunch is available at Ventosa's Cafe Toscana on the Small & Mighty plus Lunch tour.
Torrey Ridge Winery
A Finger Lakes family winery tradition, they are in the heart of Amish country with Mennonite farms surrounding the Winery. They are located on the West side of New York's beautiful Seneca Lake.
Anthony Road Wine Company
Arrive at this charming pioneering property on 100 acres of the northwestern bank of Seneca Lake. Taste through the crafted portfolio of Anne & John Martini. With the help of friends and family, they planted the first grapes, all hybrid varieties, in 1973. An array of wine is produced – from dry to dessert – with a range of tastes designed to please connoisseurs and casual aficionados alike.
Озеро Сенека
Когда вы отправитесь от места посадки, вас проведут по окрестностям озера Сенека. Ваш тур включает четыре посещения винодельни. Вы можете добавить восхитительный обед в Ventosa Vineyards, выбрав тур Small & Mighty plus Lunch. С опытным хозяином винной страны в качестве вашего гида вы сможете заглянуть внутрь этой безмятежной части региона Фингер-Лейкс. *Винодельни могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия мест.
Пивные и винные туры Crush
Crush Beer & Wine Tours предлагает экскурсии с гидом по пивоварням и винодельням в живописном окружении озер Фингер и Рочестера, штат Нью-Йорк.
Виноградники Фокс Ран
Fox Run: под динамичным, дальновидным владением Скотта Осборна. Fox Run готова стать одним из немногих действительно великих продюсеров в Фингер-Лейкс. Попробуйте качество, которое создают устойчивые методы ведения сельского хозяйства. Исследуйте острый как бритва Рислинг, созданный виноделом Питером Беллом.
Виноградник Вентоза
Вентоза: Вы почувствуете разнообразие вкусов вин Вентозы, любуясь видом на виноградники и озеро Сенека. Опыт дегустации вин в Ventosa Vineyards не имеет себе равных. Насладитесь бокалом вина, любуясь видом на участок площадью 23 акра на северо-восточном берегу озера Сенека. Восхитительный обед доступен в кафе Toscana Ventosa во время тура Small & Mighty plus Lunch.
Винодельня Торри Ридж
Традиция семейной винодельни Finger Lakes, они находятся в самом сердце страны амишей с фермами меннонитов, окружающими винодельню. Они расположены на западной стороне красивого озера Сенека в Нью-Йорке.
Винная компания Энтони Роуд
Прибытие в этот очаровательный новаторский отель на 100 акрах северо-западного берега озера Сенека. Попробуйте созданное портфолио Anne & John Martini. С помощью друзей и семьи они посадили первый виноград, все гибридные сорта, в 1973 году. Производится множество вин — от сухих до десертных — с широким спектром вкусов, призванных удовлетворить как знатоков, так и случайных поклонников.
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Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (144)
Oct 2017
I was with a small group (5) for a Bachelorette Weekend in the finger lakes. Having never been to the area we thought that a wine tour would be a great and fun way to spend the day. I was completely blown away by how amazing this tour actually was. Our Driver/Guide Christy was the absolute best, she took us each winery and made sure our group was completely set up and being taken care of by the staff. It was truly amazing experience and I would 100% book another tour through Crush if I am ever in the area again! If i could give it more then 5 stars I would.
Paula Y
Oct 2017

Well there was only four of us, but we had a great time. We had our own mini van, that was unexpected but a very pleasant surprise. Kim was wonderful, very personable and easy to talk to. She took care of us, made sure we were checked in to the wineries and could spend enough time there. We had a great trip. The girls are hoping we can get together and do it again!

Jul 2017

This was an excellent tour. We took the half day and had four stops. Our tour guide, Phil, was knowledgeable without being too chatty. He went in the wineries and introduced us and made sure we knew what we were doing. I would recommend crush wine tours they were easy to communicate with when we had questions. I recommend the half day it started at 11:00 and ended about 3:00, that was enough for us.

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