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Самостоятельный аудиотур по национальному парку Секвойя и Кингз-Каньон

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Прогуляйтесь по огромным древним рощам в Национальном парке Секвойя в рамках этого самостоятельного автомобильного тура. Станьте свидетелем гигантских секвой во всем их величии, включая генерала Шермана, самое массивное живое существо на планете. Путешествуя по этому потрясающему девственному лесу, вы узнаете о первых жителях этого района, от племени пайютов до основателей скрытной злополучной колонии. Кроме того, вы сможете полюбоваться потрясающим видом на Кингз-Каньон в рамках того же тура!

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Город: Национальный парк Секвойя и Кингз-Каньон
Sun 23 Feb
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Начинается с $14.99
Sun 23 Feb
Начинается с $14.99
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Что ожидать
Tunnel Rock
The first landmark you'll see is Tunnel Rock, an unusual natural tunnel which was once the only way into the park.
Marble Falls
Then you'll pass the Marble Falls Trail, which leads up a flower-lined path in a mountain canyon to a powerful waterfall.
Amphitheater Point
After that is your first viewpoint: Amphitheater Point. From here, you'll have sweeping views of the valleys far below.
Crystal Cave
An optional detour can take you to Crystal Cave, a marble karst cave beloved by intrepid explorers.
Moro Rock Trail
Just beyond Hanging Rock Trail, you'll come to Moro Rock, a must-see spot. Here, you can climb stairs carved into the rock to reach an overlook like no other.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
General Sherman Tree
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
Big Baldy
Continuing on, you'll pass the trailhead leading to Big Baldy, a mountain peak overlooking the beautiful Redwood Canyon.
Congress Trail
Also by General Sherman, you'll have the chance to hike the Congress Trail, which takes you to another of the park's most impressive groves.
Redwood Mountain Overlook
Then there's the Redwood Mountain Overlook, which looks out across one of the largest redwood groves in the world.
General Grant Tree Trail
Next is the trailhead which leads to the General Grant Tree, another must-see destination.
Panoramic Point
You tour through Sequoia National Park concludes with the jaw-dropping Panoramic Point overlook, but those who are looking for more adventure can continue on to the beauty of Kings Canyon!
Boyden Cavern
Then there's Boyden Cavern, a marble cave which boasts unique and fascinating mineral formations.
Zumwalt Meadow Trail
Then there's the trail for Zumwalt Meadow, which offers a scenic contrast to the powerful rock formations deep in the heart of Kings Canyon. This lush meadow is especially splendid in summer and fall.
Tunnel Rock
The first landmark you'll see is Tunnel Rock, an unusual natural tunnel which was once the only way into the park.
Marble Falls
Then you'll pass the Marble Falls Trail, which leads up a flower-lined path in a mountain canyon to a powerful waterfall.
Amphitheater Point
After that is your first viewpoint: Amphitheater Point. From here, you'll have sweeping views of the valleys far below.
Crystal Cave
An optional detour can take you to Crystal Cave, a marble karst cave beloved by intrepid explorers.
Moro Rock Trail
Just beyond Hanging Rock Trail, you'll come to Moro Rock, a must-see spot. Here, you can climb stairs carved into the rock to reach an overlook like no other.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
General Sherman Tree
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
Big Baldy
Continuing on, you'll pass the trailhead leading to Big Baldy, a mountain peak overlooking the beautiful Redwood Canyon.
Congress Trail
Also by General Sherman, you'll have the chance to hike the Congress Trail, which takes you to another of the park's most impressive groves.
Redwood Mountain Overlook
Then there's the Redwood Mountain Overlook, which looks out across one of the largest redwood groves in the world.
General Grant Tree Trail
Next is the trailhead which leads to the General Grant Tree, another must-see destination.
Panoramic Point
You tour through Sequoia National Park concludes with the jaw-dropping Panoramic Point overlook, but those who are looking for more adventure can continue on to the beauty of Kings Canyon!
Boyden Cavern
Then there's Boyden Cavern, a marble cave which boasts unique and fascinating mineral formations.
Zumwalt Meadow Trail
Then there's the trail for Zumwalt Meadow, which offers a scenic contrast to the powerful rock formations deep in the heart of Kings Canyon. This lush meadow is especially splendid in summer and fall.
Tunnel Rock
The first landmark you'll see is Tunnel Rock, an unusual natural tunnel which was once the only way into the park.
Marble Falls
Then you'll pass the Marble Falls Trail, which leads up a flower-lined path in a mountain canyon to a powerful waterfall.
Amphitheater Point
After that is your first viewpoint: Amphitheater Point. From here, you'll have sweeping views of the valleys far below.
Crystal Cave
An optional detour can take you to Crystal Cave, a marble karst cave beloved by intrepid explorers.
Moro Rock Trail
Just beyond Hanging Rock Trail, you'll come to Moro Rock, a must-see spot. Here, you can climb stairs carved into the rock to reach an overlook like no other.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
General Sherman Tree
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
Big Baldy
Continuing on, you'll pass the trailhead leading to Big Baldy, a mountain peak overlooking the beautiful Redwood Canyon.
Congress Trail
Also by General Sherman, you'll have the chance to hike the Congress Trail, which takes you to another of the park's most impressive groves.
Redwood Mountain Overlook
Then there's the Redwood Mountain Overlook, which looks out across one of the largest redwood groves in the world.
General Grant Tree Trail
Next is the trailhead which leads to the General Grant Tree, another must-see destination.
Panoramic Point
You tour through Sequoia National Park concludes with the jaw-dropping Panoramic Point overlook, but those who are looking for more adventure can continue on to the beauty of Kings Canyon!
Boyden Cavern
Then there's Boyden Cavern, a marble cave which boasts unique and fascinating mineral formations.
Zumwalt Meadow Trail
Then there's the trail for Zumwalt Meadow, which offers a scenic contrast to the powerful rock formations deep in the heart of Kings Canyon. This lush meadow is especially splendid in summer and fall.
Tunnel Rock
The first landmark you'll see is Tunnel Rock, an unusual natural tunnel which was once the only way into the park.
Marble Falls
Then you'll pass the Marble Falls Trail, which leads up a flower-lined path in a mountain canyon to a powerful waterfall.
Amphitheater Point
After that is your first viewpoint: Amphitheater Point. From here, you'll have sweeping views of the valleys far below.
Crystal Cave
An optional detour can take you to Crystal Cave, a marble karst cave beloved by intrepid explorers.
Moro Rock Trail
Just beyond Hanging Rock Trail, you'll come to Moro Rock, a must-see spot. Here, you can climb stairs carved into the rock to reach an overlook like no other.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
General Sherman Tree
Following the trail will lead you to General Sherman, the world's largest tree. At 275 feet tall and over 36 feet in diameter, this is a sight you won't soon forget!
Big Baldy
Continuing on, you'll pass the trailhead leading to Big Baldy, a mountain peak overlooking the beautiful Redwood Canyon.
Congress Trail
Also by General Sherman, you'll have the chance to hike the Congress Trail, which takes you to another of the park's most impressive groves.
Redwood Mountain Overlook
Then there's the Redwood Mountain Overlook, which looks out across one of the largest redwood groves in the world.
General Grant Tree Trail
Next is the trailhead which leads to the General Grant Tree, another must-see destination.
Panoramic Point
You tour through Sequoia National Park concludes with the jaw-dropping Panoramic Point overlook, but those who are looking for more adventure can continue on to the beauty of Kings Canyon!
Boyden Cavern
Then there's Boyden Cavern, a marble cave which boasts unique and fascinating mineral formations.
Zumwalt Meadow Trail
Then there's the trail for Zumwalt Meadow, which offers a scenic contrast to the powerful rock formations deep in the heart of Kings Canyon. This lush meadow is especially splendid in summer and fall.
Туннель Рок
Первая достопримечательность, которую вы увидите, — это Тоннельная скала, необычный естественный туннель, который когда-то был единственным путем в парк.
Мраморный водопад
Затем вы пройдете тропу Мраморных водопадов, которая ведет по усаженной цветами тропинке в горном каньоне к мощному водопаду.
Амфитеатр Пойнт
После этого ваша первая точка обзора: точка амфитеатра. Отсюда открывается потрясающий вид на долины далеко внизу.
Хрустальная пещера
Дополнительный крюк может привести вас к Хрустальной пещере, мраморной карстовой пещере, любимой бесстрашными исследователями.
Моро Рок Трейл
Сразу за тропой Висячей скалы вы попадете на скалу Моро, которую обязательно нужно посетить. Здесь вы можете подняться по лестнице, высеченной в скале, чтобы добраться до вида, как никто другой.
Национальный парк Секвойя и Кингз-Каньон
Следование приведет вас к генералу Шерману, самому большому дереву в мире. 275 футов в высоту и более 36 футов в диаметре, это зрелище вы не скоро забудете!
Генерал Шерман Три
Следование приведет вас к генералу Шерману, самому большому дереву в мире. 275 футов в высоту и более 36 футов в диаметре, это зрелище вы не скоро забудете!
большой лысый
Продолжая, вы пройдете тропу, ведущую к Большому Лысому, горной вершине с видом на красивый каньон Редвуд.
Конгресс Трейл
Также генералом Шерманом у вас будет возможность прогуляться по тропе Конгресса, которая приведет вас к одной из самых впечатляющих рощ парка.
Вид на гору Редвуд
Затем есть смотровая площадка Redwood Mountain Overlook, с которой открывается вид на одну из самых больших рощ красного дерева в мире.
Тропа генерала Гранта
Далее идет тропа, ведущая к дереву Генерала Гранта, еще одному месту, которое обязательно нужно посетить.
Панорамная точка
Ваш тур по национальному парку Секвойя завершается потрясающим видом на Панорамную точку, но те, кто ищет приключений, могут продолжить свой путь к красоте Кингз-Каньона!
Бойденская пещера
Также есть Бойденская пещера, мраморная пещера, которая может похвастаться уникальными и захватывающими минеральными образованиями.
Тропа Зумвальт-Мидоу
Затем идет тропа к Zumwalt Meadow, которая представляет собой живописный контраст с мощными скальными образованиями в глубине Кингс-Каньона. Этот пышный луг особенно великолепен летом и осенью.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (16)
Oct 2022
Great audio tour! Pleasant voice, educational and funny. The guitar song in between audio points could be shortened or a little lower in volume though😁.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled that my tour of Sequoia and Kings Canyon added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Sep 2022
The commentary was good. I could live without hearing the same song that many times. I believe more clarification on the time involved to finish the tour if stopping/hiking at each spot. Great history and educational tour. It’s like having a guide in your vehicle. I would use this again when available.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thanks so much for your feedback! I'm thrilled that my tour of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National park added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the tour and earn that extra star! I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Sep 2022
Loved the history narrated, and “optional” stops and trails. The list and map of stops helped keep us straight on the mountain roads. Enjoyed the experience!
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thanks so much for your feedback Sharon! I'm thrilled that my tour of Sequoia and Kings Canyon added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.

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