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Призрачный тур по кварталу Севильи, обед или ужин

Осмелитесь ли ВЫ пообедать или поужинать в «САМЫХ ПРИЗРАЧНЫХ» Пенсаколы и в одном из его старейших ресторанов? Послушайте, как ваш гид рассказывает истории о призраках, разврате, убийствах, беспределе и паранормальных явлениях в центре исторического города Пенсакола. Мы предоставим снаряжение для охоты на привидений, но не стесняйтесь приносить свое! Будь осторожен! К вам могут присоединиться за обедом или ужином незваные призраки. Спиртные напитки — это не только то, что есть в меню, в этом ресторане с привидениями есть больше, чем просто спиртные напитки.
Город: Пенсакола
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $50.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $50.00
Что включено
Paranormal and Ghost Hunting Equipment
Award Winning Lunch or Dinner
Paranormal and Ghost Hunting Equipment
Award Winning Lunch or Dinner
Paranormal and Ghost Hunting Equipment
Award Winning Lunch or Dinner
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Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Социальное дистанцирование обеспечивается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярно дезинфицируем места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/экипировку дезинфицируют между использованием
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Seville Quarter
Do YOU dare eat lunch in Pensacola's MOST HAUNTED and one of its oldest restaurants? Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, and paranormal activities of downtown Historic Pensacola. We will provide ghost hunting equipment, but feel free to bring your own! Be careful! You may be joined for lunch by uninvited ghosts. Spirits are not just what is on the menu, this haunted restaurant has more than just spirits on tap.
Seville Quarter
Do YOU dare eat lunch in Pensacola's MOST HAUNTED and one of its oldest restaurants? Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, and paranormal activities of downtown Historic Pensacola. We will provide ghost hunting equipment, but feel free to bring your own! Be careful! You may be joined for lunch by uninvited ghosts. Spirits are not just what is on the menu, this haunted restaurant has more than just spirits on tap.
Seville Quarter
Do YOU dare eat lunch in Pensacola's MOST HAUNTED and one of its oldest restaurants? Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, and paranormal activities of downtown Historic Pensacola. We will provide ghost hunting equipment, but feel free to bring your own! Be careful! You may be joined for lunch by uninvited ghosts. Spirits are not just what is on the menu, this haunted restaurant has more than just spirits on tap.
Квартал Севильи
Осмелитесь ли вы пообедать в «САМЫХ ПРИЗРАЧНЫХ» Пенсаколы и в одном из старейших ресторанов? Послушайте, как ваш гид рассказывает истории о призраках, разврате, убийствах, беспределе и паранормальных явлениях в центре исторического города Пенсакола. Мы предоставим снаряжение для охоты на привидений, но не стесняйтесь приносить свое! Будь осторожен! К обеду к вам могут присоединиться незваные призраки. Спиртные напитки — это не только то, что есть в меню, в этом ресторане с привидениями есть больше, чем просто спиртные напитки.
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Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (14)
Nov 2022
Very interesting tour, she tells you about all the different reported sightings and leads you around a very interesting building, lunch is also included and was very good. Overall a great experience for beginners!
Oct 2022
We have watched ghost shows but we weren’t quite sure what to believe. Ericka (medium) and her associates put several electronic devices on the bar after a short tour of the premises. It is a beautiful place. When she spoke about Wesley, the bar tender who died there, the devises started beeping. We walked around the room and tried our hand at getting the devises to interact with us. We were all given our own individual devices. My husband and I had no luck, but our son asked for an old fashioned from Wesley and the device lit up every time! We went upstairs to the brothel room and the guys were given divining rods. My husbands and another man’s twirled around and crossed. I went in the attached bathroom and my device went off and Ericka said she heard the word, “mom.” We went to the boardroom to talk to the ladies of the brothel with another device. My husband, my son, and I still had our devices and they all started going off. They would not stop going off so Ericka said my mom wanted to talk to me. Ericka told me about several things that had happened in the past and possibly in the future. I still can hardly believe how much she knew. I was and still am amazed! Then we went to another bar in the establishment and my son’s device went off again when he asked for a drink. I’m still astounded by this. There was a tv crew from channel 5 news there that day and they did film some of these events happening. We did not know they would be there and I think they were surprised by all that happened, also. If all that wasn’t enough, Ericka told me she hears a certain song in her head that starts with “a bushel and a peck” and that my mother would send me cardinals. I thought that couldn’t be so because I have never seen a cardinal outside my house. The next day we went to a restaurant that was over snd hour away. While we were looking around the gift shop area my son saw one sign that had that song on the front. That was strange. When I turned around there cardinals everywhere in the Christmas decorations. That was even stranger. I had to buy one to bring home. I would highly recommend this ghost tour. Even without all the strange things that happened to us, it was still a great adventure and the lunch was really good. We ate in a beautiful restaurant with many choices on the menu. If I lived in Pensacola I would definitely go again and again!
Oct 2022
Valerie and Erica were wonderful guides to the history and paranormal of Seville Quarter. We loved every minute of it. Also the food after the tour was delicious and very fairly priced. We highly recythis experience.

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