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Общий 3-часовой VIP-тур по Лос-Анджелесу

Это не обычный тур по сценарию. Напротив, он адаптирован и приправлен дискуссиями о культуре и истории Лос-Анджелеса. К концу этого тура у вас будут все самые популярные фотографии Лос-Анджелеса.

Благодаря нашим автомобилям с кондиционерами меньшего размера у нас есть доступ к местам, куда другие компании только хотели бы попасть.
Во время поездки у вас будет 3–4 остановки в самых знаковых местах города, и вы получите лучшие возможности для фото, а также истории мест от вашего местного гида.

Мы совершим круиз по горам к ЛУЧШИМ обзорным точкам, таким как Малхолланд-Др, остановимся у ЗНАКА ГОЛЛИВУД (СУПЕР БЛИЗКО) и выпрыгнем на знаменитой Пальмовой улице. Кроме того, мы увидим Американскую киноакадемию, где были сняты сотни блокбастеров (Люди Икс, Человек-паук, Час пик...), и исследуем скрытые жемчужины Сансет-Стрип, Беверли-Хиллз, Родео-Доктор и т. д...
Идеально подходит для путешественников, друзей, пар, семей или групп до 8 человек.

Город: Лос-Анджелес
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $49.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $49.00
Что включено
Bottled water
WiFi on board
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
WiFi on board
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Не подходит для людей весом более 250 фунтов
  • Младенцы/младенцы должны сидеть в соответствии с законодательством Калифорнии. Для них необходимо приобрести место
  • Собаки/домашние животные не допускаются
  • Не рекомендуется, если вы страдаете клаустрофобией
  • Wi-Fi предоставляется по запросу
  • Аксессуары /оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • В этом чрезвычайно трудные времена, мы хотим попросить вас о поддержке и поблагодарить вас за непреодолимое желание исследовать Лос-Анджелес. Чтобы соответствовать требованиям, все наши автомобили дезинфицируются после каждой поездки.
Что ожидать
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Hollywood Sign
Our VIP Tour is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles that features a stop at The Hollywood sign at a secret Hiking Trail ! Our Spot is the best location for the Hollywood sign photo, because it is SUPER close and there will be no other tourists in your picture.
Mulholland Drive
Scenic Route with Amazing Views on the City of Angeles !!!
Universal City Overlook
The Best Picture on The Studio City
Sunset Strip
The fabled Sunset Strip features the Chateau Marmot, a swanky celebrity hideaway, plus comedy clubs and live music venues like the legendary Whiskey a Go Go.
Greystone Mansion and Park
See the house that was featured in blockbuster movies like X Men, Spiderman, Batman & Robin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and countless classic films, tv show’s & music videos. Also, this is going to be a restroom break.
Rodeo Drive
See the Pretty Woman Hotel and take pictures of expensive boutiques and luxury cars .
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Finish the tour in the most popular area of the Walk-of-Fame and take pictures of the famous stars like Merlin Monroe, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ice Cube, etc..
Знак Голливуда
Наш VIP-тур - единственный в своем роде в Лос-Анджелесе, который включает остановку у знака Голливуда на секретной пешеходной тропе! Наше место — лучшее место для фото голливудской вывески, потому что оно СУПЕР близко и на вашем снимке не будет других туристов.
Малхолланд Драйв
Живописный маршрут с потрясающими видами на город Анхелес !!!
Юниверсал Сити Оверлук
Лучший фильм на The Studio City
Сансет Стрип
На легендарной Сансет-Стрип есть Chateau Marmot, шикарное убежище знаменитостей, а также комедийные клубы и концертные площадки, такие как легендарный Whiskey a Go Go.
Особняк и парк Грейстоун
Посмотрите на дом, который был показан в блокбастерах, таких как «Люди Икс», «Человек-паук», «Бэтмен и Робин», «Черепашки-ниндзя», а также в бесчисленных классических фильмах, телешоу и музыкальных клипах. Кроме того, это будет перерыв в туалете.
Родео Драйв
Посмотрите отель «Красотка» и сфотографируйте дорогие бутики и роскошные автомобили.
Голливудская Аллея славы
Завершите тур в самой популярной зоне Аллеи славы и сфотографируйте известных звезд, таких как Мерлин Монро, Майкл Джексон, The Beatles, Элвис Пресли, Ice Cube и т. д..
Показать 53 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (794)
Dec 2022
Excellent 3 hours of site seeing. Marco was very knowledgeable about all the main sites and we could see all the sites in a small group. The office is just across the Highland metro station on the red line.Thoroughly recommend the Viator tour.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi there! Thanks for that review, your feedback means a lot! We had a great time hosting you guys and we always aim to create memories that will last forever!!! Be safe out there! Feel free to come back and visit our website for more experiences anytime www.goldenticket.La/ Best regards
Dec 2022
This was a great experience. Kai was very knowledgeable and provided explanations along the way. Will definitely use the company again.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi there! Thanks for that review, your feedback means a lot! We had a great time hosting you guys and we always aim to create memories that will last forever!!! Be safe out there! Feel free to come back and visit our website for more experiences anytime www.goldenticket.La/ Best regards
Dec 2022
MacGregor was an exceptional tour guide! He made our experience fun and memorable! We highly recommend MacGregor and the Los Angeles VIP tour.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi there! Thanks for that review, your feedback means a lot! We had a great time hosting you guys and we always aim to create memories that will last forever!!! Be safe out there! Feel free to come back and visit our website for more experiences anytime www.goldenticket.La/ Best regards

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