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Экскурсия по лучшим галереям современного искусства «Покажи и расскажи»

Artists Talk on Art — это самая продолжительная серия лекций по изобразительному искусству в Северной Америке, это доклады и программы, собранные Смитсоновским институтом. Питер Духон возглавляет их усилия по культурному программированию. Он также является директором блога о современном искусстве Art Commentes, который охватывает различные события в мире искусства в любой момент времени.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 19 Feb
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Начинается с $80.00
Wed 19 Feb
Начинается с $80.00
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Contemporary Art PDF Dossier post tour
Contemporary Art PDF Dossier post tour
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
We'll visit the best New York contemporary art galleries nestled in the heart of Chelsea, the Upper Eastside or the Lower East Side, depending on the day and time. Each area is home to some of the most innovative art galleries in the world, we will canvas galleries in the area that are eclectic, challenging and enjoyable. We'll grab coffee and introduce ourselves in the beginning at a local cafe, and then our journey begins: painting, sculpture, installation and conceptual art from local and international artists/galleries awaits. Saturday’s we will visit Upper East Side contemporary art galleries in Manhattan. Sunday’s we will visit Manhattan galleries located in the Lower East Side. We will visit up to 6 galleries. These galleries all feature highly respected and intriguing artists whose perspectives and backgrounds varies, emerging and well established blue-chip artists.
The High Line
Most of the Chelsea galleries are situated directly underneath The High Line.
We'll visit the best New York contemporary art galleries nestled in the heart of Chelsea, the Upper Eastside or the Lower East Side, depending on the day and time. Each area is home to some of the most innovative art galleries in the world, we will canvas galleries in the area that are eclectic, challenging and enjoyable. We'll grab coffee and introduce ourselves in the beginning at a local cafe, and then our journey begins: painting, sculpture, installation and conceptual art from local and international artists/galleries awaits. Saturday’s we will visit Upper East Side contemporary art galleries in Manhattan. Sunday’s we will visit Manhattan galleries located in the Lower East Side. We will visit up to 6 galleries. These galleries all feature highly respected and intriguing artists whose perspectives and backgrounds varies, emerging and well established blue-chip artists.
The High Line
Most of the Chelsea galleries are situated directly underneath The High Line.
We'll visit the best New York contemporary art galleries nestled in the heart of Chelsea, the Upper Eastside or the Lower East Side, depending on the day and time. Each area is home to some of the most innovative art galleries in the world, we will canvas galleries in the area that are eclectic, challenging and enjoyable. We'll grab coffee and introduce ourselves in the beginning at a local cafe, and then our journey begins: painting, sculpture, installation and conceptual art from local and international artists/galleries awaits. Saturday’s we will visit Upper East Side contemporary art galleries in Manhattan. Sunday’s we will visit Manhattan galleries located in the Lower East Side. We will visit up to 6 galleries. These galleries all feature highly respected and intriguing artists whose perspectives and backgrounds varies, emerging and well established blue-chip artists.
The High Line
Most of the Chelsea galleries are situated directly underneath The High Line.
We'll visit the best New York contemporary art galleries nestled in the heart of Chelsea, the Upper Eastside or the Lower East Side, depending on the day and time. Each area is home to some of the most innovative art galleries in the world, we will canvas galleries in the area that are eclectic, challenging and enjoyable. We'll grab coffee and introduce ourselves in the beginning at a local cafe, and then our journey begins: painting, sculpture, installation and conceptual art from local and international artists/galleries awaits. Saturday’s we will visit Upper East Side contemporary art galleries in Manhattan. Sunday’s we will visit Manhattan galleries located in the Lower East Side. We will visit up to 6 galleries. These galleries all feature highly respected and intriguing artists whose perspectives and backgrounds varies, emerging and well established blue-chip artists.
The High Line
Most of the Chelsea galleries are situated directly underneath The High Line.
Мы посетим лучшие галереи современного искусства Нью-Йорка, расположенные в самом сердце Челси, в Верхнем Истсайде или Нижнем Ист-Сайде, в зависимости от дня и времени. В каждом районе находятся одни из самых инновационных художественных галерей в мире, мы создадим эклектичные, интересные и интересные галереи в этом районе. Мы возьмем кофе и представимся вначале в местном кафе, а затем начнется наше путешествие: нас ждут живопись, скульптура, инсталляция и концептуальное искусство от местных и зарубежных художников/галерей. В субботу мы посетим галереи современного искусства Верхнего Ист-Сайда на Манхэттене. В воскресенье мы посетим галереи Манхэттена, расположенные в Нижнем Ист-Сайде. Мы посетим до 6 галерей. Во всех этих галереях представлены очень уважаемые и интригующие художники, чьи взгляды и опыт различаются, начинающие и хорошо зарекомендовавшие себя голубые фишки.
Высокая линия
Большинство галерей Челси расположены прямо под The ​​High Line.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (3)
Oct 2022
The tour guide didn't show up at the departure point, and never responded to multiple messages confirming the tour.
Sep 2021
Wonderful tour with Peter as my very informative guide. Will do it again after the season starts in September
Mar 2020
“Peter is extremely intelligent and passionate on the subject of Contemporary Art as well as Film and Philosophy. He’s a great person to visit galleries with for an afternoon in Chelsea He is well read, and incredibly savvy with his perspective on the contemporary art world without being pretentious while sharing his insights and in-depth knowledge. I think you could enjoy his tour as an art expert or like myself - a newbie to the contemporary art world scene. I am a New Yorker who isn’t super entrenched in this world so I wanted more knowledge of it. He helped guide me to all the gréât galleries in Chelsea, Manhattan and gave me a tutorial on the world from many perspectives. I saw great art too. He’s a thoughtful creative companion to guide you through the NY art scene. Highly recommend this tour and would definitely do it again” - Kirsten

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