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Здание Национального архива без очереди — эксклюзивный тур с гидом

Откройте для себя бурную историю Соединенных Штатов с помощью работ, хранящихся в Национальном архиве. Этот двухчасовой эксклюзивный музейный тур с гидом исследует документы и письма, которые создали эту очень молодую, но чрезвычайно влиятельную мировую державу.
Город: Вашингтон
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $94.34
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $94.34
Что включено
Duration 2 Hours
Tour Guide Exclusively For You (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Wheelchair Friendly (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Guided Museum Tour
Duration 2 Hours
Tour Guide Exclusively For You (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Wheelchair Friendly (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Допускается не более 8 человек в одном туре.
  • Примечания. : Национальный архив и другие достопримечательности или музеи в округе Колумбия могут время от времени закрываться без предварительного предупреждения руководства музея. Когда это произойдет, мы предоставим гостям подходящую альтернативу, если время открытия музея задерживается более чем на 1 час с начала тура. В этих случаях мы не можем предоставить возмещение или скидки. Для входа на некоторые сайты в этом туре требуется соответствующая одежда. В музей не допускаются большие сумки или чемоданы, через службу безопасности пропускаются только дамские сумки или небольшие пакеты с тонкими сумками. Из-за усиленных мер безопасности на многих аттракционах могут образовываться очереди на экскурсии с пропуском без очереди или без ожидания. В некоторых определенных комнатах внутри музея действует очень тихое или ограниченное право говорить внутри, в этом случае ваш гид предоставит информацию об этих местах, прежде чем войти в определенные комнаты, где действует это правило. Некоторые коллекции могут меняться в течение года.
Что ожидать
The National Archives Museum
Enter the neoclassical building that acts as a temple to American history. Once inside, your expert guide will take you through the National Archives Rotunda to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while observing the original documents. These papers, alongside the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, are all signed by the prominent statesmen and founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton. Moving to the Public Vaults Exhibits, you’ll come face to face with letters from George Washington and John F. Kennedy. You’ll even see the Emancipation Proclamation, which, in 1863, led to the abolishment of slavery. Finally, in the Rubenstein Gallery, you’ll examine more historical documents like the Magna Carta of 1297, written well before the United States was even conceived, yet pivotal in influencing the other documents that you’ll experience in the Archives. By the end, you will have witnessed firsthand the humble documentation that created the world’s most powerful country.
The National Archives Museum
Enter the neoclassical building that acts as a temple to American history. Once inside, your expert guide will take you through the National Archives Rotunda to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while observing the original documents. These papers, alongside the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, are all signed by the prominent statesmen and founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton. Moving to the Public Vaults Exhibits, you’ll come face to face with letters from George Washington and John F. Kennedy. You’ll even see the Emancipation Proclamation, which, in 1863, led to the abolishment of slavery. Finally, in the Rubenstein Gallery, you’ll examine more historical documents like the Magna Carta of 1297, written well before the United States was even conceived, yet pivotal in influencing the other documents that you’ll experience in the Archives. By the end, you will have witnessed firsthand the humble documentation that created the world’s most powerful country.
The National Archives Museum
Enter the neoclassical building that acts as a temple to American history. Once inside, your expert guide will take you through the National Archives Rotunda to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while observing the original documents. These papers, alongside the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, are all signed by the prominent statesmen and founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton. Moving to the Public Vaults Exhibits, you’ll come face to face with letters from George Washington and John F. Kennedy. You’ll even see the Emancipation Proclamation, which, in 1863, led to the abolishment of slavery. Finally, in the Rubenstein Gallery, you’ll examine more historical documents like the Magna Carta of 1297, written well before the United States was even conceived, yet pivotal in influencing the other documents that you’ll experience in the Archives. By the end, you will have witnessed firsthand the humble documentation that created the world’s most powerful country.
The National Archives Museum
Enter the neoclassical building that acts as a temple to American history. Once inside, your expert guide will take you through the National Archives Rotunda to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while observing the original documents. These papers, alongside the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, are all signed by the prominent statesmen and founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton. Moving to the Public Vaults Exhibits, you’ll come face to face with letters from George Washington and John F. Kennedy. You’ll even see the Emancipation Proclamation, which, in 1863, led to the abolishment of slavery. Finally, in the Rubenstein Gallery, you’ll examine more historical documents like the Magna Carta of 1297, written well before the United States was even conceived, yet pivotal in influencing the other documents that you’ll experience in the Archives. By the end, you will have witnessed firsthand the humble documentation that created the world’s most powerful country.
The National Archives Museum
Enter the neoclassical building that acts as a temple to American history. Once inside, your expert guide will take you through the National Archives Rotunda to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while observing the original documents. These papers, alongside the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, are all signed by the prominent statesmen and founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton. Moving to the Public Vaults Exhibits, you’ll come face to face with letters from George Washington and John F. Kennedy. You’ll even see the Emancipation Proclamation, which, in 1863, led to the abolishment of slavery. Finally, in the Rubenstein Gallery, you’ll examine more historical documents like the Magna Carta of 1297, written well before the United States was even conceived, yet pivotal in influencing the other documents that you’ll experience in the Archives. By the end, you will have witnessed firsthand the humble documentation that created the world’s most powerful country.
Национальный архивный музей
Войдите в неоклассическое здание, которое служит храмом американской истории. Оказавшись внутри, ваш опытный гид проведет вас через ротонду Национального архива, чтобы узнать о Декларации независимости и Конституции, ознакомившись с оригинальными документами. Эти документы, наряду с Биллем о правах и Документами федералистов, подписаны видными государственными деятелями и отцами-основателями, такими как Александр Гамильтон. Перейдя к выставкам Public Vaults Exhibits, вы столкнетесь лицом к лицу с письмами Джорджа Вашингтона и Джона Ф. Кеннеди. Вы даже увидите Прокламацию об освобождении, которая в 1863 году привела к отмене рабства. Наконец, в галерее Рубенштейна вы изучите больше исторических документов, таких как Великая хартия вольностей 1297 года, написанная задолго до того, как Соединенные Штаты были зачаты, но оказавшая решающее влияние на другие документы, которые вы найдете в архивах. К концу вы воочию увидите скромную документацию, которая создала самую могущественную страну в мире.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (145)
Dec 2022
Our guide, Richard Robinson, was engaging, enjoyable and very knowledgeable. He has a marvelous way of making history so much more interesting with true stories. He also has a passion for what he does and it adds to the experience.
Dec 2022
Donna was a fantastic tour guide!! She was very knowledgeable and personable. It was well worth the money spend to do a guided tour!! She was on time, professional, and had great suggestions for after our tour. We highly recommend Babylon tours and especially Donna!
Nov 2022
The worst tour we took on our trip. Our guide was not in a healthy condition to do her job, did not know how to communicate correctly (tone voice). The worst spent two hours of my entire trip. I do not recommend it.

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