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Пропустить очередь: входной билет в музей USS Midway в Сан-Диего

Испытайте жизнь на море, не выходя из порта, посетив музей USS Midway, самую популярную достопримечательность Сан-Диего. Посещение этого исторического музея военно-морского авианосца является важным опытом для людей всех возрастов. Экскурсионные маршруты по ангарной палубе и летной палубе продемонстрируют эксклюзивную коллекцию Midway из более чем 30 отреставрированных самолетов ВМС и невероятные виды на залив Сан-Диего.

Город: Сан Диего
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $26.00
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $26.00
Что включено
Embarcadero Adventure Offers including discounts for other nearby attractions
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Audio Tour
Ability to skip the ticketing line - does not apply to lines within the attraction.
World famous Midway volunteers will bring the flight deck alive
Embarcadero Adventure Offers including discounts for other nearby attractions
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Маршрут и карта
Место встречи
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910 N Harbour Drive,
По вопросам, касающимся вашего предстоящего визита, обращайтесь напрямую в Службу по работе с гостями USS Midway по телефону 1-619-398-8264.

Пожалуйста, пройдите к главным воротам для прямого входа с этим электронным билетом.

Важно: Скриншоты штрих-кода ваучера не принимаются.
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Бесплатные инвалидные коляски предоставляются в аренду в порядке очереди.
  • Доступ к лифту от военно-морского пирса на корабль, от ангарной палубы до второй палубы и до полетной палубы.
  • Примерно 60 процентов экспонатов музея доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Видеотур с комментарием все музейные экспонаты постоянно демонстрируются на палубе ангара.
  • Парковка рядом с Midway предоставляется за дополнительную плату через парковку Ace.
  • ЧАСЫ С 10:00 ДО 17:00, ОДНАКО ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ВХОД В 16:00.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • .
Что ожидать
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
USS Midway Museum
MUSEUM HOURS 10:00 - 17:00 (LAST ENTRY AT 16:00)The USS Midway was the US Navy's longest serving carrier of the 20th century (1945-1992), and the largest ship in the world for a decade, housing 4,500 crew! Now you can walk in the footsteps of 225,000 sailors on a self-guided audio tour narrated by former Midway sailors and officers. USS Midway also contains interactive exhibits and climb-aboard aircraft for all ages. Don't miss the flight simulators, gift shop and cafe. Experience what it was like to be part of a "city at sea", explore galleys, officer's country, sleeping quarters and the engine room of the first Navy ship too large for the Panama Canal! You will be amazed by the 4-acre flight deck and the 360-degree panoramic view of downtown San Diego.
Музей авианосца Мидуэй
ЧАСЫ МУЗЕЯ 10:00 - 17:00 (ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ВХОД В 16:00) USS Midway был самым продолжительным авианосцем ВМС США 20-го века (1945-1992) и самым большим кораблем в мире за десятилетие, вмещая 4500 человек. экипаж! Теперь вы можете пройтись по стопам 225 000 моряков во время самостоятельного аудиотура, рассказанного бывшими моряками и офицерами Мидуэя. USS Midway также содержит интерактивные экспонаты и самолеты для подъема на борт для всех возрастов. Не пропустите авиасимуляторы, сувенирный магазин и кафе. Испытайте, каково это быть частью «города в море», исследовать галеры, страну офицеров, спальные помещения и машинное отделение первого корабля ВМФ, слишком большого для Панамского канала! Вы будете поражены полетной палубой площадью 4 акра и 360-градусным панорамным видом на центр Сан-Диего.
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Dec 2022
It was our first time to SD and Midway. The tour was excellent and the service members that spoke were very interesting. We believe it’s very important to have this piece of history preserved so people remember the sacrifice that people made and continue to make for us all.
Dec 2022
Loved meeting the volunteers! Fun place to meander and I definitely would bring my nieces and nephews to experience this!
Dec 2022
The parking was great, cash only… but they had an amazing holographic movie. Interesting to get to experience life on the ship. Fun rides for kids and great views

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