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Экскурсия на аэроглиссере и плантациях для небольших групп с изысканным обедом из Нового Орлеана

Грандиозная презентация каджунской и креольской культур, включая экскурсию на скоростном воздушном катере по кипарисовым болотам. Посетите плантацию Лауры, построенную в 1804 году, и узнайте о личной семейной саге Лауры. Наслаждайтесь изысканным неограниченным обедом "шведский стол" в элегантной столовой Houmas House Plantation, а затем отправляйтесь на экскурсию по этому величественному особняку. Атмосфера небольшой группы обеспечивает более личный опыт.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Mon 10 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $242.00
Mon 10 Mar
Начинается с $242.00
Что включено
Transport by 14-passenger air-conditioned van with live narration
Hotel pickup with exact pickup time provided
Fast and fun airboat tour
Tour of Houmas House and Laura Plantation
Gourmet, unlimited buffet lunch at Houmas House
Transport by 14-passenger air-conditioned van with live narration
Hotel pickup with exact pickup time provided
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
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  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри. Пожалуйста, сообщите при бронировании, чтобы организовать проживание.
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  • Тур работает при любых погодных условиях. Зонтики и дождевики доступны для использования, если гости забыли свои собственные. Если тур не может быть проведен из-за ненастной погоды, вы будете уведомлены.
  • Из-за характера аэроглиссера дети в возрасте до 5 лет, беременные женщины, люди с проблемами спины или шеи или недавно перенесшие операции не допускаются. для участия в воздушной части тура.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется места с интенсивным движением
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  • Все наши водители-гиды полностью вакцинированы. Все зоны, к которым часто прикасаются, в наших туристических фургонах дезинфицируются, а наши фургоны тщательно моются между каждым туром.
Что ожидать
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
You'll start your day driving out to Cajun Country, where you'll go through wild cypress swamps, over the Mississippi River on an impressive suspended bridge, and along vast sugarcane fields, as the guide tells a unique story of the odyssey of the Cajun people. Next take a thrilling high-speed airboat ride as you comfortably glide over marshes and into deep, secluded bayous. Your Cajun guide, also an alligator hunter and fur trapper, will share his knowledge of the swamp including reptile habits, healing plants, and exotic birds. After your ride, explore his picturesque swamp zoo on Bayou Boeuf.
Laura: Louisiana's Creole Heritage Site
Discover Laura, an 1804 Creole Plantation and learn about Laura's personal family saga. See how the West-African enslaved's work influenced all segments of the Creole culture, best seen today in cuisine, music, family-centered traditions, architecture and life-style. At Laura's Slavery Museum Exhibit, hear personal stories of individual men, women and children who lived there, illustrating how the lives of the enslaved, both Créole and American, were intertwined with those of their owners.
Houmas House and Gardens
After a short drive from Laura Plantation, you'll settle into a seated lunch in Houmas House' elegant dining room. After lunch, walk through the 250 year history of this estate and how a succession of owners and the Mississippi River grew this modest manor house into the estate it is today. A collection of art, furniture, and antique artifacts help tell the story of plantation life. 38 acres of gardens surround the mansion.
Вы начнете свой день с поездки в страну Каджун, где вы пройдете через дикие кипарисовые болота, через реку Миссисипи по впечатляющему подвесному мосту и вдоль обширных полей сахарного тростника, пока гид рассказывает уникальную историю об одиссее Каджунские люди. Затем совершите захватывающую поездку на скоростном воздушном катере, комфортно скользя по болотам и глубокому уединенному заливу. Ваш каджунский гид, также охотник на аллигаторов и звероловов, поделится своими знаниями о болоте, в том числе о привычках рептилий, целебных растениях и экзотических птицах. После поездки исследуйте его живописный болотный зоопарк на Байю-Бёф.
Лаура: объект креольского наследия Луизианы.
Откройте для себя Лауру, креольскую плантацию 1804 года, и узнайте о личной семейной саге Лауры. Посмотрите, как работа западноафриканских порабощенных повлияла на все сегменты креольской культуры, что лучше всего видно сегодня в кухне, музыке, семейных традициях, архитектуре и образе жизни. На выставке Музея рабства Лауры послушайте личные истории отдельных мужчин, женщин и детей, живших там, иллюстрирующие, как жизни порабощенных, как креолов, так и американцев, были переплетены с жизнями их владельцев.
Дом и сады Хумаса
После короткой поездки от Laura Plantation вы устроитесь на обед в элегантной столовой Houmas House. После обеда прогуляйтесь по 250-летней истории этого поместья и познакомьтесь с тем, как череда владельцев и река Миссисипи превратили этот скромный особняк в поместье, которым он является сегодня. Коллекция произведений искусства, мебели и старинных артефактов помогает рассказать историю жизни на плантациях. 38 акров садов окружают особняк.
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Отзывы (1000)
Nov 2022
The airboat was fun. Steven our tour guide shared history of the area outside of New Orleans proper. I was unaware of the extent of the sugar industry in the area. We learned about flood mitigation and how to cook.
Nov 2022
Our Guide Steve was fantastic! So knowledgeable and nice! The Plantations were incredible. Nice to learn some history although not always pleasant.
Nov 2022
awesome experience! loved the airboat and the lunch was so delicious! Plantation houses were beautiful as well. Our guide and driver Steve was so informative and fun! loved this tour!!!

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