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Экскурсия на гольф-каре по пивоварне для небольших групп по Винвуду с местным гидом

С вашим местным водителем-гидом вы насладитесь экскурсией по граффити и познакомитесь с двумя местными ремесленными пивоварнями. Этот тур больше о наслаждении и веселье, чем об образовании. Ожидайте, что ваш практичный, дружелюбный гид расскажет вам несколько историй о Винвуде и покажет вам некоторые из самых запоминающихся фресок и улиц. Сфотографируйтесь с друзьями, которых вы привели. И, конечно же, насладитесь пивом местного производства (входит в стоимость билета) в двух из 4 крафтовых пивоварен Винвуда.
Город: Майами
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $59.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $59.00
Что включено
one signature beer each at 2 different microbreweries (2 beers total on us)
Small-group tour (maximum 5 guests per cart)
Бокал шампанского
Small-group tour (maximum 5 guests per cart)
Налог на живые развлечения и применимые сборы
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Все дети должны находиться в собственном автокресле, быть пристегнутыми ремнями или быть достаточно высокими, чтобы их можно было пристегнуть без автокресла.
  • Для гостей в инвалидных креслах мы можем подойти к вашей машине и забрать вас оттуда. Пожалуйста, позвоните, чтобы договориться до даты тура.
  • Максимум пять человек на бронирование
  • Алкогольные напитки доступны для лиц в возрасте от 21 года и старше
  • Большинство людей в общественных местах не носят маски в области, и многие не носят маски в закрытых помещениях. Во Флориде нет универсального мандата на ношение масок.
Что ожидать
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is the epicenter of the Wynwood Art District. Conceived by Tony Goldman and Jeffrey Dietch, it is a collection of curated murals by artists from around the world, on the walls of former warehouses which form a series of courtyards. Many of our guests ask to be dropped off at the Wynwood Walls after the golf cart tour to see even more stunning murals. As of January the Wynwood Walls now charges to enter. See their website for further details.
Museum of Graffiti
The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and celebrate its emergence in design, fashion, advertising, and galleries. The Museum experience includes an indoor exhibition space, eleven exterior murals, a fine art gallery, and a world-class gift shop stocked with limited edition merchandise and exclusive items from the world’s most talented graffiti artists.
Wynwood Brewing Company
The first craft brewery of Wynwood (and Miami), Wynwood Brewing is a one-of-a-kind establishment, with a low-key, easy-going vibe and fantastic craft beer. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew here. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops among the 4 breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
J. Wakefield Brewing
The second oldest craft brewery in Wynwood, this establishment has a very different ambiance than Wynwood Brewing. It has a beautiful Luis Valle mural and many Star Wars murals. The beer is also fantastic. If we stop here, we will buy you a signature brew. (We reserve the right to switch up the brewery stops between the 4 Wynwood breweries, but we promise that you will have 2 craft beers on your tour!)
Стены Винвуда
Wynwood Walls - эпицентр Wynwood Art District. Задуманная Тони Голдманом и Джеффри Дитчем, это коллекция кураторских фресок художников со всего мира на стенах бывших складов, образующих серию дворов. Многие из наших гостей просят, чтобы их отвезли к Wynwood Walls после тура на тележке для гольфа, чтобы увидеть еще более потрясающие фрески. По состоянию на январь Wynwood Walls взимает плату за вход. См. их веб-сайт для получения дополнительной информации.
Музей граффити
Музей граффити был создан, чтобы сохранить историю граффити и отметить его появление в дизайне, моде, рекламе и галереях. Опыт музея включает в себя крытое выставочное пространство, одиннадцать наружных фресок, галерею изобразительного искусства и сувенирный магазин мирового класса, в котором представлены товары ограниченного выпуска и эксклюзивные предметы от самых талантливых художников-граффитистов мира.
Пивоваренная компания Винвуд
Первая крафтовая пивоварня Винвуда (и Майами), Wynwood Brewing — единственное в своем роде заведение со сдержанной, непринужденной атмосферой и фантастическим крафтовым пивом. Если мы остановимся здесь, мы купим вам здесь фирменное пиво. (Мы оставляем за собой право менять остановки пивоварни между 4 пивоварнями, но мы обещаем, что в вашем туре будет 2 сорта крафтового пива!)
Дж. Уэйкфилд Пивоварение
Вторая старейшая крафтовая пивоварня в Винвуде, это заведение отличается от Wynwood Brewing атмосферой. У этого есть красивая фреска Луиса Валье и много фресок Звездных войн. Пиво тоже фантастическое. Если мы остановимся здесь, мы купим вам фирменный напиток. (Мы оставляем за собой право менять остановки пивоварни между 4 пивоварнями Wynwood, но мы обещаем, что в вашем туре будет 2 сорта крафтового пива!)
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (2)
Dec 2022
Phenomenal fun tour. The artwork is incredible, our guide was highly knowledgeable and fun. He tailored the drive to our desires too. A memorable night we will talk about long into the future
Jun 2022
Frankie, our brewery and street art guide, was excellent. So knowledgeable of the Wynwood artists and the different techniques they use to create the beautiful art. The two brewery stops were perfect. Frankie made this tour a great experience and I highly recommend him and this tour!

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