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Небольшая группа: водопады ущелья реки Колумбия и однодневный тур на гору Худ из Портленда

Присоединяйтесь к небольшому групповому туру под руководством орегонцев по ущелью реки Колумбия и горе Худ с Портлендом, оригинальной туристической и приключенческой компанией Орегона. Ваш опытный местный гид проведет вас в однодневном приключении, исследуя самые захватывающие дух виды Тихоокеанского северо-запада, водопады и самый высокий вулкан Орегона. От Vista House до водопада Multnomah Falls и плотины Bonneville вы испытаете удивительную красоту ущелья реки Колумбия. После обеда, бокала вина или свежих фруктов в долине реки Худ - мировой столице виндсерфинга, вас проведут вверх по восточной стороне национального леса Маунт-Худ к историческому домику Timberline Lodge, расположенному на высоте 6000 футов на южной стороне Гора Худ. В отличие от других компаний, Sea to Summit ничего не пропускает... Этот тур исторически, географически информативен и чрезвычайно живописен, поэтому не забудьте фотоаппарат!

Sea to Summit организует туры в самых красивых и удобных местах. , оборудованные по индивидуальному заказу автомобили 4x4 Mercedes Benz в туриндустрии Портленда!
Город: Портленд
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $199.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $199.00
Что включено
Local guide
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Live commentary on board
Local guide
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта.
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
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  • Требуются маски для лица для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Требуются маски для лица для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
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  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Sea to Summit’s most scenic and informative full day tour, this tour is not to be missed! Your day begins with visits to Chanticleer Point, Crown Point and the Vista House, all breathtaking viewpoints of the Columbia River Gorge. Travel along the Historic Columbia River Highway constructed in 1912-1914 and explore numerous of Columbia River Gorges best waterfalls, including 620 ft. Multnomah Falls, one of North Americas tallest year round waterfalls. Continuing on, it is a short trip to the Bonneville Dam salmon ladders and Oregon’s largest fish hatchery. From the Bonneville area we pass the Bridge of the Gods and travel to the town of Hood River, Oregon the wind surfing capitol of the world. While in Hood River area a stop for lunch, by a fresh fruit stand or winery is always a option during the tour.
Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory
Continuing the journey around the scenic east side of the Mt. Hood to the National Historic Landmark, Timberline Lodge, est 1934. This Magnificent Lodge sits at 6,000 ft on the south south side of Mt. Hood, Oregon’s tallest volcano. Home to Timberline Ski Area, this historical lodge has been featured in movies such as “The Shining” and is considered to be “Everyones Playground.” Sea to Summit’s Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Hood Loop Tour is amazingly scenic and very informative, both historically and geographically. Make sure to bring comfortable shoes, light jacket, and a camera on this awesome Sea to Summit Tour!
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Sea to Summit’s most scenic and informative full day tour, this tour is not to be missed! Your day begins with visits to Chanticleer Point, Crown Point and the Vista House, all breathtaking viewpoints of the Columbia River Gorge. Travel along the Historic Columbia River Highway constructed in 1912-1914 and explore numerous of Columbia River Gorges best waterfalls, including 620 ft. Multnomah Falls, one of North Americas tallest year round waterfalls. Continuing on, it is a short trip to the Bonneville Dam salmon ladders and Oregon’s largest fish hatchery. From the Bonneville area we pass the Bridge of the Gods and travel to the town of Hood River, Oregon the wind surfing capitol of the world. While in Hood River area a stop for lunch, by a fresh fruit stand or winery is always a option during the tour.
Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory
Continuing the journey around the scenic east side of the Mt. Hood to the National Historic Landmark, Timberline Lodge, est 1934. This Magnificent Lodge sits at 6,000 ft on the south south side of Mt. Hood, Oregon’s tallest volcano. Home to Timberline Ski Area, this historical lodge has been featured in movies such as “The Shining” and is considered to be “Everyones Playground.” Sea to Summit’s Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Hood Loop Tour is amazingly scenic and very informative, both historically and geographically. Make sure to bring comfortable shoes, light jacket, and a camera on this awesome Sea to Summit Tour!
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Sea to Summit’s most scenic and informative full day tour, this tour is not to be missed! Your day begins with visits to Chanticleer Point, Crown Point and the Vista House, all breathtaking viewpoints of the Columbia River Gorge. Travel along the Historic Columbia River Highway constructed in 1912-1914 and explore numerous of Columbia River Gorges best waterfalls, including 620 ft. Multnomah Falls, one of North Americas tallest year round waterfalls. Continuing on, it is a short trip to the Bonneville Dam salmon ladders and Oregon’s largest fish hatchery. From the Bonneville area we pass the Bridge of the Gods and travel to the town of Hood River, Oregon the wind surfing capitol of the world. While in Hood River area a stop for lunch, by a fresh fruit stand or winery is always a option during the tour.
Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory
Continuing the journey around the scenic east side of the Mt. Hood to the National Historic Landmark, Timberline Lodge, est 1934. This Magnificent Lodge sits at 6,000 ft on the south south side of Mt. Hood, Oregon’s tallest volcano. Home to Timberline Ski Area, this historical lodge has been featured in movies such as “The Shining” and is considered to be “Everyones Playground.” Sea to Summit’s Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Hood Loop Tour is amazingly scenic and very informative, both historically and geographically. Make sure to bring comfortable shoes, light jacket, and a camera on this awesome Sea to Summit Tour!
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Sea to Summit’s most scenic and informative full day tour, this tour is not to be missed! Your day begins with visits to Chanticleer Point, Crown Point and the Vista House, all breathtaking viewpoints of the Columbia River Gorge. Travel along the Historic Columbia River Highway constructed in 1912-1914 and explore numerous of Columbia River Gorges best waterfalls, including 620 ft. Multnomah Falls, one of North Americas tallest year round waterfalls. Continuing on, it is a short trip to the Bonneville Dam salmon ladders and Oregon’s largest fish hatchery. From the Bonneville area we pass the Bridge of the Gods and travel to the town of Hood River, Oregon the wind surfing capitol of the world. While in Hood River area a stop for lunch, by a fresh fruit stand or winery is always a option during the tour.
Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory
Continuing the journey around the scenic east side of the Mt. Hood to the National Historic Landmark, Timberline Lodge, est 1934. This Magnificent Lodge sits at 6,000 ft on the south south side of Mt. Hood, Oregon’s tallest volcano. Home to Timberline Ski Area, this historical lodge has been featured in movies such as “The Shining” and is considered to be “Everyones Playground.” Sea to Summit’s Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Hood Loop Tour is amazingly scenic and very informative, both historically and geographically. Make sure to bring comfortable shoes, light jacket, and a camera on this awesome Sea to Summit Tour!
Национальный живописный район ущелья реки Колумбия
Самый живописный и информативный однодневный тур Sea to Summit, этот тур нельзя пропустить! Ваш день начнется с посещения мыса Чантиклер, мыса Краун и дома Виста, откуда открывается захватывающий вид на ущелье реки Колумбия. Путешествуйте по историческому шоссе реки Колумбия, построенному в 1912–1914 годах, и исследуйте многочисленные лучшие водопады ущелья реки Колумбия, в том числе водопад Малтнома высотой 620 футов, один из самых высоких круглогодичных водопадов в Северной Америке. Продолжая, это короткая поездка к лососевым лестницам на плотине Бонневиль и крупнейшему рыбоводному заводу в Орегоне. Из района Бонневиль мы проезжаем Мост Богов и направляемся в город Худ-Ривер, штат Орегон, мировую столицу виндсерфинга. Находясь в районе Худ-Ривер, во время тура всегда можно сделать остановку на обед, прилавок со свежими фруктами или винодельню.
Территория Маунт-Худ штата Орегон
Продолжаем путешествие по живописной восточной стороне горы Худ к национальному историческому памятнику, Timberline Lodge, основанному в 1934 году. Этот исторический домик, где находится горнолыжный курорт Тимберлайн, снимался в таких фильмах, как «Сияние», и считается «Игровой площадкой для всех». Экскурсия Sea to Summit по ущелью реки Колумбия и по петле горы Худ удивительно живописна и очень информативна как в историческом, так и в географическом плане. Не забудьте взять с собой удобную обувь, легкую куртку и камеру в этом потрясающем туре Sea to Summit Tour!
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Отзывы (11)
Sep 2022
I booked a tour on Viator (the Mt Hood/Gorge Tour) with Sea to Summit, and I had booked the wrong date by accident. Even though it was a no-refund tour and Viator was adamant that I would not be refunded any amount, I reached out to the company. Joshua worked on it for days with Viator to get my money refunded (over Labor Day Weekend, no less). He was super communicative, and I was on the phone with him. Sounded like a very honest and professional person. I would use them next time I'm in town and need someone to take us on a tour. Top notch service.
Feb 2020
Sea to Summit was very accommodating. I booked the full day trip including Mt Hood and Hood River. The group was originally too small, so Sea to Summit called other tour companies and added folks to ensure we could still make the trip. Our guide was incredible and had a deep knowledge of the land, indigenous people, and geology. I would have liked to explore Hood River or the Timberline for a bit longer, but we added an extra stop at a winery which made up for it. I took the tour alone, and was concerned I would be the only young person or queer person present. The group was mostly older, but we all had a really great time and the guide kept us engaged with his stories and his responses to our questions.
Jan 2020
My husband and I opted for this tour because our rental car was not worthy of the trek up Mt. Hood to Timberline Lodge. We are so glad that we did! This trip offered my husband the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sites that I had seen during the week while he drove us. Since we were there in January, it was important for him to watch the roads! In addition to the sites, Shawn? (Sean?) gave us the history of the sites as well. He was very informative, but did not drone on forever. It was a very pleasant trip and one that I would recommend.

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