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Обзорная экскурсия по Далласу и Форт-Уэрту в небольшой группе

Этот 7-часовой комбинированный тур даст вам уникальную возможность увидеть достопримечательности Далласа и Форт-Уэрта за один день.
Город: Даллас
Thu 13 Feb
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Начинается с $123.07
Thu 13 Feb
Начинается с $123.07
Что включено
Driver/local guide
Small-group combination tour of Dallas and Fort Worth highlights
Live commentary on board
Driver/local guide
Small-group combination tour of Dallas and Fort Worth highlights
Live commentary on board
Driver/local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Применяется минимальное количество . Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Маски для лица, необходимые для гидов в общественных местах
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук, доступное для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Dallas Arts District
The Arts District is Downtown’s cultural hub and home to Dallas Museum of Art and The Nasher Sculpture Center.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial is a monument to United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas erected in 1970.
Billy Bob's Texas
Billy Bob's is a huge country music honky-tonk venue with an indoor rodeo arena, mechanical bulls & dozens of bars.
Thanks-Giving Square
Thanks-Giving Square is designed to inspire gratitude and to honor the great American and world traditions of thanksgiving.
Dallas City Hall
Located near the Dallas Downtown Historic District.
Livestock Exchange Building
The Livestock Exchange Building was erected in 1902 as an office for cattle traders, and was once known as “The Wall Street of the West."
Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is a highly-visited, large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas.
John Neely Bryan Cabin
A one-room replica of the city's first house.
Old Red Museum
Historic building situated in the heart of Dealey Plaza. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture showcases Dallas County's story.
Klyde Warren Park
A beautiful oasis in the center of Dallas bridging Downtown and Uptown.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
Home of the world's only twice-daily cattle drive.
Deep Ellum (Deep Elm)
Live music capital of Dallas as well as a hub for the performing arts.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District
Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End, sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas".
McKinney Avenue
McKinney Avenue is considered Uptown Dallas' main street - it's chic and trendy with lots of historic homes and businesses.
Район искусств Далласа
Район искусств является культурным центром Даунтауна, где расположены Художественный музей Далласа и Центр скульптур Нашера.
Мемориальная площадь Джона Ф. Кеннеди
Мемориал Джона Фицджеральда Кеннеди — памятник президенту США Джону Фицджеральду Кеннеди в историческом районе Вест-Энд в центре Далласа, штат Техас, возведенный в 1970 году.
Техас Билли Боба
Billy Bob's – это огромный концертный зал, где играют хонки-тонк в стиле кантри, с крытой ареной для родео, механическими быками и десятками баров.
Площадь Благодарения
Площадь благодарения предназначена для того, чтобы вызывать благодарность и чтить великие американские и мировые традиции благодарения.
Мэрия Далласа
Расположен недалеко от исторического района Даллас-Даунтаун.
Здание животноводческой биржи
Здание Животноводческой биржи было построено в 1902 году как офис для торговцев скотом и когда-то было известно как «Уолл-Стрит Запада».
Пионер Плаза
Pioneer Plaza — это очень посещаемый большой общественный парк, расположенный в районе конференц-центра в центре Далласа, штат Техас.
Джон Нили Брайан Кейбин
Однокомнатная копия первого дома города.
Старый Красный Музей
Историческое здание, расположенное в самом центре Дили Плаза. Старый Красный музей истории и культуры округа Даллас демонстрирует историю округа Даллас.
Клайд Уоррен Парк
Красивый оазис в центре Далласа, соединяющий Даунтаун и Аптаун.
Национальный исторический район Скотных дворов Форт-Уэрта
Единственный в мире перегон крупного рогатого скота дважды в день.
Глубокий Эллум (Глубокий Вяз)
Столица живой музыки Далласа, а также центр исполнительского искусства.
Национальный исторический памятник Дили Плаза
Дили Плаза — городской парк в Вест-Энде, который иногда называют «местом рождения Далласа».
МакКинни Авеню
МакКинни-авеню считается главной улицей жилого района Далласа — она шикарная и модная, с множеством исторических домов и предприятий.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (170)
Dec 2022
This trip was well worth it!! I visited Dallas with my son and my nephew and wanted to maximize our time there. This trip concentrated on the most visited sites in Dallas and Fort Worth Stockyards. The driver (Kevin) was funny and very knowledgeable. I highly recommend this tour. Please note that as of this writing, the trip did not include a visit to actual The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza but only to the Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District. Still, highly recommended and worth every penny,
Dec 2022
Preston was our tour guide and did a wonderful job! We saw everything that needed to be seen in Dallas and then went over to Fort Worth. Well worth the money. Preston is a wealth of Dallas/Ft Worth information.
Dec 2022
My tour guide was Matt. He's a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but that added to the enjoyment of the tour for me. He provided a lot of information. For the Dallas portion, we were in the van more than I thought. I got decent enough pictures from the vehicle, but I'm sure others would've liked to get out and explore more vs. sitting on the side of the road for 15+ minutes at multiple spots. I enjoyed the Fort Worth portion too. I'm not into shopping much, but there are various stores and restaurants to peruse. Horse drawn carriage rides, horseback riding, ice skating, a maze, and mechanical bull riding were some of the available activities.

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