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Небольшая группа по Голливуду, пляжам Лос-Анджелеса и туру по местам съемок из Анахайма

Прямой трансфер из отелей Анахайма, Диснейленда и отелей Буэна-Парк. Небольшой групповой тур с максимум 12 пассажирами придает ощущение интимности и индивидуальности. Захватывающий вид на знак Голливуда и великолепный вид на Лос-Анджелес во время нашей остановки в обсерватории. Тур покажет вам множество мест съемок теле- и кинофильмов. Мы предлагаем бесплатный трансфер до отеля в районе LAX после тура около 15:30. Оставьте свой багаж в автобусе, пока вы наслаждаетесь достопримечательностями. Независимо от того, находитесь ли вы в отпуске или на отдыхе, если вы ищете лучшие семейные развлечения в Анахайме, присоединяйтесь к этому однодневному туру для небольших групп и получите самые полные знания о Лос-Анджелесе. Наслаждайтесь посещением Голливуда, где вы можете увидеть множество достопримечательностей, прежде чем отправиться на Беверли-Хиллз и Родео-Драйв! Наконец, порезвитесь на пляжах Санта-Моники и Венеции, чтобы расслабиться в конце дня. Бесплатный трансфер из отеля в Анахайме включен в стоимость.
Город: Анахайм и Буэна Парк
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $91.00
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $91.00
Что включено
Hotel pickup and drop-off from hotels in Anaheim Resort Area and Buena Park
Sightseeing tour
Hotel pickup and drop-off from hotels in Anaheim Resort Area and Buena Park
Sightseeing tour
Hotel pickup and drop-off from hotels in Anaheim Resort Area and Buena Park
Sightseeing tour
Hotel pickup and drop-off from hotels in Anaheim Resort Area and Buena Park
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Необходимо размещение с младенцами сидеть на коленях у взрослого
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Для путешественников и сотрудников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
Что ожидать
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, California Science center, Staples Center ( home of the Grammy's Award) and where the Lakers, Clippers and the Kings play. Music Center and the LA Theater district
Griffith Observatory
Commanding view of Los Angeles and see the Hollywood sign upclose
After hotel pick-up, make your way up to Hollywood. Stroll along Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame. See if you can spot your favorite celebrities star! You'll see the Dolby Theater - Home of the Oscars, the TCL Chinese Theater where thousands of movies have premiered over the years; and get a great view of the Hollywood Sign from the deck at the Dolby Theater.
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard - home to an array of famous bars, night clubs and restaurants such as the Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Playground to the star. Get ready for a story of a life time as we drive through Sunset strip
Beverly Hills
Home to the stars
Rodeo Drive
Made uber-famous in Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts, this iconic stretch of road ends at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. This is THE place for the rich and famous to shop! Photo Stop with the Beverly Hills sign at the Beverly Glen Park
The Original Farmers Market
Enjoy a 1-hour lunch stop and time to browse the shops
Santa Monica Pier
After lunch, head to Santa Monica beach - the west coast end of Route 66 on the Pacific Ocean.
Venice Beach
The eccentric and eclectic Venice Beach - stroll the markets, take in the sights at Muscle Beach, visit the famous skate board park and wander along the Boardwalk.
Marina del Rey Harbor
Last but not least head to Marina Del Rey - the biggest man-made marina for small boats and yachts.
Los Angeles
We make extra stops by request. we can always make a stop at your favorite spot to take a photo. Just let our friendly driver know. We are ready to make accommodations according to your interests
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, California Science center, Staples Center ( home of the Grammy's Award) and where the Lakers, Clippers and the Kings play. Music Center and the LA Theater district
Griffith Observatory
Commanding view of Los Angeles and see the Hollywood sign upclose
After hotel pick-up, make your way up to Hollywood. Stroll along Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame. See if you can spot your favorite celebrities star! You'll see the Dolby Theater - Home of the Oscars, the TCL Chinese Theater where thousands of movies have premiered over the years; and get a great view of the Hollywood Sign from the deck at the Dolby Theater.
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard - home to an array of famous bars, night clubs and restaurants such as the Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Playground to the star. Get ready for a story of a life time as we drive through Sunset strip
Beverly Hills
Home to the stars
Rodeo Drive
Made uber-famous in Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts, this iconic stretch of road ends at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. This is THE place for the rich and famous to shop! Photo Stop with the Beverly Hills sign at the Beverly Glen Park
The Original Farmers Market
Enjoy a 1-hour lunch stop and time to browse the shops
Santa Monica Pier
After lunch, head to Santa Monica beach - the west coast end of Route 66 on the Pacific Ocean.
Venice Beach
The eccentric and eclectic Venice Beach - stroll the markets, take in the sights at Muscle Beach, visit the famous skate board park and wander along the Boardwalk.
Marina del Rey Harbor
Last but not least head to Marina Del Rey - the biggest man-made marina for small boats and yachts.
Los Angeles
We make extra stops by request. we can always make a stop at your favorite spot to take a photo. Just let our friendly driver know. We are ready to make accommodations according to your interests
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, California Science center, Staples Center ( home of the Grammy's Award) and where the Lakers, Clippers and the Kings play. Music Center and the LA Theater district
Griffith Observatory
Commanding view of Los Angeles and see the Hollywood sign upclose
After hotel pick-up, make your way up to Hollywood. Stroll along Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame. See if you can spot your favorite celebrities star! You'll see the Dolby Theater - Home of the Oscars, the TCL Chinese Theater where thousands of movies have premiered over the years; and get a great view of the Hollywood Sign from the deck at the Dolby Theater.
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard - home to an array of famous bars, night clubs and restaurants such as the Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Playground to the star. Get ready for a story of a life time as we drive through Sunset strip
Beverly Hills
Home to the stars
Rodeo Drive
Made uber-famous in Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts, this iconic stretch of road ends at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. This is THE place for the rich and famous to shop! Photo Stop with the Beverly Hills sign at the Beverly Glen Park
The Original Farmers Market
Enjoy a 1-hour lunch stop and time to browse the shops
Santa Monica Pier
After lunch, head to Santa Monica beach - the west coast end of Route 66 on the Pacific Ocean.
Venice Beach
The eccentric and eclectic Venice Beach - stroll the markets, take in the sights at Muscle Beach, visit the famous skate board park and wander along the Boardwalk.
Marina del Rey Harbor
Last but not least head to Marina Del Rey - the biggest man-made marina for small boats and yachts.
Los Angeles
We make extra stops by request. we can always make a stop at your favorite spot to take a photo. Just let our friendly driver know. We are ready to make accommodations according to your interests
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, California Science center, Staples Center ( home of the Grammy's Award) and where the Lakers, Clippers and the Kings play. Music Center and the LA Theater district
Griffith Observatory
Commanding view of Los Angeles and see the Hollywood sign upclose
After hotel pick-up, make your way up to Hollywood. Stroll along Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame. See if you can spot your favorite celebrities star! You'll see the Dolby Theater - Home of the Oscars, the TCL Chinese Theater where thousands of movies have premiered over the years; and get a great view of the Hollywood Sign from the deck at the Dolby Theater.
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard - home to an array of famous bars, night clubs and restaurants such as the Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Playground to the star. Get ready for a story of a life time as we drive through Sunset strip
Beverly Hills
Home to the stars
Rodeo Drive
Made uber-famous in Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts, this iconic stretch of road ends at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. This is THE place for the rich and famous to shop! Photo Stop with the Beverly Hills sign at the Beverly Glen Park
The Original Farmers Market
Enjoy a 1-hour lunch stop and time to browse the shops
Santa Monica Pier
After lunch, head to Santa Monica beach - the west coast end of Route 66 on the Pacific Ocean.
Venice Beach
The eccentric and eclectic Venice Beach - stroll the markets, take in the sights at Muscle Beach, visit the famous skate board park and wander along the Boardwalk.
Marina del Rey Harbor
Last but not least head to Marina Del Rey - the biggest man-made marina for small boats and yachts.
Los Angeles
We make extra stops by request. we can always make a stop at your favorite spot to take a photo. Just let our friendly driver know. We are ready to make accommodations according to your interests
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, California Science center, Staples Center ( home of the Grammy's Award) and where the Lakers, Clippers and the Kings play. Music Center and the LA Theater district
Griffith Observatory
Commanding view of Los Angeles and see the Hollywood sign upclose
After hotel pick-up, make your way up to Hollywood. Stroll along Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame. See if you can spot your favorite celebrities star! You'll see the Dolby Theater - Home of the Oscars, the TCL Chinese Theater where thousands of movies have premiered over the years; and get a great view of the Hollywood Sign from the deck at the Dolby Theater.
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard - home to an array of famous bars, night clubs and restaurants such as the Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Playground to the star. Get ready for a story of a life time as we drive through Sunset strip
Beverly Hills
Home to the stars
Rodeo Drive
Made uber-famous in Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts, this iconic stretch of road ends at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. This is THE place for the rich and famous to shop! Photo Stop with the Beverly Hills sign at the Beverly Glen Park
The Original Farmers Market
Enjoy a 1-hour lunch stop and time to browse the shops
Santa Monica Pier
After lunch, head to Santa Monica beach - the west coast end of Route 66 on the Pacific Ocean.
Venice Beach
The eccentric and eclectic Venice Beach - stroll the markets, take in the sights at Muscle Beach, visit the famous skate board park and wander along the Boardwalk.
Marina del Rey Harbor
Last but not least head to Marina Del Rey - the biggest man-made marina for small boats and yachts.
Los Angeles
We make extra stops by request. we can always make a stop at your favorite spot to take a photo. Just let our friendly driver know. We are ready to make accommodations according to your interests
Центр города
Мемориальный Колизей Лос-Анджелеса, Калифорнийский научный центр, Стейплс-центр (дом вручения премии Грэмми) и место, где играют «Лейкерс», «Клипперс» и «Кингз». Музыкальный центр и театральный район Лос-Анджелеса
Обсерватория Гриффита
Потрясающий вид на Лос-Анджелес и знак Голливуда крупным планом
После встречи в отеле отправляйтесь в Голливуд. Прогуляйтесь по Голливудскому бульвару и Аллее славы. Узнай, сможешь ли ты найти свою любимую знаменитость! Вы увидите Театр Долби - дом Оскара, Китайский театр TCL, где за эти годы были показаны премьеры тысяч фильмов; и получить прекрасный вид на знак Голливуда с палубы в театре Долби.
Бульвар Сансет
Бульвар Сансет — дом для множества известных баров, ночных клубов и ресторанов, таких как Whiskey a Go Go, The Viper Room... Площадка для звезд. Приготовьтесь к рассказу о жизни, когда мы проезжаем по Сансет Стрип.
Беверли Хиллс
Дом к звездам
Родео Драйв
Этот культовый участок дороги, прославившийся благодаря фильму «Красотка» с Джулией Робертс в главной роли, заканчивается у отеля Beverly Wilshire. Это место для богатых и знаменитых, чтобы делать покупки! Фото-стоп со знаком Беверли-Хиллз в парке Беверли-Глен
Оригинальный фермерский рынок
Наслаждайтесь 1-часовой остановкой на обед и временем, чтобы просмотреть магазины
Пирс Санта-Моники
После обеда отправляйтесь на пляж Санта-Моники — западный конец шоссе 66 на Тихом океане.
Венецианский пляж
Эксцентричный и эклектичный Венис-Бич — прогуляйтесь по рынкам, осмотрите достопримечательности Muscle Beach, посетите знаменитый скейт-парк и прогуляйтесь по променаду.
Гавань Марина дель Рей
И последнее, но не менее важное: отправляйтесь в Марину Дель Рей — самую большую искусственную пристань для небольших лодок и яхт.
Дополнительные остановки делаем по запросу. мы всегда можем сделать остановку в вашем любимом месте, чтобы сделать фото. Просто сообщите об этом нашему дружелюбному водителю. Мы готовы сделать размещение в соответствии с вашими интересами
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (446)
Dec 2022
Amazing day with the kindest, incredibly knowledgeable tour guide. Wealth of information and fun facts, lots of time to tour around and shop, amazing stop for lunch, and an ocean sunset. Highly recommend everyone to take this tour!
Dec 2022
Small intimate tour with lots of stops and views along the way. Picked up right in front of our hotel. I would highly recommend this tour because you get to see a little bit of everything and it was very casual.
Dec 2022
Pick up on time. Albert was a safe driver and informative guide. All the stories on different sites were appreciated. Really enjoyed the day trip.

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