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Небольшая групповая VIP-тур с ламантиновым понтоном в Кристал-Ривер

Мы откроем вам тайну! Вы можете получить первоклассный опыт по доступной цене! Наш новый роскошный понтон с подогревом (зимой) предназначен для наблюдения за ламантинами и проведения более личного мероприятия! Понаблюдайте за находящимся под угрозой исчезновения вест-индским ламантином в идиллическом национальном заповеднике дикой природы Кингс-Бей в Кристал-Ривер. Ваши капитаны и гиды, имеющие лицензию Береговой охраны США, отведут вас в 600-акровые родниковые воды убежища, где вы сможете понаблюдать и поплавать с маской и трубкой с этими медленно движущимися дикими гигантами. Все оборудование, сборы, закуски и напитки включены в стоимость.
Город: Хрустальная река
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $101.38
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $101.38
Что включено
Professional guide
Use of equipment (mask, snorkel gear and wet suit)
Introductory/instructional video offered in English, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish
Beverages (bottled water, coffee, hot chocolate, tea and adult)
Professional guide
Use of equipment (mask, snorkel gear and wet suit)
Introductory/instructional video offered in English, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Цена для взрослых распространяется на всех путешественников
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Гидрокостюмы доступны в размерах от малышей (2 года и старше) до взрослых до 5X
  • Рекомендуется надевать купальник под одежду для более быстрая регистрация
  • Пожалуйста, возьмите с собой полотенце и полиэтиленовый пакет для хранения ваших вещей
  • Дети младше 3 лет не допускаются в этот тур. Пожалуйста, позвоните для других вариантов.
  • Политика пост-COVID-19 — мы тщательно очищаем водные транспортные средства между посетителями.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
River Ventures
Embark on your journey with a Coast Guard Certified Master Captain who will be your in water chaperon, educator and photographer. Your tour will run four hours from start to finish and everything you will need is included for one price. You will begin at our full-service tour facility, where you will be educated about the animals in a classroom type setting and receive tips for your snorkel tour to make the most of your day. You will be taught the in’s and out’s of ‘passive interaction’ as this ensures that the animals enjoy the experience as much as we do! You will then be suited up and transported to the dock, where a Coast Guard certified covered pontoon will be waiting for you. This rich estuary will amaze…..birds, fish and wildlife abound! Submerge yourself in the manatee’s world! Finish your adventure by viewing your Captain’s photos back at our facility and be sure to visit our one-of-a-kind gift shop! Our well-informed staff will direct to other local attractions, restaurants and answer of your questions before you are on your way.
Речные предприятия
Отправляйтесь в путешествие с капитаном, сертифицированным береговой охраной, который будет вашим водным сопровождающим, педагогом и фотографом. Ваш тур будет длиться четыре часа от начала до конца, и все, что вам нужно, включено в одну цену. Вы начнете с нашего туристического объекта с полным спектром услуг, где вы узнаете о животных в классной обстановке и получите советы для вашего тура с маской и трубкой, чтобы максимально использовать свой день. Вас научат тонкостям «пассивного взаимодействия», так как это гарантирует, что животные получат такое же удовольствие, как и мы! Затем вас оденут и доставят к причалу, где вас будет ждать сертифицированный крытый понтон береговой охраны. Это богатое устье поразит… ..изобилие птиц, рыб и диких животных! Погрузитесь в мир ламантинов! Завершите свое приключение, просмотрев фотографии своего капитана на нашем объекте, и обязательно посетите наш единственный в своем роде магазин подарков! Наш хорошо информированный персонал направит вас к другим местным достопримечательностям, ресторанам и ответит на ваши вопросы, прежде чем вы отправитесь в путь.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (565)
Lynnsey-Anne M
Dec 2022
This was my third times doing the tour with this company. I am from Canada and love this company they give amazing tours never disappointed. From the time you come into the building til you leave they are amazing. Great service and experience all while not risking the Manatees they clearly all adore. This time was Shanna and Emerson they were amazing we had a great group of four and saw a baby and mom. They baby loved my boyfriend lol (not that I blame it!) I will be coming back again we will be trying to go on this tour once or twice a year as it is incredible. Can't wait to bring my grandson when he is old enough. Thank you for the third time for an amazing experience. Lynnsey-Anne From Canada
Dec 2022
Mike and Emerson where great, informative and funny. Had us with Manatees within 10 minutes. Great trip. Definitely will return.
Dec 2022
We had a great time with Faith and Todd- so glad we ended up doing the swimming tour rather than kayaks. Would definitely do this again!!

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