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Дегустационный тур для небольших групп по долине Сонома

Присоединяйтесь к нам в однодневном винном туре для небольших групп по винодельческой стране Spectacular Sonoma Valley! Вы посетите три очаровательных винодельни на проселочных дорогах и насладитесь пикником в идиллической обстановке винодельни. Ваш гид расскажет увлекательные истории и поделится множеством интересных фактов о местной истории, культуре и виноделии. Наша специализация - интимные, беззаботные и действительно незабываемые впечатления. Ваш гид приготовит для вас вкусный пикник на живописной винодельне. После завершения тура вас высадят с того места, где вас забрали. В туре обычно участвуют 8–12 гостей.
Город: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $129.69
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $129.69
Что включено
3 winery visits
Hotel pickup and drop-off within tour region (Not San Francisco)
Bottled water
Picnic lunch
Driver Tour Guide
Transport by small shuttle
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются служебные животные
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст – 21 год
  • Максимум 8 человек в одном бронировании
  • li>
  • Пожалуйста, позвоните местному оператору после бронирования, чтобы сообщить номер мобильного телефона и адрес электронной почты.
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о любых конкретных диетических требованиях во время бронирования
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о конкретных диетических требования при бронировании
  • Чаевые гиду (рекомендуется 15-20%) на человека; Группы из 5 и более человек, путешествующие вместе, считаются большой группой, и в конце тура для гида будет взиматься 15% чаевых.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах.
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются.
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки
  • Мы показываем потрясающие (и безопасные для COVID) винные туры! Машины часто дезинфицируют. Дезинфицирующее средство для рук в автобусе. В соответствии с правилами перевозки CDC мы рекомендуем гостям носить маски на борту экскурсионного шаттла. Безопасно, но все равно весело.
Что ожидать
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Долина Сонома
Ваш тур начнется с забора из вашего отеля в Сономе. В зависимости от того, где вы остановились, будет определен регион тура, который вы посетите. Если ваше жилье находится за пределами винодельческого региона, вы можете договориться о встрече с нами в общем месте встречи. Вы посетите три очаровательных винодельни на проселочных дорогах и устроите пикник в идиллической обстановке винодельни. Ваш гид расскажет увлекательные истории и поделится множеством интересных фактов о местной истории, культуре и виноделии. Это не хитрая или туристическая деятельность. Наша специальность интимная, беззаботная и действительно запоминающаяся. Этот тур обязательно развлечет вас очень доступным и непринужденным стилем. Откройте для себя и насладитесь новыми впечатлениями, попробовав одни из самых знаменитых вин в мире. Наш типичный гость не обязательно является винным экспертом, но хочет немного узнать о вине и виноделии и готов поделиться своим опытом с несколькими другими винными авантюристами-единомышленниками.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (50)
Jun 2019
We had a great day touring wineries with Platypus! We visited four wineries, with different characteristics: a small not-even-boutique-sized winery where the wines all come from one small location in the valley (loved the port + chocolate combo); a family vineyard homestead where we hung out with the Australian winemaker and had a simple but tasty lunch made by our driver; a classy and modern wine tasting room right off the highway with wines from all over Sonoma and a beautiful backyard lawn; and finally a tasting building with an awesome shaded patio and a friendly winery dog. Our tour group was a good mix of couples and friend groups, our guide is clearly well-known in the area. The one downside was the drive through the backroads made us a bit carsick--that's to be expected with windy roads, but some soda might have been nice to combat the discomfort. They had tons of fresh cold water on the bus for us though, as well as a cheese and crackers plate. We bought wine at every stop, and I feel like we got a really good value for the tour.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2019
I really appreciate that you took the time to write such a detailed account of your tour with us. Every tour day is different and serendipitous, and it looks like most of the elements came together nicely that day (most often this is the case) Sorry that 'off the beaten path' often involves the winding back roads, but usually, they are not too bad. Thanks for your suggestion about the soda water. Also, the reason our guides are so well known among the wineries is that they have been building on these relationships for years (many years, for several of them) and these friendships most often result in our guests receiving insider's status at the wineries. I hope we'll see you again one day soon!
May 2019
This was our second tour with Platypus. It was another great tour! Chris our guide was fantastic! He helped make the day care free. Thanks for a fun day!!
Mary D
Nov 2018
My husband and I decided to take the Platypus Sonoma tour so that we could do tasting at wineries outside the city without having to drive. This tour isn't cheap, but it's comparable in price to similar tours and, in my opinion, well worth the price. Rob was friendly and pleasant, and made the tour fun. The wineries he chose were small and family owned with nice selections of wine. A cheese platter was provided for snacking on the bus, along with plenty of water for the trip and a satisfying lunch which Rob prepared at one of the wineries. The tour lasted for most of the day, and at no point did we feel rushed. We both loved the tour, and would heartily recommend it.

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