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Дегустационный тур для небольших групп по долине Сонома

Присоединяйтесь к нам в однодневном винном туре для небольших групп по винодельческой стране Spectacular Sonoma Valley! Вы посетите три очаровательных винодельни на проселочных дорогах и насладитесь пикником в идиллической обстановке винодельни. Ваш гид расскажет увлекательные истории и поделится множеством интересных фактов о местной истории, культуре и виноделии. Наша специализация - интимные, беззаботные и действительно незабываемые впечатления. Ваш гид приготовит для вас вкусный пикник на живописной винодельне. После завершения тура вас высадят с того места, где вас забрали. В туре обычно участвуют 8–12 гостей.
Город: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $129.69
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $129.69
Что включено
3 winery visits
Hotel pickup and drop-off within tour region (Not San Francisco)
Bottled water
Picnic lunch
Driver Tour Guide
Transport by small shuttle
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются служебные животные
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст – 21 год
  • Максимум 8 человек в одном бронировании
  • li>
  • Пожалуйста, позвоните местному оператору после бронирования, чтобы сообщить номер мобильного телефона и адрес электронной почты.
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о любых конкретных диетических требованиях во время бронирования
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о конкретных диетических требования при бронировании
  • Чаевые гиду (рекомендуется 15-20%) на человека; Группы из 5 и более человек, путешествующие вместе, считаются большой группой, и в конце тура для гида будет взиматься 15% чаевых.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах.
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются.
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки
  • Мы показываем потрясающие (и безопасные для COVID) винные туры! Машины часто дезинфицируют. Дезинфицирующее средство для рук в автобусе. В соответствии с правилами перевозки CDC мы рекомендуем гостям носить маски на борту экскурсионного шаттла. Безопасно, но все равно весело.
Что ожидать
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Sonoma Valley
Your tour will begin with pickup from your Sonoma area hotel. Depending on where you are staying will define the tour region that you will be visiting. If your accommodations are outside of the winery region, you can arrange to meet us a general meeting spot. You’ll visit three charming, backroads wineries and be served a picnic lunch in an idyllic winery setting. Your tour guide will tell fascinating stories and share many interesting tidbits about local history, culture and wine making. This is not a smarmy or touristy activity. Our specialty is intimate, light-hearted and truly memorable. This tour is sure to entertain with a very approachable and easy-going style. Discover and savor new experiences tasting some of the world’s most celebrated wines. Our typical guest is not necessarily a wine expert but keen to learn a bit about wine and wine-making, and is open to sharing the experience with a few other like-minded wine adventurers.
Долина Сонома
Ваш тур начнется с забора из вашего отеля в Сономе. В зависимости от того, где вы остановились, будет определен регион тура, который вы посетите. Если ваше жилье находится за пределами винодельческого региона, вы можете договориться о встрече с нами в общем месте встречи. Вы посетите три очаровательных винодельни на проселочных дорогах и устроите пикник в идиллической обстановке винодельни. Ваш гид расскажет увлекательные истории и поделится множеством интересных фактов о местной истории, культуре и виноделии. Это не хитрая или туристическая деятельность. Наша специальность интимная, беззаботная и действительно запоминающаяся. Этот тур обязательно развлечет вас очень доступным и непринужденным стилем. Откройте для себя и насладитесь новыми впечатлениями, попробовав одни из самых знаменитых вин в мире. Наш типичный гость не обязательно является винным экспертом, но хочет немного узнать о вине и виноделии и готов поделиться своим опытом с несколькими другими винными авантюристами-единомышленниками.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (50)
Dec 2021
Sam is the best guide we’ve had for anything anywhere in the world. He made our Sonoma experience phenomenal and his wealth of knowledge on the region and its offerings is astounding! We learned so much from him. When another wine tour company canceled our trip at the last minute (because they didn’t have enough people signed up to make it worth their while), Platypus was our saving grace. They took us with less than 24hrs notice and we ended up with just one other couple on our tour (the ideal situation). We got to visit three beautiful vineyards/wineries in the area and everywhere we went, it was the VIP treatment! It was like we were traveling with the mayor: Sam knows everybody and is a local celebrity! The lunch provided was stellar (they even had a solid vegetarian option) and the service was impeccable. We got picked up at our AirBnb in the morning and then dropped off at our dinner reservation in the evening. Simplest process. Could not have asked for a better experience. 5 stars all around. THANK YOU!!
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2022
Yep; Sam is a tour guide who has elevated his presentation so much over the years, I would consider it an art. His enthusiasm and curiosity about the world is infectious (an heck, we don't use that term lightly anymore! 🙄) Anyway, I'm so glad it worked out and that we had the pleasure of touring you. I'm proud of that lunch too, because we operate our own commercial kitchen and we have a really sharp and dedicated staff there, too. Thanks so much for posting!
Nov 2021
We took two tours with this company - both with different tour guides. We did not know until after our first tour that 1) the tour guide puts together the tour 2) she wineries are not eager to book groups due to the pandemic (at least this is what were told). Our first tour included the following wineries: Deefield Ranch, Wellington, and Ty Caton. The tour was very disappointing. Our guide, Stephen evidently thought these three were a great way to showcase wine country, Deerfield was a fun and different experience - beautiful view and a fun tasting in a cave-like setting. At Wellington we sat outside and had lunch with our group. The winery was under construction and there were ports-pots provided for us. Even though there were no other guests, someone from our group had to go three times to remind our server we were ready to continue our tasting. The last stop at Ty Caton, we all sat on fake leather furniture in a warehouse and listened to the server, Paul, tell us his whole life story. The next day, I called the company and said I wanted to cancel our second tour and explained why. Thankfully, a different tour guide, Linda, saved the day. She started her tour at Sabastiani and since we had already been there, she suggested we join the tour after the first stop. Our second stop was Nicholson Winery was everything I had hoped for on my first trip to Sonoma - beautiful views and great service. The third winery Buena Vista was also fabulous. I am glad we stayed with the trip but I would ask in the future if we can know ahead of time what wineries we are visiting. We were only there for four days and wanted to maximize our time and get the best experience.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2022
Thanks very much for posting your observations of the two tours you took with us. I apologize the first one was such a disappointment. That guide was still in his first year with us. He had plenty of experience working for a different tour company, but unlearning bad habits can sometimes be more challenging than starting from scratch. I'm happy to report that he has been improving steadily since your tour with him, and I have high hopes that he will be a great tour guide. Please do contact me if you would like to discuss your experience with his tour further. I really regret that we failed to do better for you.
Oct 2021
We had a wonderful experience with our great tour guide Bob from Platypus tours. He was extremely well versed in wine making, in addition to the local area and wineries. This was one of the best tours we have taken in wine country.

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