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Смитсоновский музей естественной истории - Эксклюзивная экскурсия по музею

Присоединяйтесь к двухчасовой эксклюзивной экскурсии по Национальному музею естественной истории, где представлены редкие чудеса со всего мира. Экскурсия проведет вас через минералы, млекопитающих и мумии, которые восхищают посетителей уже более века.
Город: Вашингтон
Sun 22 Sep
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Начинается с $94.34
Sun 22 Sep
Начинается с $94.34
Что включено
Duration 2 Hours
Tour Guide Exclusively For You (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Wheelchair Friendly (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Guided Museum Tour
Duration 2 Hours
Tour Guide Exclusively For You (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Wheelchair Friendly (Does NOT apply if you choose "SAVE! BOOK SEMI-PRIVATE" option)
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта: инвалидные коляски доступный
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Крайне важно, чтобы вы предоставили нам гостей МОБИЛЬНЫЕ НОМЕР ТЕЛЕФОНА (включая код страны)
  • Примечания: Музей естественной истории и другие достопримечательности или музеи в округе Колумбия могут время от времени закрываться без предварительного предупреждения со стороны руководства музея. Когда это произойдет, мы предоставим гостям подходящую альтернативу, если время открытия музея задерживается более чем на 1 час с начала тура. В этих случаях мы не можем предоставить возмещение или скидки. Для входа на некоторые сайты в этом туре требуется соответствующая одежда. В музей не допускаются большие сумки или чемоданы, через службу безопасности пропускаются только дамские сумки или небольшие пакеты с тонкими сумками. Из-за усиленных мер безопасности на многих аттракционах могут образовываться очереди на экскурсии с пропуском без очереди или без ожидания. В некоторых определенных комнатах внутри музея действует очень тихое или ограниченное право говорить внутри, в этом случае ваш гид предоставит информацию об этих местах, прежде чем войти в определенные комнаты, где действует это правило. Некоторые коллекции могут меняться в течение года.
Что ожидать
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your guide will take you to visit the highlights of the collection, housed in a massive building that covers the area of 18 football fields. Gaze into the world-famous Hope Diamond, whose brilliant blue sparkle, and immodest size at 46 karats, captured the attention of former owner Marie Antoinette. Wander through the displays of gems and minerals, including the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, the world’s largest gem of its type, which glows brilliantly from within. Travel back in time to learn about death rituals while exploring real mummies from Ancient Egypt. Then step out of the past into the wild, exploring the mighty polar bears, elephants, and giraffes that roam across earth’s surface. From the land, jump into the sea at the Ocean Hall, where you’ll discover a live coral reef exhibit as well as a 45-ton whale, Phoenix, which is a replica of a real living what that the museum tracks. By the end, you’ll understand why so many people come to visit the 126.5 million artefacts housed at the National Museum of Natural History.
Смитсоновский национальный музей естественной истории
Ваш гид проведет вас к достопримечательностям коллекции, расположенной в огромном здании площадью 18 футбольных полей. Взгляните на всемирно известный бриллиант Хоуп, чье ярко-голубое сияние и нескромный размер в 46 карат привлекли внимание бывшей владелицы Марии-Антуанетты. Прогуляйтесь по выставкам драгоценных камней и минералов, в том числе по аквамарину Дом Педро, крупнейшему в мире драгоценному камню такого типа, который ярко светится изнутри. Путешествуйте во времени, чтобы узнать о ритуалах смерти, исследуя настоящие мумии из Древнего Египта. Затем выйдите из прошлого в дикую природу, исследуя могучих белых медведей, слонов и жирафов, которые бродят по поверхности земли. С суши прыгните в море в Океаническом зале, где вы обнаружите живой экспонат кораллового рифа, а также 45-тонного кита Феникса, который является точной копией настоящего живого существа, которое отслеживает музей. К концу вы поймете, почему так много людей приходят посмотреть на 126,5 миллионов артефактов, хранящихся в Национальном музее естественной истории.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (202)
Aug 2022
We are not from DC and of course we got lost from the parking garage. Being able to navigate such a huge museum would have been overwhelming to us at that point. We enjoyed that Donna knew how to get to certain areas of interest within the museum. She was so knowledgeable and had given us back stories to alot of the things we looked at. She was kind, patient, and we never felt rushed. She stopped to offer restroom breaks. I was just so impressed with the amount of information so provided! At the end of the tour, she asked us if there was anything else we missed and would like to go back to and then gave us directions directly to it! I would definitely recommend this tour to others!
Aug 2022
We had Brenda and she was great! Knowledgeable and engaged the kids. Highly recommend - hopefully this review came through - my internet is spotty!
Jul 2022
The guide was wonderful but charging a 17 mo old us crazy. and charging a 7 yo as an adult is also outrageous.

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