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Статуя Свободы и остров Эллис — эксклюзивный тур с гидом

Исследуйте эти достопримечательности Нью-Йорка в рамках 3-часовой эксклюзивной экскурсии с гидом, чтобы совершить прогулку по времени, когда Америка принимала иммиграцию больше, чем когда-либо. Следуйте по стопам более 12 миллионов иностранцев, ищущих дороги, вымощенные золотом, в Новом Свете в этом туре по Статуе Свободы и острову Эллис.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
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Начинается с $157.94
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $157.94
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All Fees and Taxes
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта: инвалидные коляски доступный
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Statue of Liberty
Follow in the footsteps of over 12 million foreigners seeking roads paved with gold in the New World on this tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Explore these New York landmarks on a 3 hour semi-private guided tour, joining up to 8 people for a walk through time when America embraced immigration more than ever. The tour begins at Battery Park, one of the oldest parts of Manhattan. Here you’ll find the country’s first immigration center, Castle Garden Immigration Station, which operated until Ellis Island opened. Take a ferry to visit Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty keeps an eye on incoming ships. You’ll learn all about Fort Wood, which now acts as the base for the statue, offered to the US by France in 1886. You’ll hear all about its creator, Bartholdi, as well as contributions by famed architect Gustave Eiffel, of Tower fame. Another ferry will whisk you across the water to Ellis Island. Here, millions of European newcomers wandered the very island that you will visit, learning about the medical examines and surprising conditions faced by immigrants. Learn about the island layout, and where immigrants who were quarantined were housed. You’ll end at the Wall of Honor, where you can search for your family’s name among the some 700,000 names commemorating those who entered the United States here. After the tour, your guide will introduce you to the museum to further explore the exhibits and history of the island. This tour is the ideal way to remember, and celebrate, the immigrants that contributed so much to America’s success.
Battery Park
You will begin your tour at Battery Park, a public park located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here, you will briefly see the attractions and monuments that the park contains and learn all about its history as one of the oldest parts of Manhattan.
Castle Clinton National Monument
Before making your way to Liberty Island, you will learn about Castle Clinton, a landmark representing not only the city’s growth but the growth of the nation. Built from 1808 to 1811, it was the first U.S immigration station where more than 8 million people arrived in the United States between 1855 to 1890.
SeaGlass Carousel
You will also pass the Seaglass Carousel, a fish-themed carousel that represents a symbol of recovery in the area, which suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. You will be able to appreciate the carousel’s design, as design along with construction took nearly a decade.
New York Harbor
From here, you will board the ferry at the New York Harbour, part of the port of the New York. Lying at the mouth of the Hudson river, it is one of the largest natural harbours in the world.
Statue of Liberty
You will make your way to Liberty Island, located just off the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here you will see the infamous Statue of Liberty, the highlight of your trip. You will learn all about her history and how she came to be on the island.
Ellis Island
Next you will visit Ellis Island, an island that contains a museum and former immigration inspection centre. It was the nation’s busiest immigration inspection station from 1892 to 1954.
American Immigrant Wall of Honor
During your time on Ellis Island you will see the American Immigrant Wall of Honour, a permanent exhibit of individual or family names. It is the only place in the U.S where an individual can honour his or her family heritage at a National Monument.
Statue of Liberty
Follow in the footsteps of over 12 million foreigners seeking roads paved with gold in the New World on this tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Explore these New York landmarks on a 3 hour semi-private guided tour, joining up to 8 people for a walk through time when America embraced immigration more than ever. The tour begins at Battery Park, one of the oldest parts of Manhattan. Here you’ll find the country’s first immigration center, Castle Garden Immigration Station, which operated until Ellis Island opened. Take a ferry to visit Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty keeps an eye on incoming ships. You’ll learn all about Fort Wood, which now acts as the base for the statue, offered to the US by France in 1886. You’ll hear all about its creator, Bartholdi, as well as contributions by famed architect Gustave Eiffel, of Tower fame. Another ferry will whisk you across the water to Ellis Island. Here, millions of European newcomers wandered the very island that you will visit, learning about the medical examines and surprising conditions faced by immigrants. Learn about the island layout, and where immigrants who were quarantined were housed. You’ll end at the Wall of Honor, where you can search for your family’s name among the some 700,000 names commemorating those who entered the United States here. After the tour, your guide will introduce you to the museum to further explore the exhibits and history of the island. This tour is the ideal way to remember, and celebrate, the immigrants that contributed so much to America’s success.
Battery Park
You will begin your tour at Battery Park, a public park located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here, you will briefly see the attractions and monuments that the park contains and learn all about its history as one of the oldest parts of Manhattan.
Castle Clinton National Monument
Before making your way to Liberty Island, you will learn about Castle Clinton, a landmark representing not only the city’s growth but the growth of the nation. Built from 1808 to 1811, it was the first U.S immigration station where more than 8 million people arrived in the United States between 1855 to 1890.
SeaGlass Carousel
You will also pass the Seaglass Carousel, a fish-themed carousel that represents a symbol of recovery in the area, which suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. You will be able to appreciate the carousel’s design, as design along with construction took nearly a decade.
New York Harbor
From here, you will board the ferry at the New York Harbour, part of the port of the New York. Lying at the mouth of the Hudson river, it is one of the largest natural harbours in the world.
Statue of Liberty
You will make your way to Liberty Island, located just off the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here you will see the infamous Statue of Liberty, the highlight of your trip. You will learn all about her history and how she came to be on the island.
Ellis Island
Next you will visit Ellis Island, an island that contains a museum and former immigration inspection centre. It was the nation’s busiest immigration inspection station from 1892 to 1954.
American Immigrant Wall of Honor
During your time on Ellis Island you will see the American Immigrant Wall of Honour, a permanent exhibit of individual or family names. It is the only place in the U.S where an individual can honour his or her family heritage at a National Monument.
Statue of Liberty
Follow in the footsteps of over 12 million foreigners seeking roads paved with gold in the New World on this tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Explore these New York landmarks on a 3 hour semi-private guided tour, joining up to 8 people for a walk through time when America embraced immigration more than ever. The tour begins at Battery Park, one of the oldest parts of Manhattan. Here you’ll find the country’s first immigration center, Castle Garden Immigration Station, which operated until Ellis Island opened. Take a ferry to visit Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty keeps an eye on incoming ships. You’ll learn all about Fort Wood, which now acts as the base for the statue, offered to the US by France in 1886. You’ll hear all about its creator, Bartholdi, as well as contributions by famed architect Gustave Eiffel, of Tower fame. Another ferry will whisk you across the water to Ellis Island. Here, millions of European newcomers wandered the very island that you will visit, learning about the medical examines and surprising conditions faced by immigrants. Learn about the island layout, and where immigrants who were quarantined were housed. You’ll end at the Wall of Honor, where you can search for your family’s name among the some 700,000 names commemorating those who entered the United States here. After the tour, your guide will introduce you to the museum to further explore the exhibits and history of the island. This tour is the ideal way to remember, and celebrate, the immigrants that contributed so much to America’s success.
Battery Park
You will begin your tour at Battery Park, a public park located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here, you will briefly see the attractions and monuments that the park contains and learn all about its history as one of the oldest parts of Manhattan.
Castle Clinton National Monument
Before making your way to Liberty Island, you will learn about Castle Clinton, a landmark representing not only the city’s growth but the growth of the nation. Built from 1808 to 1811, it was the first U.S immigration station where more than 8 million people arrived in the United States between 1855 to 1890.
SeaGlass Carousel
You will also pass the Seaglass Carousel, a fish-themed carousel that represents a symbol of recovery in the area, which suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. You will be able to appreciate the carousel’s design, as design along with construction took nearly a decade.
New York Harbor
From here, you will board the ferry at the New York Harbour, part of the port of the New York. Lying at the mouth of the Hudson river, it is one of the largest natural harbours in the world.
Statue of Liberty
You will make your way to Liberty Island, located just off the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here you will see the infamous Statue of Liberty, the highlight of your trip. You will learn all about her history and how she came to be on the island.
Ellis Island
Next you will visit Ellis Island, an island that contains a museum and former immigration inspection centre. It was the nation’s busiest immigration inspection station from 1892 to 1954.
American Immigrant Wall of Honor
During your time on Ellis Island you will see the American Immigrant Wall of Honour, a permanent exhibit of individual or family names. It is the only place in the U.S where an individual can honour his or her family heritage at a National Monument.
Statue of Liberty
Follow in the footsteps of over 12 million foreigners seeking roads paved with gold in the New World on this tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Explore these New York landmarks on a 3 hour semi-private guided tour, joining up to 8 people for a walk through time when America embraced immigration more than ever. The tour begins at Battery Park, one of the oldest parts of Manhattan. Here you’ll find the country’s first immigration center, Castle Garden Immigration Station, which operated until Ellis Island opened. Take a ferry to visit Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty keeps an eye on incoming ships. You’ll learn all about Fort Wood, which now acts as the base for the statue, offered to the US by France in 1886. You’ll hear all about its creator, Bartholdi, as well as contributions by famed architect Gustave Eiffel, of Tower fame. Another ferry will whisk you across the water to Ellis Island. Here, millions of European newcomers wandered the very island that you will visit, learning about the medical examines and surprising conditions faced by immigrants. Learn about the island layout, and where immigrants who were quarantined were housed. You’ll end at the Wall of Honor, where you can search for your family’s name among the some 700,000 names commemorating those who entered the United States here. After the tour, your guide will introduce you to the museum to further explore the exhibits and history of the island. This tour is the ideal way to remember, and celebrate, the immigrants that contributed so much to America’s success.
Battery Park
You will begin your tour at Battery Park, a public park located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here, you will briefly see the attractions and monuments that the park contains and learn all about its history as one of the oldest parts of Manhattan.
Castle Clinton National Monument
Before making your way to Liberty Island, you will learn about Castle Clinton, a landmark representing not only the city’s growth but the growth of the nation. Built from 1808 to 1811, it was the first U.S immigration station where more than 8 million people arrived in the United States between 1855 to 1890.
SeaGlass Carousel
You will also pass the Seaglass Carousel, a fish-themed carousel that represents a symbol of recovery in the area, which suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. You will be able to appreciate the carousel’s design, as design along with construction took nearly a decade.
New York Harbor
From here, you will board the ferry at the New York Harbour, part of the port of the New York. Lying at the mouth of the Hudson river, it is one of the largest natural harbours in the world.
Statue of Liberty
You will make your way to Liberty Island, located just off the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Here you will see the infamous Statue of Liberty, the highlight of your trip. You will learn all about her history and how she came to be on the island.
Ellis Island
Next you will visit Ellis Island, an island that contains a museum and former immigration inspection centre. It was the nation’s busiest immigration inspection station from 1892 to 1954.
American Immigrant Wall of Honor
During your time on Ellis Island you will see the American Immigrant Wall of Honour, a permanent exhibit of individual or family names. It is the only place in the U.S where an individual can honour his or her family heritage at a National Monument.
Статуя Свободы
Пройдите по стопам более 12 миллионов иностранцев, ищущих дороги, вымощенные золотом, в Новом Свете в этом туре по Статуе Свободы и острову Эллис. Исследуйте эти достопримечательности Нью-Йорка в 3-часовой полу-частной экскурсии, объединяющей до 8 человек для прогулки во времена, когда Америка принимала иммиграцию больше, чем когда-либо. Экскурсия начинается в Бэттери-парке, одном из старейших районов Манхэттена. Здесь вы найдете первый в стране иммиграционный центр Castle Garden Immigration Station, который работал до открытия острова Эллис. Сядьте на паром и посетите остров Свободы, где Статуя Свободы следит за прибывающими кораблями. Вы узнаете все о форте Вуд, который сейчас служит базой для статуи, подаренной США Францией в 1886 году. Вы узнаете все о ее создателе Бартольди, а также о вкладе знаменитого архитектора Гюстава Эйфеля из Башня славы. Другой паром доставит вас по воде на остров Эллис. Здесь миллионы новоприбывших европейцев бродили по тому самому острову, который вы посетите, узнавая о медицинских осмотрах и удивительных условиях, с которыми сталкиваются иммигранты. Узнайте о планировке острова и о том, где размещались иммигранты, помещенные на карантин. Вы окажетесь у Стены почета, где сможете найти имя своей семьи среди примерно 700 000 имен тех, кто въехал сюда в Соединенные Штаты. После экскурсии ваш гид познакомит вас с музеем для дальнейшего изучения экспонатов и истории острова. Этот тур — идеальный способ вспомнить и отпраздновать иммигрантов, которые так много сделали для успеха Америки.
Бэттери Парк
Вы начнете свой тур в Бэттери-парке, общественном парке, расположенном на южной оконечности острова Манхэттен. Здесь вы кратко увидите достопримечательности и памятники, которые есть в парке, и узнаете все о его истории как одной из старейших частей Манхэттена.
Национальный памятник Замок Клинтон
Прежде чем отправиться на остров Свободы, вы узнаете о замке Клинтон, достопримечательности, отражающей не только рост города, но и рост нации. Построенный с 1808 по 1811 год, он был первой иммиграционной станцией США, куда в период с 1855 по 1890 год прибыло более 8 миллионов человек.
Карусель SeaGlass
Вы также пройдете мимо карусели Seaglass Carousel, посвященной рыбе, которая представляет собой символ восстановления в районе, пострадавшем от урагана «Сэнди» в 2012 году. Вы сможете оценить дизайн карусели, так как проектирование и строительство заняли почти десятилетие.
Нью-Йоркская гавань
Отсюда вы сядете на паром в гавани Нью-Йорка, которая является частью порта Нью-Йорка. Лежа в устье реки Гудзон, это одна из крупнейших естественных гаваней в мире.
Статуя Свободы
Вы отправитесь на остров Свободы, расположенный недалеко от южной оконечности острова Манхэттен. Здесь вы увидите печально известную Статую Свободы, изюминку вашего путешествия. Вы узнаете все о ее истории и о том, как она оказалась на острове.
остров Эллис
Затем вы посетите остров Эллис, остров, на котором находится музей и бывший центр иммиграционной инспекции. С 1892 по 1954 год это был самый загруженный пункт иммиграционного контроля в стране.
Стена почета американских иммигрантов
Во время вашего пребывания на острове Эллис вы увидите Стену чести американских иммигрантов, постоянную выставку с именами отдельных лиц или фамилий. Это единственное место в США, где человек может почтить свое семейное наследие в Национальном памятнике.
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Отзывы (1)
Dec 2022
We had a small private tour of Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island. Katherine was kind and knowledgeable. She stayed with us for extra time because she was so enthusiastic, which was generous. My only suggestion for improvement is for Katherine to make sure that she knows what the group is interested in (in our case, history and policy--very much; art and architecture--less so) in order to make sure the information and pace fits the group's preferences. Overall--good experience!

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