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Sunset Glow Signature Hoverboard Tour: от Вайкики до Даймонд-Хед

Исследуйте Вайкики на светящемся самобалансирующемся ховерборде-вездеходе во время заката!

Во время двухчасовой и 15-минутной веселой и очень информативной экскурсии вы сможете познакомиться с красотой, историей и уникальной культурой Гавайев. Беспроводные аудиогарнитуры подключаются к экспертному руководству для комментариев и музыки на протяжении всей поездки. Большие вездеходные шины обеспечивают дополнительную устойчивость на песке, грязных тропах и неровных тротуарах.

Поднимитесь на ховерборде к живописным океанским скалам смотровой площадки Даймонд-Хед, открывая малоизвестные секреты Вайкики и любуясь основными достопримечательностями районе в самое волшебное время суток! Прокатитесь по пальмовым рощам, посмотрите на статую гавайской королевы прошлого, зависните под тропическими деревьями с радужным дождем, загляните внутрь Военного мемориала и совершите круиз по променаду на берегу океана.

В этот тур включены бесплатные профессионально отредактированные цифровые сувениры. фотографии и аудио наушники использовать!
Город: Оаху
Mon 24 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $189.00
Mon 24 Feb
Начинается с $189.00
Что включено
Helmet use. Contact us in advance for extra small or large requirements.
Expert guide for small group tour.
Some souvenir digital photos.
All-terrain glowing electric hoverboard use and training.
Wireless one ear audio system to connect to guide and music during tour.
Small pouch in front of hoverboard to hold small items (wallet, camera, phone, etc)
Helmet use. Contact us in advance for extra small or large requirements.
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с слабое сердечно-сосудистое здоровье
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Что взять с собой?
  • Удобную обувь. Шлепанцы ок, но так как стоять будешь много, лучше кроссовки.
  • Солнцезащитные очки и одежда по погоде для вечерней прохлады.
  • Небольшая вода, по желанию (максимальный размер в состоянии упаковка fit unit представляет собой бутылку объемом 16,9 унции/500 мл).
  • Родитель/опекун должен подписать отказ, если ему меньше 18 лет. (Должно быть не менее 16).
  • Небольшие предметы (бумажник, телефон, фотоаппарат и т. д.), которые можно поместить в небольшой мешочек на передней панели устройства (недостаточно большой для кошелька). В начале нет шкафчиков, поэтому вам нужно будет нести с собой все, что не поместится в сумку. Небольшой вес.
  • Требования
  • В соответствии с законодательством Гавайев возраст должен быть не менее 16 лет.
  • Не может быть беременным.
  • Вес от 100 г. фунтов и 250 фунтов.
  • Все участники должны подписать отказ от ответственности. Если несовершеннолетний, опекун должен подписать.
  • Должен постоянно носить предоставленный шлем.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски.
  • Для путешественников требуются маски для лица. гиды в общественных местах
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/экипировка дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Инструкторы должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Hawaii Hoverboarding Tours
Your hoverboarding adventure starts when you make your way to the front of the Honolulu Zoo in Waikiki and meet your local guide. After safety instructions and some practice, your hoverboard will become an extension of you to effortlessly explore the island on. Pop on your wireless one-ear audio receiver to learn from your guide about Hawaii's nature, history, and listen to nostalgic Hawaiian music as you hover from place to place. Since you'll start at Historic Kapiolani Park, you'll first learn to recognize some of the most popular and beautiful island trees such as the blooming Rainbow Shower, fragrant Plumeria, and massive Indian Banyan Trees. We take in the impressive beach views while learning about ancient Hawaiian and modern surfing on Oahu, known as the 'birthplace of surfing'. Stop at a little known prior human sacrificial temple location and learn about Hawaii's ancient Gods, Kings, Queens, and priestly Kahuna. Listen to beautiful examples of uniquely Hawaiian instruments such as the slack key guitar and ukulele as we explore the bandstand, then take a profile pic worthy photo at Diamond Heads most photogenic location. Hear about the island's volcanic birth, and learn how the fire Goddess Pele created it all! Hover to the neoclassical War Memorial and Natatorium, then glide over the sand along a palm tree-lined walkway to a local favorite beach Kaimana. Take in the charming historic cottages and multi-million dollar mansions in the Gold Coast while learning about the architecture and real estate development of Hawaii. You'll next climb up the oceanfront side of Diamond Head to marvel at the panoramic vistas, look for neighbor islands and whales in winter months, and point out hidden bunkers from Diamond Head's military history. Heading back we stop to sample some local snacks, hover under 100-foot palm trees at a quiet beach park, listen to nostalgic tiki pop culture comedy songs, and ride through an Indian banyan that is over a century old. Try to guess Hawaii filmed movies and TV shows from their soundtracks on the way to take in the beach views while we glide towards the setting sun. When the sun set's we light up our hoverboards and hover with oceanfront views of Waikiki. To soak up the island ambiance, we'll glide back along the promenade listening to famous Hawaiian music, even a song composed in 1874 by the very last Hawaiian Monarch, Queen Liliuokalani!
Hawaii Hoverboarding Tours
Your hoverboarding adventure starts when you make your way to the front of the Honolulu Zoo in Waikiki and meet your local guide. After safety instructions and some practice, your hoverboard will become an extension of you to effortlessly explore the island on. Pop on your wireless one-ear audio receiver to learn from your guide about Hawaii's nature, history, and listen to nostalgic Hawaiian music as you hover from place to place. Since you'll start at Historic Kapiolani Park, you'll first learn to recognize some of the most popular and beautiful island trees such as the blooming Rainbow Shower, fragrant Plumeria, and massive Indian Banyan Trees. We take in the impressive beach views while learning about ancient Hawaiian and modern surfing on Oahu, known as the 'birthplace of surfing'. Stop at a little known prior human sacrificial temple location and learn about Hawaii's ancient Gods, Kings, Queens, and priestly Kahuna. Listen to beautiful examples of uniquely Hawaiian instruments such as the slack key guitar and ukulele as we explore the bandstand, then take a profile pic worthy photo at Diamond Heads most photogenic location. Hear about the island's volcanic birth, and learn how the fire Goddess Pele created it all! Hover to the neoclassical War Memorial and Natatorium, then glide over the sand along a palm tree-lined walkway to a local favorite beach Kaimana. Take in the charming historic cottages and multi-million dollar mansions in the Gold Coast while learning about the architecture and real estate development of Hawaii. You'll next climb up the oceanfront side of Diamond Head to marvel at the panoramic vistas, look for neighbor islands and whales in winter months, and point out hidden bunkers from Diamond Head's military history. Heading back we stop to sample some local snacks, hover under 100-foot palm trees at a quiet beach park, listen to nostalgic tiki pop culture comedy songs, and ride through an Indian banyan that is over a century old. Try to guess Hawaii filmed movies and TV shows from their soundtracks on the way to take in the beach views while we glide towards the setting sun. When the sun set's we light up our hoverboards and hover with oceanfront views of Waikiki. To soak up the island ambiance, we'll glide back along the promenade listening to famous Hawaiian music, even a song composed in 1874 by the very last Hawaiian Monarch, Queen Liliuokalani!
Hawaii Hoverboarding Tours
Your hoverboarding adventure starts when you make your way to the front of the Honolulu Zoo in Waikiki and meet your local guide. After safety instructions and some practice, your hoverboard will become an extension of you to effortlessly explore the island on. Pop on your wireless one-ear audio receiver to learn from your guide about Hawaii's nature, history, and listen to nostalgic Hawaiian music as you hover from place to place. Since you'll start at Historic Kapiolani Park, you'll first learn to recognize some of the most popular and beautiful island trees such as the blooming Rainbow Shower, fragrant Plumeria, and massive Indian Banyan Trees. We take in the impressive beach views while learning about ancient Hawaiian and modern surfing on Oahu, known as the 'birthplace of surfing'. Stop at a little known prior human sacrificial temple location and learn about Hawaii's ancient Gods, Kings, Queens, and priestly Kahuna. Listen to beautiful examples of uniquely Hawaiian instruments such as the slack key guitar and ukulele as we explore the bandstand, then take a profile pic worthy photo at Diamond Heads most photogenic location. Hear about the island's volcanic birth, and learn how the fire Goddess Pele created it all! Hover to the neoclassical War Memorial and Natatorium, then glide over the sand along a palm tree-lined walkway to a local favorite beach Kaimana. Take in the charming historic cottages and multi-million dollar mansions in the Gold Coast while learning about the architecture and real estate development of Hawaii. You'll next climb up the oceanfront side of Diamond Head to marvel at the panoramic vistas, look for neighbor islands and whales in winter months, and point out hidden bunkers from Diamond Head's military history. Heading back we stop to sample some local snacks, hover under 100-foot palm trees at a quiet beach park, listen to nostalgic tiki pop culture comedy songs, and ride through an Indian banyan that is over a century old. Try to guess Hawaii filmed movies and TV shows from their soundtracks on the way to take in the beach views while we glide towards the setting sun. When the sun set's we light up our hoverboards and hover with oceanfront views of Waikiki. To soak up the island ambiance, we'll glide back along the promenade listening to famous Hawaiian music, even a song composed in 1874 by the very last Hawaiian Monarch, Queen Liliuokalani!
Hawaii Hoverboarding Tours
Your hoverboarding adventure starts when you make your way to the front of the Honolulu Zoo in Waikiki and meet your local guide. After safety instructions and some practice, your hoverboard will become an extension of you to effortlessly explore the island on. Pop on your wireless one-ear audio receiver to learn from your guide about Hawaii's nature, history, and listen to nostalgic Hawaiian music as you hover from place to place. Since you'll start at Historic Kapiolani Park, you'll first learn to recognize some of the most popular and beautiful island trees such as the blooming Rainbow Shower, fragrant Plumeria, and massive Indian Banyan Trees. We take in the impressive beach views while learning about ancient Hawaiian and modern surfing on Oahu, known as the 'birthplace of surfing'. Stop at a little known prior human sacrificial temple location and learn about Hawaii's ancient Gods, Kings, Queens, and priestly Kahuna. Listen to beautiful examples of uniquely Hawaiian instruments such as the slack key guitar and ukulele as we explore the bandstand, then take a profile pic worthy photo at Diamond Heads most photogenic location. Hear about the island's volcanic birth, and learn how the fire Goddess Pele created it all! Hover to the neoclassical War Memorial and Natatorium, then glide over the sand along a palm tree-lined walkway to a local favorite beach Kaimana. Take in the charming historic cottages and multi-million dollar mansions in the Gold Coast while learning about the architecture and real estate development of Hawaii. You'll next climb up the oceanfront side of Diamond Head to marvel at the panoramic vistas, look for neighbor islands and whales in winter months, and point out hidden bunkers from Diamond Head's military history. Heading back we stop to sample some local snacks, hover under 100-foot palm trees at a quiet beach park, listen to nostalgic tiki pop culture comedy songs, and ride through an Indian banyan that is over a century old. Try to guess Hawaii filmed movies and TV shows from their soundtracks on the way to take in the beach views while we glide towards the setting sun. When the sun set's we light up our hoverboards and hover with oceanfront views of Waikiki. To soak up the island ambiance, we'll glide back along the promenade listening to famous Hawaiian music, even a song composed in 1874 by the very last Hawaiian Monarch, Queen Liliuokalani!
Гавайские туры на ховерборде
Ваше приключение на ховерборде начнется, когда вы доберетесь до зоопарка Гонолулу в Вайкики и встретите местного гида. После инструкций по технике безопасности и некоторой практики ваш ховерборд станет продолжением вас, чтобы без особых усилий исследовать остров. Включите свой беспроводной аудиоприемник на одно ухо, чтобы узнать от своего гида о природе и истории Гавайев и послушать ностальгическую гавайскую музыку, пока вы перемещаетесь с места на место. Поскольку вы начнете в историческом парке Капиолани, вы сначала научитесь узнавать некоторые из самых популярных и красивых островных деревьев, таких как цветущий радужный душ, ароматная плюмерия и массивные индийские баньяны. Мы любуемся впечатляющим видом на пляж, изучая древний гавайский и современный серфинг на острове Оаху, известном как «место рождения серфинга». Остановитесь в малоизвестном местоположении храма жертвоприношения человека и узнайте о древних богах Гавайев, королях, королевах и священнослужителях Кахуна. Послушайте прекрасные образцы уникальных гавайских инструментов, таких как гитара со слабым ключом и укулеле, пока мы исследуем эстраду, а затем сделайте аватарку, достойную аватарки, в самом фотогеничном месте Diamond Heads. Услышьте о вулканическом рождении острова и узнайте, как богиня огня Пеле создала все это! Переместитесь к неоклассическому военному мемориалу и плавательному бассейну, затем скользите по песку вдоль усаженной пальмами дорожки к любимому местным пляжем Каймана. Посетите очаровательные исторические коттеджи и многомиллионные особняки на Золотом Берегу, изучая архитектуру и развитие недвижимости на Гавайях. Затем вы поднимитесь на сторону океана на Даймонд-Хед, чтобы полюбоваться панорамными видами, поискать соседние острова и китов в зимние месяцы и указать на скрытые бункеры из военной истории Даймонд-Хед. На обратном пути мы останавливаемся, чтобы попробовать местные закуски, зависаем под 100-футовыми пальмами в тихом пляжном парке, слушаем ностальгические комедийные песни о поп-культуре и катаемся по индийскому баньяну, которому более века. Попробуйте угадать фильмы и сериалы, снятые на Гавайях, по их саундтрекам, чтобы полюбоваться видом на пляж, пока мы скользим к заходящему солнцу. Когда солнце садится, мы зажигаем наши ховерборды и парим, любуясь видом на океан Вайкики. Чтобы окунуться в атмосферу острова, мы прогуляемся по набережной, слушая знаменитую гавайскую музыку, даже песню, написанную в 1874 году самым последним гавайским монархом, королевой Лилиуокалани!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (6)
Aug 2019
This is a great experience for anyone visiting Waikiki. The Hoverboards are easy to learn, this was my first time on one and took no more than 10mins to get the hang of it, very intuitive. Once we got going Steve showed me all the local attractions, bit of a history lesson and some great sights. He is a superb tour guide and conducts the tour at a comfortable pace. I did not feel rushed and got to take it all in. I would highly recommend this tour and will even have another go when I visit again with friends.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2019
Thanks for the recommendation! Hope to see you again soon!
May 2019
I have never hooverboarded before and our guide was patient and in the end, it was pretty simple! The tour is professionally done. The headsets were so helpful to hear our guide, but I especially liked the music as we scooted along! I enjoyed the hawaiian snack samples. Our guide was quick to take pictures of my husband and I which I appreciated for our scrapbook. My favorite part was driving through a wealthy side of town and seeing how the "lucky" live. The sunset and cooler temps in the evening made the glow tour a better option than the day option for my husband and I.
Ответ от хоста
May 2019
I'm happy to hear you had a good time. Thanks for leaving a review!
Mar 2019
This tour was a highlight of our trip to Hawaii. The glowing hoverboards and views as we rode near the water is unforgettable. Highly recommended!
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2019
Aloha! We're so happy you had a great time on your tour! Thanks for leaving us a review.

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