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Пешеходная экскурсия по Таосу + Шоколад

Погрузитесь в эклектичное художественное сообщество Таоса! Начиная с Кит-Карсон-роуд, петляйте по извилистым улочкам, исследуя исторический контекст, останавливаясь, чтобы смешаться с местной художественной сценой. Таос был на карте как художественная колония с конца 1800-х годов и имеет репутацию своего эклектичного талантливого творческого населения. Приезжайте в этот высокогорный город в пустыне, чтобы не только ощутить эфирный свет и яркий пейзаж, но и познакомиться с этим динамичным сообществом и их замечательным искусством жизни. Наслаждайтесь сочетанием старого и нового, исследуя богатую историю искусства в центре города. Откройте для себя оживленный центр этого уникально причудливого и очень талантливого сообщества.
Мы завершаем этот тур шоколадным эликсиром в Chokola, чтобы сплести искусство изготовления шоколада владельцами Деб и Хавьером, которые увлечены каждым шагом в процессе их декадентские потягивания шоколада, трюфелей, муссов и пирогов! Идеальный способ отпраздновать финал вашего погружения в Taos Artisans!
Город: Таос
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $135.70
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $135.70
Что включено
Experience Guide
Hot or Cold Sipping Chocolate Elixir
Experience Guide
Hot or Cold Sipping Chocolate Elixir
Experience Guide
Hot or Cold Sipping Chocolate Elixir
Experience Guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Одевайтесь в удобную обувь для ходьбы.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование применяется на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Бесконтактные платежи за чаевые и дополнительные услуги.
Что ожидать
Heritage Inspirations
Journey with your guide throughout the historic area of Taos and the Taos Plaza.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site
Learn about the founding fathers of the Taos Artist Society
Blumenschein Home & Museum
Meet artisan Rich Nichlos in Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio
Taos Plaza
Discover the WPA commissioned frescoes painted by Taos Artist Society Members
Tres Estrellas Design
Meet owners Chris and Carla at Tres Estrellas Gallery for an in depth experience to learn about native textiles of the northern New Mexico and Mexican. Dive deep into this rich history of our Rio Grande Blankets and the churro sheep introduced to provide some of the finest weaving materials. Enjoy a weaving demo by Carla who is passionate about sharing her handwoven shawls and blankets that use hand-died yarns inspired by our native textiles of Taos Region.
Heritage Inspirations
Journey with your guide throughout the historic area of Taos and the Taos Plaza.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site
Learn about the founding fathers of the Taos Artist Society
Blumenschein Home & Museum
Meet artisan Rich Nichlos in Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio
Taos Plaza
Discover the WPA commissioned frescoes painted by Taos Artist Society Members
Tres Estrellas Design
Meet owners Chris and Carla at Tres Estrellas Gallery for an in depth experience to learn about native textiles of the northern New Mexico and Mexican. Dive deep into this rich history of our Rio Grande Blankets and the churro sheep introduced to provide some of the finest weaving materials. Enjoy a weaving demo by Carla who is passionate about sharing her handwoven shawls and blankets that use hand-died yarns inspired by our native textiles of Taos Region.
Heritage Inspirations
Journey with your guide throughout the historic area of Taos and the Taos Plaza.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site
Learn about the founding fathers of the Taos Artist Society
Blumenschein Home & Museum
Meet artisan Rich Nichlos in Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio
Taos Plaza
Discover the WPA commissioned frescoes painted by Taos Artist Society Members
Tres Estrellas Design
Meet owners Chris and Carla at Tres Estrellas Gallery for an in depth experience to learn about native textiles of the northern New Mexico and Mexican. Dive deep into this rich history of our Rio Grande Blankets and the churro sheep introduced to provide some of the finest weaving materials. Enjoy a weaving demo by Carla who is passionate about sharing her handwoven shawls and blankets that use hand-died yarns inspired by our native textiles of Taos Region.
Heritage Inspirations
Journey with your guide throughout the historic area of Taos and the Taos Plaza.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site
Learn about the founding fathers of the Taos Artist Society
Blumenschein Home & Museum
Meet artisan Rich Nichlos in Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio
Taos Plaza
Discover the WPA commissioned frescoes painted by Taos Artist Society Members
Tres Estrellas Design
Meet owners Chris and Carla at Tres Estrellas Gallery for an in depth experience to learn about native textiles of the northern New Mexico and Mexican. Dive deep into this rich history of our Rio Grande Blankets and the churro sheep introduced to provide some of the finest weaving materials. Enjoy a weaving demo by Carla who is passionate about sharing her handwoven shawls and blankets that use hand-died yarns inspired by our native textiles of Taos Region.
Heritage Inspirations
Journey with your guide throughout the historic area of Taos and the Taos Plaza.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site
Learn about the founding fathers of the Taos Artist Society
Blumenschein Home & Museum
Meet artisan Rich Nichlos in Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio
Taos Plaza
Discover the WPA commissioned frescoes painted by Taos Artist Society Members
Tres Estrellas Design
Meet owners Chris and Carla at Tres Estrellas Gallery for an in depth experience to learn about native textiles of the northern New Mexico and Mexican. Dive deep into this rich history of our Rio Grande Blankets and the churro sheep introduced to provide some of the finest weaving materials. Enjoy a weaving demo by Carla who is passionate about sharing her handwoven shawls and blankets that use hand-died yarns inspired by our native textiles of Taos Region.
Вдохновение наследия
Путешествие с гидом по историческому району Таоса и площади Таос.
Историческое место Каус-Шарп
Узнайте об отцах-основателях Общества художников Таоса.
Дом и музей Блюменшайн
Познакомьтесь с ремесленником Ричем Никлосом в художественной студии Ernest Blumensceins Art Studio.
Таос Плаза
Откройте для себя фрески по заказу WPA, написанные членами Общества художников Таоса.
Трес Эстреллас Дизайн
Познакомьтесь с владельцами Крисом и Карлой в галерее Tres Estrellas, чтобы узнать больше о местных тканях северного Нью-Мексико и Мексики. Погрузитесь в богатую историю наших одеял Рио-Гранде и овец чурро, представленных как одни из лучших материалов для ткачества. Наслаждайтесь демонстрацией ткачества от Карлы, которая увлечена тем, что делится своими шалями и одеялами ручной работы, в которых используется пряжа ручной окраски, вдохновленная нашими местными тканями региона Таос.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (33)
Melisha S
Feb 2019
I live here and decided to take the tour to discover some new things to do in the Taos area and boy was I surprised. Angelisa is such a great tour guide. Of the 11 places we went to, I only knew of 2 of them! A great adventure for travelers and locals alike.
Kellye C
Feb 2019
Had a fabulous time on this tour with Lesley - would DEFINITELY recommend as a behind-the-scenes look into the Taos art history and the local artist community. I was a last-minute booking, and the owner, Angelisa (sp?), spoke with me early on a Friday morning about the tour, arranged it with the operator, and opened it up on the website so I could book it that day. She was kind and very accommodating and helpful about the tour options. Lesley, my guide, e-mailed me soon after. She had arranged two studio visits with local artists and confirmed my tour. The tour itself was excellent. I was the only one, and Lesley was gracious and informative. We spent a lot of time discussing the Taos Society of Artists, the history of artists in Taos, and the ongoing art community. Really interesting. She was interested in my thoughts and welcomed my questions. We stopped by several sites and two art galleries important to Taos art history. Both of the gallery managers took time to speak with us, and one gave us really interesting insights into some of the art (and painters) she was showing that day. Lesley also arranged a visit to a jewelry artist and a weaver, both of whom took time to speak to me about their work. It was a credit to them that they didn't push me to purchase anything right then (although they encouraged me to come back after my tour) but simply seemed to relish sharing their art with someone who was interested. We finished with a fabulous chocolate tasting at a bean-to-bar establishment. My favorite part!
Dec 2018
This tour was a great way to learn about the history of Taos. Lots of entertaining stories and hidden gems. Wonderful art and galleries - and the conversations with the artists make the tour something I will always remember.

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