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Вкус вертолетного тура по Нью-Йорку

Почувствуйте историю, пролетая над настоящими американскими сокровищами в туре Taste of NYC.

В этом туре вы пролетите над Эллисом и Губернаторским островом, где увидите Статую Свободы и впервые ощутите вкус свободы для миллионов иммигрантов.

Вы также увидите морской порт Саут-Стрит с неба, совершите круиз по Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам, а также знаменитый финансовый центр Уолл-Стрит во время этого любимого нью-йоркского вертолетного тура.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sun 12 Jan
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $155.00
Sun 12 Jan
Начинается с $155.00
Что включено
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
Рассказ эксперта местного гида
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла.
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для все уровни физической подготовки
  • Сиденье зависит от веса и баланса. Максимальный вес 250 фунтов на человека. Пассажиры взвешиваются на нашем объекте, и пассажиры, вес которых превышает ограничение по весу, должны приобрести дополнительное место, иначе они потеряют право на полет.
  • Вертолет вмещает 6 пассажиров и 1 пилота. Все туры разделены с другими пассажирами. Все 6 мест должны быть приобретены для частного тура. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложено другое время или дата.
  • В зависимости от благоприятных погодных условий. В случае отмены из-за плохой погоды вам будет предложена альтернативная дата.
  • Пассажиры должны прибыть за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета с удостоверением личности. Настоятельно рекомендуется прибыть до времени регистрации, чтобы избежать взимается плата за опоздание *** ***ЦЕНЫ ЗА ОСТАНОВКУ*** С пассажиров, не прибывающих за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета, взимается штраф в размере 50 долларов США с человека за опоздание. С пассажиров, прибывающих за 30 минут или менее до времени вылета по расписанию, взимается плата в размере 100 долларов США с человека за опоздание.
  • New York Helicopter имеет право отменить, изменить или задержать любой рейс в любое время по любой причине, включая погодные условия. условия, временные ограничения на полеты, введенные FAA, минимальное количество пассажиров, не соблюденное для тура, техническое обслуживание вертолета и все другие обстоятельства, не зависящие от нас.
  • 35 долларов США за вертолетную площадку на человека (должна быть оплачена на месте в день поездки)
  • 35 долларов США за вертолетную площадку для детей в возрасте до 2 лет (должна быть оплачена на месте в день поездки)
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются.
Что ожидать
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Ellis Island
The best way to experience the symbols and sights of America’s freedom is the Taste of NYC Tour. See the Statue of Liberty eye to eye, take in a bird’s eye view of Ellis and Governor’s Island, fly over South Street Seaport and check out the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges on the way to visiting the Wall Street Financial Center.
Brooklyn Bridge
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
Wall Street
You will also see the South Street Seaport from the sky, cruise by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and the famed Wall Street Financial Center on this much loved New York helicopter tour.
остров Эллис
Лучший способ познакомиться с символами и достопримечательностями американской свободы — это тур Taste of NYC. Взгляните на Статую Свободы с высоты птичьего полета, взгляните на Эллис и Губернаторский остров с высоты птичьего полета, пролетите над морским портом Саут-Стрит и осмотрите Бруклинский и Манхэттенский мосты по пути к финансовому центру Уолл-Стрит.
Бруклинский мост
Вы также увидите морской порт Саут-Стрит с неба, совершите круиз по Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам, а также знаменитый финансовый центр Уолл-Стрит во время этого любимого нью-йоркского вертолетного тура.
Вы также увидите морской порт Саут-Стрит с неба, совершите круиз по Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам, а также знаменитый финансовый центр Уолл-Стрит во время этого любимого нью-йоркского вертолетного тура.
Показать 27 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (232)
Feb 2022
Great experience and people that we flu with would do it again and pay for more time to see more of New York City
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2022
Thank you for choosing New York Helicopter Tours.
Feb 2022
My personal experience wasn’t good, the customer service is just horrible. Two of the employees yelled at me, hung up the phone on us and took copies of credit cards! The flight was good and pilot was so informative and the trip was beautiful.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2022
You called the office to let us know you were going to be late 10min before your check in time, you asked if you were going to be charged a late fee and you were told yes. You started cursing over the phone to the receptionist as to why you were going to be charged she was doing her job explaining it to you, the only person that was yelling was you and no one has the right to disrespect anyone. We only make copies of the credit card/ picture ID when it is used to pay any late fees including the signed receipt from the customer with the time they check in.
Jan 2022
Despite the long ride from Manhattan, you should expect to be not welcomed. The team is kinda rude in the way they handle check in process. Before you step into the helicopter, you would likely be asked to pay some extras, where it is like pushing you since you are almost there and they act like in a rush. Delay fees is paid for selected people. We arrived the earliest from our group, but only us who were forced to pay along with one more person. The ride was short, less than 10 min. They take you to see part of the city, and the river. And take you back. The COVID precaution doesn’t exist. Which is unsafe especially if you have kinds. The field is full of birds wastes, very disgusting. The experience doesn’t worth it, except if you are ok to be humiliated for less than average helicopter ride.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2022
Our office called you at 2:25 and you said you were 8 min out, your check in was for 2:15. You check in at 2:50 10 min before your flight that was for 3:00pm. Your were charged 100.00 pp because YOU WERE LATE. Our staff gets checked every week, we wear our mask and advise the passengers to do the same.

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