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Лучшее из Метрополитен-музея за 2 часа

Это один из лучших художественных музеев в мире, с работами, охватывающими 6 континентов и более 6000 лет, Метрополитен настолько огромен, что вы можете легко провести дни внутри. Если у вас нет свободных дней, наш Экспресс-тур по Метрополитену подходит к сути.
Ваша двухчасовая экскурсия начинается, когда вы встречаете своего гида и небольшую группу не более чем из 15 человек у входа в Метрополитен. Небольшой размер группы гарантирует, что вы можете задать все вопросы, которые хотите, и никогда не пропустите ни слова из того, что говорит ваш гид. После краткого вступления можно найти некоторые из самых причудливых и причудливых предметов, спрятанных в огромной коллекции. Бегемот с хромотой? Проверять. Неисправность гардероба из Древнего Египта? Ага. Есть даже странная фламандская посуда (если, конечно, соответствует возрасту). Вы также узнаете забавные и увлекательные предыстории более известных произведений и узнаете о бурной жизни таких художников, как Моне и Ван Гог. Не забывайте об охоте за мусором на тему задницы; подготовьтесь соответственно.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Fri 20 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $62.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $62.00
Что включено
Pre-arranged Met Museum tickets
Local Expert Guide
Pre-arranged Met Museum tickets
Local Expert Guide
Pre-arranged Met Museum tickets
Local Expert Guide
Pre-arranged Met Museum tickets
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех физических уровни физической подготовки
  • Met полностью доступен для инвалидных колясок. Однако, если вы не можете подняться по лестнице центрального входа, чтобы добраться до места встречи, есть вход на уровне земли в одном квартале к югу, недалеко от пересечения 81-й улицы и 5-й авеню. Скажите на стойке регистрации, что вам нужно воспользоваться лифтом, чтобы встретить группу в главном вестибюле (у статуи фараона), которая затем обезопасит ваш входной билет. Они предоставят вам временный пропуск и помогут подняться наверх.
  • Храм Дендура иногда сдается в аренду для частных мероприятий без предварительного уведомления. Хотя обычно это происходит в вечернее время, закрытие может повлиять на этот тур. В таких случаях будут заменены другие работы из египетской коллекции. Еще реже Метрополитен может сдавать в аренду отдельные помещения для частных мероприятий, в которых применяется то же правило замены.
  • Прогулки соответствуют всем постановлениям местных органов власти. Вам может потребоваться носить маску или предъявить доказательство вакцинации, чтобы войти в определенные места. Актуальную информацию см. в руководящих указаниях правительства штата Нью-Йорк.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски.
  • Для путешественников и сотрудников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
Что ожидать
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is an art museum tour for people who don’t usually take art museum tours. If you are visiting with young people, or don’t have much experience with art, or simply want to learn some unique things about famous works, this is an entertaining way to see some of the finest works in America, and have a good laugh while you’re at it. All of our guides are seasoned art lovers who have spent years studying the works in the Met. This twisted tour gives them a chance to show off their knowledge without the stiffness that usually characterizes museum tours. It's a unique experience for people of all ages and experiences and once you’ve taken it, you’ll never look at art in the same way.
New York City
Easily one of the best art museums in the world, with works spanning 6 continents and over 6,000 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is so vast you could easily spend days inside.
Это экскурсия по художественным музеям для людей, которые обычно не посещают художественные музеи. Если вы путешествуете с молодежью, или у вас нет большого опыта в искусстве, или просто хотите узнать что-то уникальное об известных произведениях, это интересный способ увидеть некоторые из лучших произведений в Америке и посмеяться. в то время как вы на нем. Все наши гиды — опытные любители искусства, которые годами изучали работы в Метрополитене. Этот запутанный тур дает им возможность продемонстрировать свои знания без жесткости, которая обычно характерна для экскурсий по музеям. Это уникальный опыт для людей всех возрастов и любого опыта, и однажды приняв его, вы уже никогда не будете смотреть на искусство по-прежнему.
Метрополитен-музей в Нью-Йорке, безусловно, один из лучших художественных музеев в мире, с работами, охватывающими 6 континентов и более 6000 лет, настолько огромен, что вы можете легко провести в нем дни.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (24)
Nov 2021
This tour was supposed to be « humorous, tongue and cheek and informative ‘ .It was NOT We had teens with us and wanted to inspire them and keep their interest. The guide’s English was not clear. He was very knowledgeable but not funny. He was French and was difficult to understand behind his heavy mask . I suggest a lighter mask . This was the first Viator tour that I have disliked. So sorry. The guide was good and I do not doubt his expertise but this tour was not as described. It was a disappointment with NO humor as advertised
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2021
Dear Mariegeorge_G, Thank you for taking the time to review our services. We rely on o ur customers' feedback to always improve, and are always grateful for their comments. We are very sorry you did not enjoy your time with us and that we were not able to engage your party, especially the teens. While we do our best to always use irony and humor to keep our guests entertained, this is so subjective we might fail from time to time. I was sorry to hear that was the case for you. In regards to the guide, I apologize if you had trouble understanding him due to his accent and mask. He does indeed have a French accent, but this has never been a problem before. However, masks do indeed add an extra layer that can make understanding more complicated, even in our native language. It takes a bit to adjust. Again, I am terribly sorry we did not deliver what you expected, especially since this was your only tour with our company. If you have any further issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you. Furthermore, if you ever find yourself visiting any of the other locations we serve, please do keep us in mind. We would love to have the opportunity to offer you a 5 star experience. Looking forward to hearing from you. All our best,
Nov 2021
Our tour guide Katie was fantastic. This was a scholarship group of 6 students and 4 adults and 2 other adults who joined us. I’ve been coming to the met for 40 years and never took a tour before. Touring such a museum could take a month! What our guide did was personalize the tour while highlighting key pieces and parts of the collection. But where she really excelled was sharing her thoughts and insights and personal passion with research and information and made the art and artists very approachable and human. It was fantastic and like visiting with an educated friend. I usually like to wander so this was a big deal for me to be so organized. She was exceptional and worth every minute and penny. I highly recommend this outstanding way to visit such an amazing collection.
Oct 2021
It was a very interesting, informative, interactive & lovely experience. the guide was very nice funny and I cannot wait for my next visit.

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