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EDGE: Эпический небесный путь

Исследуйте одну из самых больших отдельно стоящих полос препятствий в стране. Epic Sky Trek позволяет гостям в возрасте от 4 лет и старше преодолевать 120 препятствий на высоте до 50 футов. Наслаждайтесь полным дневным доступом, 2 площадками для вечеринок и всем необходимым оборудованием. Умная система страховочных тросов позволяет гостям выбирать свой собственный уникальный маршрут, не застревая за другими посетителями, как в типичном туре с канопи.
Город: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $66.67
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $66.67
Что включено
Smart Belay System
Smart Belay System
Smart Belay System
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Не рекомендуется для беременные путешественники
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
Политика отмены
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (154)
Sep 2022
We had the best time ever! We took our 5th graders there and they loved this adventure. I truly appreciate and loved the guides. I am sure we will be back next year.
Annie W
Aug 2022
We did a family fun day: me, spouse, 7yo (super adventurous), and 5.5 yo (more hesitant and cautious). My spouse and I are mid-40s and reasonably fit. I'm shorter at 5'3" and heavier. Spouse has athletic build and is 5'10". Our 7yo is all sinew, skin, and bone. Weighs about 48lbs and is 48" tall. Our 5.5yo is about 38lbs and about 42" tall. Originally signed kids up for the kids ropes course. After maybe 20mts, they both begged to be upgraded to the adult course and spent the next 3 hours enjoying the ropes course. The kids course is great and also too easy. The 1st level of the adult course was great for the 5.5yo who was challenged the whole time. Our 7yo did all the levels and the slack line. Like I said, he's the adventurous one. We all discovered that if you can take that first step, you can make it across. The lounge area in the middle is very comfortable. It was 90 degrees and HOT. But we were able to cool down and rest as much as we wanted. It can be tricky to learn how to work the harness locks, but eventually you get it. We felt safe the entire time, since we were always hooked to a guide wire, even when walking between areas. My spouse and kids added on the Ninja course. They spent maybe an hour on that. I think if we hadn't climbed ropes for 3 hours they would have had more energy for the Ninja course. As an add on at $20/person they got their money's worth. I sat that out since my hands were screaming. All of the instructors were friendly at the Ninja course. They cheered our kids on. I recommend that you bring gloves to protect your hands. They'll get sore after a while, no matter which thing you choose to do. The staff was friendly, and the facilities are nice. Lots of parking. For able bodied folks it's super easy to walk in between the lower and upper courses. My main complaint is the bathroom situation. For as nice of climbing facilities and the investment into safety that they have provided, they need to offer proper restrooms. There is a bank of (disgusting) port-o-potties available and that's it. No handwashing area. Which means, staff are probably not washing their hands (unless the tiny building for staff has a real restroom and running water. If you have issues using the restroom, or children who are still learning to use the restroom on their own, if you're someone who has periods...you're out of luck. You 'd have to hike down to the rec building about a quarter mile away. And just remember that this is a high touch environment. So, a lot of people are touching things without having properly washed their hands. I hope the owners are planning to invest in real restrooms. Otherwise: we had a great time and would go back!
Jul 2022
I absolutely LOVE the Castle Rock Sky Trek and would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun outdoor activity. As a 42 year old adult, I've gone here multiple times with friends and have also taken my teenage nieces - all of which have enjoyed our time here. It's a great way for me to push me out of my comfort zone in an environment that feels completely safe. The staff always helps you with your safety gear and gives instructions at the beginning. To reinforce what they covered, each person in your group demonstrates their ability to clip in and out of each obstacle before you're on your own. The harnesses are very secure and you are always clipped in as you navigate the different levels and throughout the course. If you get stuck or fall (hanging by your harness) and need assistance, there are plenty of workers available who will come save you. :-) They also limit the number of people that are to be on an obstacle, on the landing platforms and walkways at any given time. If you're new to the course, you can typically find a good Groupon deal! I believe you get up to four hours although no one is really counting (to my knowledge). They also rearrange the obstacles one every month or so to keep it interesting. The location is also near trails, the Castle Rock stairs, the Ninja course, and Ziplining course. They do have porta potty's available near the check-in. When you walk up to the sky trek, there are smaller storage areas where you can put a bag, water bottle, etc. Enjoy!

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