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Автобусный тур с привидениями в Сан-Антонио

Рейтинг 3 лучших туров-призраков по стране по версии USA TODAY 2021!

Сядьте на борт ПЕРВОГО И ОРИГИНАЛЬНОГО АВТОБУСНОГО ТУРА-ПРИЗРАКА Сан-Антонио и окунитесь в мир призрачных событий и жуткой истории.

Автобус-призрак перенесет вас в кошмары, по пути познакомив вас с одними из самых навязчивых достопримечательностей Сан-Антонио.

2,5-часовой автобусный тур с привидениями включает в себя посадку и высадку в следующих местах:
• Самый посещаемый призраками отель в Техасе — The Menger!
• Старый район красных фонарей Сан-Антонио
• Тюрьма округа Олд Бексар
• Самое историческое кладбище Сан-Антонио
(места могут отличаться)

Эта уникальная экскурсия, написанная авторами книги «История старого Сан-Антонио с привидениями», подарит вам незабываемые впечатления. память на годы. Автобусный тур с привидениями — отличный способ увидеть призрачную сторону Сан-Антонио!

**Дети до 12 лет в тур не допускаются!**
Город: Сан Антонио
Thu 06 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $49.50
Thu 06 Mar
Начинается с $49.50
Что включено
Entry into the Menger Hotel
Entry into a Historic Cemetery
Air-conditioned vehicle
Entry into the Menger Hotel
Entry into a Historic Cemetery
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Дети до 12 лет не допускаются.
Что ожидать
Historic City Cemeteries
Get off the bus and step inside one of San Antonio's oldest and historic cemeteries.
Spanish Governor's Palace
Hear about the ghosts that haunt this historic site.
San Pedro Creek Culture Park
Hear tales of the most haunted sites in this area of the city. Including the history of San Antonio's infamous Red Light District and a visit to San Antonio's former jail- now a Holiday Inn Express
Historic City Cemeteries
Get off the bus and step inside one of San Antonio's oldest and historic cemeteries.
Spanish Governor's Palace
Hear about the ghosts that haunt this historic site.
San Pedro Creek Culture Park
Hear tales of the most haunted sites in this area of the city. Including the history of San Antonio's infamous Red Light District and a visit to San Antonio's former jail- now a Holiday Inn Express
Historic City Cemeteries
Get off the bus and step inside one of San Antonio's oldest and historic cemeteries.
Spanish Governor's Palace
Hear about the ghosts that haunt this historic site.
San Pedro Creek Culture Park
Hear tales of the most haunted sites in this area of the city. Including the history of San Antonio's infamous Red Light District and a visit to San Antonio's former jail- now a Holiday Inn Express
Historic City Cemeteries
Get off the bus and step inside one of San Antonio's oldest and historic cemeteries.
Spanish Governor's Palace
Hear about the ghosts that haunt this historic site.
San Pedro Creek Culture Park
Hear tales of the most haunted sites in this area of the city. Including the history of San Antonio's infamous Red Light District and a visit to San Antonio's former jail- now a Holiday Inn Express
Исторические городские кладбища
Выйдите из автобуса и войдите на одно из старейших и исторических кладбищ Сан-Антонио.
Дворец испанского губернатора
Узнайте о призраках, которые бродят по этому историческому месту.
Парк культуры Сан-Педро-Крик
Послушайте рассказы о самых часто посещаемых местах в этом районе города. Включая историю печально известного квартала красных фонарей Сан-Антонио и посещение бывшей тюрьмы Сан-Антонио, которая теперь называется Holiday Inn Express.
Показать 12 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (353)
Aug 2021
I very much liked that we visited several locations and even entered a few buildings even though not the key locations of the events (like the hotel room). Not sure why website lists for kids over 13 outside of it was late night for there was very little that was remotely scary about this evening tour. Even the red light district stop wasn’t that riskay. Was not looking to jump out of my skin but to get a good story that gives you some chills but instead it was just hard to get engaged. It was about 30-45 mins too long for the content and seemed like our tour guide (Sean) was stretching time at many stops as was long, disjointed and sometimes repetitive in his stories. Tour guide tried hard but really needs to step up his story telling skills as wasn’t that engaging. Was disappointed right off that couldn’t hear him in Menger hotel, I realize he wanted to be quite because active hotel but could have handled that stop very differently. It’s a long tour and was warm out so an offer of a small bottle of water would have been a nice touch.
Aug 2021
It was a great time for the family. The bus driver and guide were great. It was informative and interesting! I would go again.
Aug 2021
This tour is a must do if you’re in San Antonio. Our tour guide Sean was fun and really knows the city history. Good option for a night out with teenage kids.

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