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Опыт иммигрантов: Статуя Свободы, остров Эллис и гастрономический тур по центру города

Пойдем с нами, и мы исследуем богатую иммигрантскую историю Нью-Йорка от прошлого до настоящего! Одной из причин того, что Нью-Йорк известен как один из самых разнообразных и красочных городов на планете, является сильное иммиграционное сообщество по всему городу, некоторые из которых обосновались много десятилетий назад, а некоторые — совсем недавно. Вы насладитесь 3 различными поездками на пароме через гавань Нью-Йорка, когда вы посетите 2 самых известных иммиграционных символа в мире: Статую Свободы и остров Эллис (где вы сможете найти своих предков-иммигрантов в их регистрационные записи!). Изучив опыт иммигрантов в прошлом, ваш гид проведет вас в современное гастрономическое приключение по Финансовому району. Вы услышите истории современных иммигрантов и попробуете разнообразные блюда. В конце вашего тура вы будете полны вдохновения и вкусных угощений!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 29 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $179.00
Sat 29 Mar
Начинается с $179.00
Что включено
Ferry tickets to and from Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
A variety of food samples from immigrant-owned businesses or of immigrant-inspired foods. Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Local, English-speaking guide
Ferry tickets to and from Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
A variety of food samples from immigrant-owned businesses or of immigrant-inspired foods. Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Local, English-speaking guide
Частный транспорт
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла.
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех физических уровни физической подготовки.
  • В настоящее время мы не можем обеспечить соблюдение диеты с непереносимостью глютена и лактозы, так как некоторые из наших продуктов питания включают выпечку.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица. зоны
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальные сети соблюдение дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для персонала с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Наша организация га s разработал комплексную стратегию для обеспечения безопасности наших гостей, гидов, партнеров, поставщиков и местного сообщества в целом. Все сотрудники обучены этим новым процедурам безопасности, и мы будем продолжать следовать указаниям местных властей.
Что ожидать
United States Custom House
Your tour begins at the Alexander Hamilton US Custom House. Named after one of the most well-known founding fathers and where immigrants have historically come to “get the job done.”
Battery Park
We’ll start our tour with a stroll through Battery Park. On the southern tip of Manhattan, this park was the original destination for immigrants before the more well-known Ellis Island facility opened in the 1890’s.
Statue of Liberty
We’ll hop on a ferry and make our way over to the icon of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. While on the island, we’ll have the opportunity to explore the National Monument and marvel at Lady Liberty - a sight that incoming immigrants anticipated seeing from their ships for decades.
Ellis Island
After visiting Lady Liberty, we’ll hop on another ferry and head over to Ellis Island. From 1892 - 1954 this was the destination for incoming immigrants from around the world. With a variety of restored buildings to explore (including a hospital and dormitory), you’ll really be able to set the sense of what it was like for those entering the United States in years gone by (perhaps even some of your own ancestors).
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Inside the island’s Main Building, this museum explores the immigration experience from the 1800’s to the mid-1900’s. You’ll be able to learn more about the process of getting to the United States, the process and procedures for entering the country, and what was awaiting immigrants once they started their new lives in America.
Wall Street
After our 3rd boat ride, back to Manhattan from Ellis Island, your guide will take you on a modern-immigrant foodie tour through the Financial District and along Wall Street. Not often associated with New York’s food scene, this area is filled with immigrant-owned restaurants, bakeries, and more. You’ll taste your way through the neighborhood while hearing stories of the modern immigrant experience and their impact on the city’s culinary landscape.
United States Custom House
Your tour begins at the Alexander Hamilton US Custom House. Named after one of the most well-known founding fathers and where immigrants have historically come to “get the job done.”
Battery Park
We’ll start our tour with a stroll through Battery Park. On the southern tip of Manhattan, this park was the original destination for immigrants before the more well-known Ellis Island facility opened in the 1890’s.
Statue of Liberty
We’ll hop on a ferry and make our way over to the icon of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. While on the island, we’ll have the opportunity to explore the National Monument and marvel at Lady Liberty - a sight that incoming immigrants anticipated seeing from their ships for decades.
Ellis Island
After visiting Lady Liberty, we’ll hop on another ferry and head over to Ellis Island. From 1892 - 1954 this was the destination for incoming immigrants from around the world. With a variety of restored buildings to explore (including a hospital and dormitory), you’ll really be able to set the sense of what it was like for those entering the United States in years gone by (perhaps even some of your own ancestors).
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Inside the island’s Main Building, this museum explores the immigration experience from the 1800’s to the mid-1900’s. You’ll be able to learn more about the process of getting to the United States, the process and procedures for entering the country, and what was awaiting immigrants once they started their new lives in America.
Wall Street
After our 3rd boat ride, back to Manhattan from Ellis Island, your guide will take you on a modern-immigrant foodie tour through the Financial District and along Wall Street. Not often associated with New York’s food scene, this area is filled with immigrant-owned restaurants, bakeries, and more. You’ll taste your way through the neighborhood while hearing stories of the modern immigrant experience and their impact on the city’s culinary landscape.
United States Custom House
Your tour begins at the Alexander Hamilton US Custom House. Named after one of the most well-known founding fathers and where immigrants have historically come to “get the job done.”
Battery Park
We’ll start our tour with a stroll through Battery Park. On the southern tip of Manhattan, this park was the original destination for immigrants before the more well-known Ellis Island facility opened in the 1890’s.
Statue of Liberty
We’ll hop on a ferry and make our way over to the icon of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. While on the island, we’ll have the opportunity to explore the National Monument and marvel at Lady Liberty - a sight that incoming immigrants anticipated seeing from their ships for decades.
Ellis Island
After visiting Lady Liberty, we’ll hop on another ferry and head over to Ellis Island. From 1892 - 1954 this was the destination for incoming immigrants from around the world. With a variety of restored buildings to explore (including a hospital and dormitory), you’ll really be able to set the sense of what it was like for those entering the United States in years gone by (perhaps even some of your own ancestors).
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Inside the island’s Main Building, this museum explores the immigration experience from the 1800’s to the mid-1900’s. You’ll be able to learn more about the process of getting to the United States, the process and procedures for entering the country, and what was awaiting immigrants once they started their new lives in America.
Wall Street
After our 3rd boat ride, back to Manhattan from Ellis Island, your guide will take you on a modern-immigrant foodie tour through the Financial District and along Wall Street. Not often associated with New York’s food scene, this area is filled with immigrant-owned restaurants, bakeries, and more. You’ll taste your way through the neighborhood while hearing stories of the modern immigrant experience and their impact on the city’s culinary landscape.
United States Custom House
Your tour begins at the Alexander Hamilton US Custom House. Named after one of the most well-known founding fathers and where immigrants have historically come to “get the job done.”
Battery Park
We’ll start our tour with a stroll through Battery Park. On the southern tip of Manhattan, this park was the original destination for immigrants before the more well-known Ellis Island facility opened in the 1890’s.
Statue of Liberty
We’ll hop on a ferry and make our way over to the icon of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. While on the island, we’ll have the opportunity to explore the National Monument and marvel at Lady Liberty - a sight that incoming immigrants anticipated seeing from their ships for decades.
Ellis Island
After visiting Lady Liberty, we’ll hop on another ferry and head over to Ellis Island. From 1892 - 1954 this was the destination for incoming immigrants from around the world. With a variety of restored buildings to explore (including a hospital and dormitory), you’ll really be able to set the sense of what it was like for those entering the United States in years gone by (perhaps even some of your own ancestors).
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Inside the island’s Main Building, this museum explores the immigration experience from the 1800’s to the mid-1900’s. You’ll be able to learn more about the process of getting to the United States, the process and procedures for entering the country, and what was awaiting immigrants once they started their new lives in America.
Wall Street
After our 3rd boat ride, back to Manhattan from Ellis Island, your guide will take you on a modern-immigrant foodie tour through the Financial District and along Wall Street. Not often associated with New York’s food scene, this area is filled with immigrant-owned restaurants, bakeries, and more. You’ll taste your way through the neighborhood while hearing stories of the modern immigrant experience and their impact on the city’s culinary landscape.
Таможня США
Ваш тур начинается в американской таможне Александра Гамильтона. Назван в честь одного из самых известных отцов-основателей и куда исторически приезжали иммигранты, чтобы «выполнить свою работу».
Бэттери Парк
Начнем нашу экскурсию с прогулки по Бэттери-парку. Этот парк на южной оконечности Манхэттена был первоначальным местом для иммигрантов до того, как в 1890-х годах открылся более известный объект на острове Эллис.
Статуя Свободы
Мы сядем на паром и отправимся к иконе Соединенных Штатов: Статуе Свободы. Находясь на острове, у нас будет возможность осмотреть Национальный монумент и полюбоваться Леди Свобода — зрелище, которое прибывающие иммигранты десятилетиями ожидали увидеть со своих кораблей.
остров Эллис
После посещения Леди Свободы мы сядем на другой паром и отправимся на остров Эллис. С 1892 по 1954 год сюда стекались иммигранты со всего мира. С множеством отреставрированных зданий для исследования (включая больницу и общежитие) вы действительно сможете понять, каково было тем, кто въезжал в Соединенные Штаты в прошлые годы (возможно, даже некоторые из ваших собственных предков) .
Музей иммиграции острова Эллис
В главном здании острова этот музей исследует иммиграционный опыт с 1800-х до середины 1900-х годов. Вы сможете узнать больше о процессе въезда в США, процессе и процедурах въезда в страну, а также о том, что ждет иммигрантов, когда они начинают свою новую жизнь в Америке.
После нашей 3-й поездки на лодке обратно на Манхэттен с острова Эллис ваш гид проведет вас в гастрономический тур для современных иммигрантов по Финансовому району и вдоль Уолл-стрит. Этот район, который редко ассоциируется с гастрономической сценой Нью-Йорка, заполнен ресторанами, пекарнями и многим другим, принадлежащим иммигрантам. Вы прогуляетесь по окрестностям, слушая истории о жизни современных иммигрантов и их влиянии на кулинарный ландшафт города.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (16)
Nov 2022
Jessie was awesome!! I was the only one on her tour and it was such a great experience. She was very engaging and full of information. We took the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and got to walk around while she filled me in on amazing facts and tidbits. I’d been to NY a few times but never visited the statue so I was glad I got to check that box.. We then took a short ferry ride to Ellis Island and she shared more info with me and gave me great insights as to the best way to tour the buildings and walls… she even had some pictures of how things would have looked “back in the day” which helped add to the experience. After touring the island, which was so amazing, and so informative we took a ferry back to Manhattan and began the food part of our tour which I really enjoyed. I had my first hand rolled bagel with sun dried tomato cream cheese (sooooooo good) we then walked to a pizza place and grabbed a slice…. And then on to a bakery and had a delicious croissant and finally out last stop was falafel and hummus…. All of the restaurants we went to were all immigrant, owned, and ran… Jessie had amazing stories and history about each place we went to… All the food was delicious… And because it was just me, I was able to take a little bit from each place back to my room and enjoyed it later on that afternoon… I would definitely recommend The immigration experience and food tour to anyone looking for something a little bit different… Thanks Jessie for an amazing day!!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Hello there! Thank you so much for writing such a kind review. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour with Jessie as well as the yummy food. Happy travels!
Apr 2022
The tour and tour guide were truly excellent. Chock full of history of both The Statue of Liberty complete with a 3 room movie of the statue’s beginning, to building her in France and then rebuilding her in NYC harbor and the remaking of the original immigrant experience at Ellis Island over 100 years ago to what the modern day experience is. Our guide was equipped with pictures of the past to help us visualize what the experiences were and her history knowledge was extensive. The food the food the food! All food baked fresh featuring Jewish, Italian, Chinese and Middle Eastern treats. I highly recommend this tour and plan on treating my 3 sisters to this WeVenture in June when they visit
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
So happy to hear you enjoyed the tour! We aim to create great, immersive experiences that include immigrant stories and delicious food. Glad it lived up to your expectations.
Feb 2022
This was an enjoyable immigration history tour. I particularly liked the history portion of the tour where the guide talked about the history of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and some of the people who came through there. Our guide was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic, which added a lot to the experience. The food was good (particularly the pizza at the first stop), but I wish that we had gotten to learn more about the restaurants themselves since they were run by immigrants. Besides that, though, it was a fun experience that I would recommend to anyone interested in history and food!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Hello and thank you for this thorough review. We appreciate the feedback and will offer more insight into these restaurants during future tours

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