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Приключенческий тур на гору Сент-Хеленс из Портленда

Отправляйтесь на гору Сент-Хеленс и ее окрестности из Портленда в этом туре «ВСЕ ВКЛЮЧЕНО» с гидом, который расскажет о геологии, экологии, климате, истории и легендах этого района, а также об истории государственных земель США. Ваш гид проведет вас в походы возле водопадов, через лавовые трубы и в старовозрастных лесах.

Вы увидите некоторые из самых уникальных геологических особенностей в Северной Америке, в том числе самую длинную непрерывную лавовую трубу в Северной Америке и лес лавового дерева. Если позволит погода, вас отвезут к ближайшей смотровой площадке в кратер вулкана, где вам предложат пикник с видом на озеро Спирит. Независимо от того, насколько жаркая погода, вы будете наслаждаться естественным кондиционированием воздуха, прогуливаясь по впечатляющим водопадам и через первобытный лес. На обратном пути в Портленд у вас будет возможность остановиться на обед/пиво (за свой счет). *ЭТО 12-ЧАСОВАЯ ЭКСКУРСИЯ* *Мы - единственный оператор в Портленде, у которого есть защита от чихания между рядами в нашем транспортном средстве.*
Город: Портленд
Mon 24 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $295.00
Mon 24 Feb
Начинается с $295.00
Что включено
If weather does not allow mountain visibility, a modified itinerary will take you to bonus stops.
Bottled water
Hotel pickup/drop-off in Portland area
Air-conditioned vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Этот тур проводится при любых погодных условиях, а в пещере 42F (5,5C). Пожалуйста, одевайтесь многослойно.
  • Мы рекомендуем обувь, подходящую для небольшого скалолазания (например, скремблирования/боулдеринга).
  • Наденьте длинные брюки, так как будет возможность ползать.
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  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
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  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у сотрудников
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Бесконтактные платежи для чаевых и дополнений
Что ожидать
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Mount St. Helens
Travel to Mt. St. Helens and environs with a naturalist guide who will discuss the geology, ecology, climate, history, and legends of the area, as well as the history of US public lands. Your guide will lead you on hikes near waterfalls, through lava tubes, and within oldgrowth forests. Stops both inside and outside of Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Ape Cave Lava Tubes
Traverse North America's longest continuous lava tube! No matter how hot it is outside, the temperature in the cave is a constant 42F (5.5C), so bring layers. Also, be sure to bring shoes that are suitable for scrambling, and wipe those shoes before entering the bats' home so that they don't get white-nose syndrome!
WIndy Ridge Viewpoint
Weather permitting, we'll take you to the closest viewpoint with a view into the crater that is accessible by vehicle. There you'll have a picnic lunch, and have the opportunity to burn off your lunch by ascending the 357 stairs to a 365-degree view overlooking Spirit Lake, with the mountain looming. If conditions are clear enough, you'll see four stratovolcanoes: St. Helens, Rainier, Adams, and Hood.
Johnston Ridge Observatory
Trail of Two Forests Trail
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center
Lava Canyon
Гора Сент-Хеленс
Отправляйтесь на гору Сент-Хеленс и ее окрестности с гидом-натуралистом, который расскажет о геологии, экологии, климате, истории и легендах этого района, а также об истории государственных земель США. Ваш гид проведет вас в походы возле водопадов, через лавовые трубы и в старовозрастных лесах. Остановки внутри и снаружи национального вулканического памятника на горе Сент-Хеленс.
Лавовые трубы пещеры обезьян
Пройдите через самую длинную непрерывную лавовую трубу в Северной Америке! Как бы ни было жарко на улице, температура в пещере постоянная 42F (5,5C), так что берите слоев. Кроме того, не забудьте взять с собой обувь, подходящую для карабканья, и протирайте ее перед тем, как войти в жилище летучих мышей, чтобы они не заболели синдромом белого носа!
Смотровая площадка Винди-Ридж
Если позволит погода, мы отвезем вас на ближайшую смотровую площадку с видом на кратер, до которой можно добраться на автомобиле. Там у вас будет пикник, и у вас будет возможность сжечь свой обед, поднявшись по 357 ступеням к 365-градусному обзору с видом на озеро Спирит и надвигающуюся гору. Если условия достаточно ясны, вы увидите четыре стратовулкана: Сент-Хеленс, Ренье, Адамс и Худ.
Обсерватория Джонстон-Ридж
Тропа двух лесов
Туристический центр горы Сент-Хеленс
Лавовый каньон
Показать 53 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (29)
Aug 2022
Ape cave was amazing-a true adventure. Mt. St. Helens was a true beauty! We were so glad to get close to see the actual crater. Our director, Marcus led a fascinating excursion; highly recommended this journey.
Aug 2022
I was looking forward for this tour since a while ago and I am simply amazed by breathtaking places we visited. My favorite were Ape Caves and the forest with the really old Cedars. Our tour guide Ben was super nice and patient, we were just 2 people in the tour and neither of us spoke English as a first language. But Ben always made sure we understand everything and that was really appreciated.
Aug 2022
As much as we were charged for this tour it was not worth for what we paid for. This could have been one of the better tours but our Tour Guide (I will not mention her name-our trip was on July 19,2022). She was uninformative, needs some reading, & re-education. I could be more specific about what questions we asked her but it will take a lot of space. For example: the steps near Spirit Lake, trees, or rocks in the cave but she did not know. She would just stop our bus & not inform us why or where we’re stopping. She was quiet most of the time. When we were at the lava cave some of our head lights would turn off w no back up batteries. She did not have a functioning back up for her own headlamp either. She was unprepared. This was a total disservice to us-tourist.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
My apologies, as the guide did not meet our expectations. This is the first complaint we've had about her on this tour, so I'm wondering if this was a sleep issue. I will shadow her and make corrections where necessary.

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