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Бухта предателей, просмотр медведя

Компания Island Wings Air Service принадлежит и управляется пилотом-ветераном Аляски Мишель Масден, которая начала летать в 1977 году и начала свой бизнес в Кетчикане в 1993 году. Компания Island Wings не торопится и прилагает усилия, чтобы помочь вам осуществить ваши мечты об Аляске. Разделите нашу любовь к полетам над бескрайней дикой природой Аляски. Испытайте свободу полета над диким величием гор, островов и бескрайнего моря. Работая с 1993 года, Island Wings не торопится и прилагает усилия, чтобы помочь вам осуществить ваши мечты об Аляске. Наша цель — качество вашего опыта. От обработки вашего бронирования до оборудования, которое мы используем, до мест, которые мы посещаем; мы не идем на компромисс, и вы не должны. Общее время для этого тура составляет 4,25 часа, включая: полет, три часа на месте в обсерватории для наблюдения за медведями в бухте Предателей и пятнадцать минут на посадку и высадку.
Город: Ketchikan
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $499.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $499.00
Что включено
We operate well maintained six-passenger DeHavilland Beaver floatplanes
Guaranteed window seats for all passengers
Voice activated, noise cancelling headset for each passenger
Interactive narration with your Pilot
Pick-up and drop-off by Island WIngs van from the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau on Cruise Ship Berth 2
US Forest Service Special Use Permit for Bear Viewing within Tongss National Forest
All inclusive tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Пожалуйста, наденьте термобелье и удобную обувь для ходьбы.
  • Все пассажиры ДОЛЖНЫ предоставить нам контактный номер телефона при бронировании или позвонить нам по телефону (907) 225-2444, чтобы подтвердить время тура.
  • Пассажиры, путешествующие на круизном лайнере, ДОЛЖНЫ сообщить нам название своего круизного лайнера, чтобы можно было принять соответствующие меры.
Что ожидать
Tongass National Forest
Between July20th and September 30th you can visit the bear viewing observatory at Traitors Cove. Fly by floatplane along the beautiful waterways of the lush Tongass National Forest across Revillagegedo island to a US Forest Service maintained trail and the Margarete Creek Bear Viewing platform. Bears can be seen plunging into the rushing water to retrieve their meals of wiggling salmon. This is a perfect opportunity to photograph Alaska's real fisherman in action! In addition to bears feeding, you will also see bald eagles picking over the scraps left by the bears and of course, the real stars of the show, the salmon as they battle their way upstream to spawn. Your journey will be accompanied by the Island Wings bear guide who will provide information about the flora and fauna along the way. Combine a short hike, beautiful scenery and a magnificent wildlife experience in one trip. This is a four hour tour that includes a floatplane flight, a one mile drive by van on a US Forest Service road and a short hike along a boardwalk trail to the viewing platform. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring plenty of camera batteries! The US Forest Service restricts access to Margarete Observatory by permit. As a result, only small numbers of people have the opportunity to visit this beautiful site, so book early! The four hour Traitors Cove bear viewing tour includes: a thirty minute flight each way and three hours at Traitors Cove. All tours include complimentary ground transportation to and from our dock which adds fifteen minutes to the beginning and the end of your tour. For this four hour tour you will need to budget four and a half hours total time. Season: July 20th through September 30th.
Tongass National Forest
Between July20th and September 30th you can visit the bear viewing observatory at Traitors Cove. Fly by floatplane along the beautiful waterways of the lush Tongass National Forest across Revillagegedo island to a US Forest Service maintained trail and the Margarete Creek Bear Viewing platform. Bears can be seen plunging into the rushing water to retrieve their meals of wiggling salmon. This is a perfect opportunity to photograph Alaska's real fisherman in action! In addition to bears feeding, you will also see bald eagles picking over the scraps left by the bears and of course, the real stars of the show, the salmon as they battle their way upstream to spawn. Your journey will be accompanied by the Island Wings bear guide who will provide information about the flora and fauna along the way. Combine a short hike, beautiful scenery and a magnificent wildlife experience in one trip. This is a four hour tour that includes a floatplane flight, a one mile drive by van on a US Forest Service road and a short hike along a boardwalk trail to the viewing platform. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring plenty of camera batteries! The US Forest Service restricts access to Margarete Observatory by permit. As a result, only small numbers of people have the opportunity to visit this beautiful site, so book early! The four hour Traitors Cove bear viewing tour includes: a thirty minute flight each way and three hours at Traitors Cove. All tours include complimentary ground transportation to and from our dock which adds fifteen minutes to the beginning and the end of your tour. For this four hour tour you will need to budget four and a half hours total time. Season: July 20th through September 30th.
Tongass National Forest
Between July20th and September 30th you can visit the bear viewing observatory at Traitors Cove. Fly by floatplane along the beautiful waterways of the lush Tongass National Forest across Revillagegedo island to a US Forest Service maintained trail and the Margarete Creek Bear Viewing platform. Bears can be seen plunging into the rushing water to retrieve their meals of wiggling salmon. This is a perfect opportunity to photograph Alaska's real fisherman in action! In addition to bears feeding, you will also see bald eagles picking over the scraps left by the bears and of course, the real stars of the show, the salmon as they battle their way upstream to spawn. Your journey will be accompanied by the Island Wings bear guide who will provide information about the flora and fauna along the way. Combine a short hike, beautiful scenery and a magnificent wildlife experience in one trip. This is a four hour tour that includes a floatplane flight, a one mile drive by van on a US Forest Service road and a short hike along a boardwalk trail to the viewing platform. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring plenty of camera batteries! The US Forest Service restricts access to Margarete Observatory by permit. As a result, only small numbers of people have the opportunity to visit this beautiful site, so book early! The four hour Traitors Cove bear viewing tour includes: a thirty minute flight each way and three hours at Traitors Cove. All tours include complimentary ground transportation to and from our dock which adds fifteen minutes to the beginning and the end of your tour. For this four hour tour you will need to budget four and a half hours total time. Season: July 20th through September 30th.
Национальный лес Тонгасс
С 20 июля по 30 сентября вы можете посетить обсерваторию для наблюдения за медведями в бухте Предателей. Пролетите на гидросамолете по красивым водным путям пышного национального леса Тонгасс через остров Ревиллагедо к тропе, поддерживаемой Лесной службой США, и платформе для наблюдения за медведями Маргарет-Крик. Можно увидеть, как медведи ныряют в бурлящую воду, чтобы добыть свою порцию извивающегося лосося. Это прекрасная возможность сфотографировать настоящего рыбака Аляски в действии! Помимо кормления медведей, вы также увидите, как белоголовые орланы собирают объедки, оставленные медведями, и, конечно же, настоящие звезды шоу — лосось, который сражается вверх по течению, чтобы нереститься. Ваше путешествие будет сопровождать гид-медведь Island Wings, который предоставит информацию о флоре и фауне по пути. Совместите короткую прогулку, красивые пейзажи и великолепный опыт дикой природы в одной поездке. Это четырехчасовой тур, который включает в себя полет на гидросамолете, поездку на фургоне в одну милю по дороге Лесной службы США и короткую прогулку по променаду к смотровой площадке. Обязательно наденьте удобную обувь для ходьбы и возьмите с собой много аккумуляторов для фотоаппарата! Лесная служба США ограничивает доступ к обсерватории Маргарет по разрешению. В результате лишь небольшое количество людей имеет возможность посетить это прекрасное место, поэтому бронируйте заранее! Четырехчасовой тур по наблюдению за медведями в бухте Предателей включает в себя: 30-минутный полет в одну сторону и три часа в бухте Предателей. Все туры включают в себя бесплатный наземный транспорт до нашего причала и обратно, что добавляет пятнадцать минут к началу и концу вашего тура. Для этого четырехчасового тура вам нужно будет выделить четыре с половиной часа общего времени. Сезон: с 20 июля по 30 сентября.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (29)
Aug 2019
We booked this trip after a lot of research. We were met by Jensen and were happy to learn that we were the only passengers on that day! Jensen was warm and friendly from the start . Michelle is an excellent pilot and really made us feel safe. Jensen was our guide to the bear viewing platform and is a very knowledgeable about the bears we were about to see. There is a short, very enjoyable walk to the viewing platform where we saw our first bears. We were the only people present and were able to enjoy several exclusive hours watching several bears before another party arrived. We were able to remain long after the other party left . Jensen was a top guide with a great sense of humour. Overall I would not hesitate to recommend this trip as we had an amazing time and loved every minute!
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2019
Dear 599annie, Thank you for the great review on your trip to Traitors Cove! I'm happy to hear that you felt safe flying with me and that you enjoyed your time watching bears with Jenson! He has a quirky sense of humor and keeps us laughing most days! Our tours are longer than any of the other companies who offer Bear Viewing tours to Traitors Cove. The reason for this is, as you know, the bears come and go, come and go, form the viewing area. If people are not allowed to stay very long on the platform, they run the risk of not seeing any bears at all. Most companies are trying to fit more trips in per day so the tours have to be shorter. Thank you so much for flying with us! Wishing you many more "WOW" moments in your travels! Michelle, Jensen, Adam, Shona & Kelly
Gadi B
Aug 2019
This trip was an incredible experience from start to end. Michelle is a very good pilot (I was terrified to fly and came back completely calm) and transmits her love about flying and about all the nature in this place. Jensen is a fantastic tour guide making the experience much better. What I liked most from this specific tour is that there was a long time to see the salmons and bears. When we arrived to the watching point there were no bears at all; we thought we had very bad luck and we wouldn't see any. Together with us at the observing platform there was another group from another company; they were there just about 30 minutes, saw one bear and left. We saw more than 12! We could see how young bears are learning to catch, old ones catching instantly and how young respect the old when they had an encounter. We love nature. This was watching bears from a close distance in their environment without disturbing them, which is fantastic. Michelle and Jensen, thank you very much for making this a perfect experience.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2019
Dear Gadi B, Thank you for your lovely review on our tour to Traitors Cove Bear Viewing! As you have experienced wildlife is wild and there is no controlling when the bears come and go from the viewing platform. The only way to ensure my guests have the best possible opportunity to view bears is to give them ample time at Traitors Cove. Other companies offering tours to Traitors Cove have much shorter viewing times on site. I'm glad to hear Jensen was a fantastic guide for you! His quirky snese of humor and knowledge about the flora and fauna of Southeast Alaska make him a good fit for the job! Thank you again for flying with us! May you have many more enjoyable travels! Michelle
Matt S
Aug 2019
Lady Esther is a beautiful 1959 built Beaver , we were flown to Traitors Cove by Michelle ( the owner thanks Michelle) i was lucky enugh to be " co pilot" just about managing to get my 6ft 4 inch frame under the flying controls and keeping clear of the pedals !! , MIchelle gave a bit of a commentary during ur flight to the Cove , were we landed and transferred with our Guide Jensen into Bear country !! Jensen was excellent , he gave us a safety briefing before we started our litte forest trek, and told us what we needed to do if we encountered a Bear ( which is what we had come to see ) we were lucky enough to see 7 seperate Bears during our three hours of watching, it felt as though we were there only about an hour. Overall this was a magical experience, one i would love to repeat if it wasnt too far away. All the while when booking the tour i dealt with Shona, by e-mail or phone and she was wonderful, everything went without a hitch and i have been extremely impressed with the whole operation of Island Wings Air Service.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2019
Dear Matt S, Thank you for the exceptional review! Yes getting into the co-pilot seat requires a bit of what we like to call "airplane yoga" especially for the taller folks! It's more of a seat you "wear" rather than relax in. Worth the effort though for people who rarely get the opportunity to sit there! Happy to hear the bears cooperated for you!! Wildlife has that "wild" aspect to it so we cannot control how many bears each group will see there. We do however allow our passengers to stay on site at Traitors Cove longer than any of the other tour operators, which in turn allows for the best possible viewing opportunities. This is Jensen's second year guiding at Traitors Cove, we are so happy to have him as he is doing a wonderful job for us! Shona' has been with working for me for 13 years now, she is the one who keeps the schedule straight and us pilots and guide's out of her office and in the field where we belong....out of her hair! I hope all of your adventures in Alaska were equally magical! Thanks again for flying with us! All the best, Michelle
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