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Приключенческий курс TreeUmph

Вы воин-ниндзя или просто ищете веселое семейное приключение? ДеревоУмф! предлагает приключения на полдня, как никто другой. Вы сблизитесь со своими друзьями и семьей, когда будете карабкаться по веревочным качелям, тросам, подвесным мостам, качающимся бревнам, грузовым сеткам и многому другому. Курсы начинаются легко и становятся все выше и сложнее по мере вашего продвижения. Завершите свое приключение на зиплайне Triumphant длиной 650 футов.
Город: Сарасота
Thu 06 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $65.13
Thu 06 Mar
Начинается с $65.13
Что включено
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Разрешены служебные животные.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • На трассе запрещена обувь с открытым носком.
  • Длинные волосы должны быть убраны назад.
  • Взрослые (в возрасте 12 лет и старше) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 11 дюймов или 71 дюйм, поставив ноги на землю.
  • Юниоры (в возрасте 9–11 лет) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 9 дюймов или 69 дюймов с ногами на земле
  • Если гость моложе 16 лет, его должен сопровождать на деревьях взрослый в возрасте 16 лет или старше
  • Отказ должен быть выполнено всеми гостями. Если вам меньше 18 лет, родители должны оформить отказ.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Jun 2019
Let me start by saying that I have a serious fear of heights. I knew going into this that there were high chances I would not do well or like it. I felt good about accomplishing the "baby" course they have (which you do before the 1st obstacle course). I had to be rescued on the first obstacle course. I think I would of maybe made it a little farther if the guide wasn't rushing me or if the guide would of given me some guidance/instruction on how to do the obstacle area in front of me. The rushing and no guidance from the guide was really the only negative. This place is not for people with a serious fear of heights. I knew that going into it & enjoyed the rest of my time watching my husband and son and taking pictures. My son did amazing on this and enjoyed it. My husband and son both made it through the 2nd obstacle course. We found there was not enough time to attempt the 3rd course and we got there at 11am. We also got very hungry, so it is wise to plan only doing a couple courses each visit and take some time to eat snacks at snack bar they have. My in-laws also did pretty good here. They all had fun.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2019
Thank you for sharing your experience at the park, we are sorry to hear that your interaction with one of our guides on the demonstration course wasn’t as positive as we would have hoped. We understand there are people that leave their comfort zone to come visit us in order to conquer a fear of heights, and we want our guests to feel supported in that endeavor. An additional note, we do recommend allowing 3-4 hours to complete our adult ticket so that you give yourself ample time to proceed through the courses at a pace you are comfortable with. We would love to hear more about your experience, if you would like to reach out, please contact our Director of Operations directly at [email protected]. - Amanda J.
Jun 2019
This was an awesome experience for my 11 year old son. He did the junior course and it was a perfect fit for him. Took him a while to navigate the clickers but he got it with the help of CARLY. She was the sweetest, kindest guide you will ever meet. She encouraged kids and cheered them on the entire time. Without her, I am not sure if he would have had the confidence to move on. Thank you CARLY. You made his visit one he will never forget. We visited last Thursday... the guide that explained everything from the start was not that helpful but no worries because you have a lot of other guides along the way.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2019
Thank you for the review! We are so glad your son had such an awesome adventure! Carly is a wonderful part of our team of guides! I will be certain to pass this message along to her as I am sure it will truly make her day to read your kind words! We hope to see both you and your son back in the trees again soon! -Amanda J.
Jun 2019
The course challenge is very good, it gradually starts easy then progressively becomes more challenging and higher. Definatly buy the unlimited water ticket you will need it and you need the gloves to protect your hands!
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2019
Thank you for the review! We are so happy to hear you enjoyed you time at TreeUmph! We love that our course is not only a fun experience but can double as a great workout! Always a great tip to keep hydrated, thank you! We hope to see you up in the trees again soon! - Amanda J.

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