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Приключенческий курс TreeUmph

Вы воин-ниндзя или просто ищете веселое семейное приключение? ДеревоУмф! предлагает приключения на полдня, как никто другой. Вы сблизитесь со своими друзьями и семьей, когда будете карабкаться по веревочным качелям, тросам, подвесным мостам, качающимся бревнам, грузовым сеткам и многому другому. Курсы начинаются легко и становятся все выше и сложнее по мере вашего продвижения. Завершите свое приключение на зиплайне Triumphant длиной 650 футов.
Город: Сарасота
Sun 29 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $65.13
Sun 29 Sep
Начинается с $65.13
Что включено
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Разрешены служебные животные.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • На трассе запрещена обувь с открытым носком.
  • Длинные волосы должны быть убраны назад.
  • Взрослые (в возрасте 12 лет и старше) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 11 дюймов или 71 дюйм, поставив ноги на землю.
  • Юниоры (в возрасте 9–11 лет) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 9 дюймов или 69 дюймов с ногами на земле
  • Если гость моложе 16 лет, его должен сопровождать на деревьях взрослый в возрасте 16 лет или старше
  • Отказ должен быть выполнено всеми гостями. Если вам меньше 18 лет, родители должны оформить отказ.
Политика отмены
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Heidi B
Aug 2015
It's a wonderful place in Winter or Fall. Big issue here is climate. I don't recommend going in summer since it's very hot out there and there is little tree cover while you are exhorting yourself so much. If you do, take a fanny pack or Camelback for water because you'll need it. You can also just buy a water package for a few dollars and grab a water bottle from coolers throughout the park. Additionally, you can bring gloves or they can supply you with finger-less ones for a couple dollars. There are 5 parts to the course. Depending on your fitness level (and whether heights bother you), you can get through the course in about 3 hours. It's 54 feet to the cable during the last part of the course - which is pretty challenging. Once you complete all 5 courses, you can ring a bell hanging at the end and write your name on the white board in the office. You also get a free drink coupon at the Truman's Tap and Grill. As for the course itself, I'm not fond of the ladders. (2 in particular) There is one going to Course 5 that takes a while and also the ladder up to the final long zip line. I guess it's part of the challenge! The guides there are really nice and encouraging. They will help as much or as little as you'd like. Having done a few other courses, the only other thing is that if you are a young teen, some of the obstacles have heavy ropes where you might need assistance - like getting off the swinging rope (the weight of the rope pulls you away from the landing) or reaching and connecting the "skateboard" part and trying to unhook. It can be a lot of fun with a group of friends - frustrating but fun!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2015
Hello, Thank you for your review and your visit! We are so glad you had an enjoyable time during your adventure with us! You are right that our adventures may not be for everyone in the summer time, but we do offer the unlimited water packet to try and combat the intense Florida heat. Our courses can be “frustrating but fun” sometime, but it wouldn’t be an obstacle course if it didn’t challenge you! Thank you again for your review and we look forward to seeing you again when the weather cools down! Cheers!
jessie d
Aug 2015
At first I thought it was going to be more for younger kids but once I got to Course 5, Summit, it was definitely a challenge that I was thrilled to accomplish!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2015
Hello, Thank you for your review and your visit! What a great surprise date idea and congrats on finishing the Summit! We are so glad you had a thrilling and memorable experience and we look forward to seeing you again soon! Cheers!
Aug 2015
The five courses offered lots of challenges for all age groups. I highly recommend purchasing the gloves (or bringing your own) and the water package if you go in the summer. The staff was friendly; however, I thought there would be more guides along the courses to ensure everyone maintained proper use of their gear. We staggered adult to child on each course to keep close eye on the kids (no one was under age 12 in our group). Having upper body strength certainly helps making through all 5 courses! Overall, our group of 10 adults/children had a great time!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2015
Hello, Thank you for review and your visit! We are so glad you enjoyed your adventure with your family and found our guides to be friendly! In regards to the amount of staff we have posted throughout the course, we do position a guide on every course in such a way so that one of them is able to see every element of the course at all times. We also do a comprehensive safety training so our guests understand how to be safe and that safety is two way commitment. Our practice course is completed prior to any adventure. This gives our guides an opportunity to ensure that guests are capable of following the rules and capable of being safe before they even begin their adventure. Great job staggering the kids and adults on the course, this is highly encouraged and actually why we have our chaperone requirements for those under age 16. Thank you again for your review and we look forward to seeing you all again soon! Cheers!

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