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Приключенческий курс TreeUmph

Вы воин-ниндзя или просто ищете веселое семейное приключение? ДеревоУмф! предлагает приключения на полдня, как никто другой. Вы сблизитесь со своими друзьями и семьей, когда будете карабкаться по веревочным качелям, тросам, подвесным мостам, качающимся бревнам, грузовым сеткам и многому другому. Курсы начинаются легко и становятся все выше и сложнее по мере вашего продвижения. Завершите свое приключение на зиплайне Triumphant длиной 650 футов.
Город: Сарасота
Mon 23 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $65.13
Mon 23 Sep
Начинается с $65.13
Что включено
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Разрешены служебные животные.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • На трассе запрещена обувь с открытым носком.
  • Длинные волосы должны быть убраны назад.
  • Взрослые (в возрасте 12 лет и старше) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 11 дюймов или 71 дюйм, поставив ноги на землю.
  • Юниоры (в возрасте 9–11 лет) должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до 5 футов 9 дюймов или 69 дюймов с ногами на земле
  • Если гость моложе 16 лет, его должен сопровождать на деревьях взрослый в возрасте 16 лет или старше
  • Отказ должен быть выполнено всеми гостями. Если вам меньше 18 лет, родители должны оформить отказ.
Политика отмены
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Mar 2015
Great place to get outside and get a workout. My wife and I have been at least half a dozen times over the last year - we always get the zip back pass and why not, it's half price - and we're glad to see they've made awesome improvements to the course and base camp: not that it was bad before, but now it's better. The Summit is wicked tough now (tougher than it was), but it's just as fun and just as rewarding! I would love to see something closer to Tampa (maybe indoor/outdoor, like a cityscape). I think that, code and insurance issues aside, it would be awesome for the downtown area or somewhere near there. I might even justify the price of the annual passes if it were a little closer to my house.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2015
Hi, Thanks so much for your review and for visiting us! We are so glad you have enjoyed each or your adventures with us and noticed all the improvements we have made over the last several months. The Zip Back pass is an awesome deal to take advantage of when you are somewhat local because like you mentioned you can't beat a half price ticket to come back! We have just recently announce that we will be opening a second TreeUmph! park in Hernando County so keep an eye out for updates on that! Not sure if the new park will be closer for you but either way we look forward to seeing you swinging in the trees again soon! Thanks again for your review!
Angie S
Mar 2015
We have 2 boys 10 and 12... Our 12 year old (Trey) has high functioning Autism. Chase our youngest, had an incredible time on the kids course. I think he will likely be ready for the next course for our trip next year. We were very worried about Trey's ability to clip in and out... But happen to hit it on a slow day and was fortunate enough to have Martha (employee)... While they note that you have to be able to do the course by yourself, Martha took the time to ensure Trey was safe and helped him along the way. I realize that if they were busy they wouldn't be able to accommodate the time it took for him to complete the course... Boy were we lucky! What an incredible experience!! Martha is a jewel!! So much patience... So pleasant.... She truly made what could have been a bad choice of activities for us, into a day my boys won't forget. Thank you Martha for spending the time with Trey.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2015
Hello, Thanks so much for your review and for visiting us here at TreeUmph!. We are so glad that both of your boys were able to have a wonderful experience at the park! We are glad that it worked out that Martha could give Trey some extra help since we weren't extremely busy that day. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to inspire Fun and a sense of Pride through Adventure for your boys and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!
Mar 2015
Our whole family had a great time! We love treeumph! If you haven't been, you should definitely give it a try.

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