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U Street: тур по еде, истории и уличному искусству

Испытайте кулинарное исследование в одном из знаковых районов округа Колумбия. Здесь вы узнаете, что делает U Street таким вкусным. Это приключение удовлетворит ваш желудок и подарит вам новые впечатления от знакомства с нашим восхитительным городом.

Прогуливаясь по этим знаменитым улицам, вы узнаете, как музыка повлияла на культуру, начиная с «Черного Бродвея» и джаза. эпоха. Вы узнаете о других вкусных блюдах, о том, как архитектура сформировала город, и о том, как развивался район за последнее столетие.

Исследуйте один из замечательных районов округа Колумбия и отправляйтесь в кулинарное приключение. Если вы ищете место для свидания или гостей за городом, этот гастрономический тур удовлетворит любой аппетит.

При бронировании укажите, есть ли у вас пищевая аллергия.

Часть от продажи каждого билета передается организации Bread For The City, которая предоставляет продукты питания, одежду, медицинское обслуживание, а также юридические и социальные услуги. уменьшить бремя бедности для жителей округа Колумбия.
Город: Вашингтон
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $103.64
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $103.64
Что включено
Local/professional guide
Historical Content
Local/professional guide
Historical Content
Local/professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослый
  • Вегетарианская опция доступна, пожалуйста, сообщите при бронировании, если требуется
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о любых конкретных диетических требованиях во время бронирования - мы не можем разместить веганов :(
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом
  • Обратите внимание: к сожалению, в этом туре мы не можем принять веганскую диету или аллергию на молочные продукты.
  • Мы следим за всеми действующие требования и правила. Мы тесно сотрудничаем с нашими ресторанами-партнерами, чтобы убедиться, что они соблюдают все рекомендуемые меры безопасности.
Что ожидать
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
U Street
Our tour will take place predominantly along the U St corridor, which is rich with history. We'll stop in several places between restaurants to share the history and culture of this diverse neighborhood.
Lincoln Theatre
We'll stop outside of Lincoln Theater and speak briefly about the history of the building and events that have happened there.
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
We'll point out the African American Civil War Memorial, outside of the Civil War Museum. We encourage everyone to return and explore the memorial and the museum on your own time.
Наш тур будет проходить преимущественно по коридору Ю-Ст, который имеет богатую историю. Мы остановимся в нескольких местах между ресторанами, чтобы поделиться историей и культурой этого разнообразного района.
Театр Линкольна
Мы остановимся возле Линкольн-театра и кратко поговорим об истории здания и событиях, которые там происходили.
Мемориальный музей гражданской войны афроамериканцев
Мы укажем Мемориал гражданской войны афроамериканцев, за пределами Музея гражданской войны. Мы призываем всех вернуться и осмотреть мемориал и музей в свободное время.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (202)
Oct 2022
Great tour that incorporates history and culture together with food. The food choices are all very different but all compliment each other together well. I would definitely recommend this tour! Jim was extremely knowledgeable and a great tour guide, thank you! Although not required, be sure to tip your guide :)
Oct 2022
I was given two tickets as a gift and it was awesome. We had the tour guide Jim who did a great job of exposing the food and history of U street. Highly recommend if you live in the area or are just visiting.
Lisa M
Oct 2022
Our guide was fun and knowledgeable. We had a small group of 6 which was the perfect size for the tour. It was overall a good tour of history and food. It would have been nice to have a few more tastes at more restaurants.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
We appreciate your feedback, Lisa! Featuring more stops on our tour would mean that we'd be giving each of our restaurant partners fewer resources, and we believe they deserve the absolute best we have to offer. We hope you left U Street pleasantly full, and thank you for your support to not only locally owned businesses but to the community around us!

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