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Окончательный аудио-тур по озеру Тахо с самостоятельным вождением

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Исследуйте ослепительно голубые воды озера Тахо и потрясающие горные пейзажи с помощью этого самостоятельного аудиотура! Объезжайте все озеро, узнавая о его происхождении, восхищаясь его захватывающими видами и погрузившись в историю его Золотого века. Исследуйте походы, исторические дома и виды на водопады по пути. Эта самостоятельная автомобильная экскурсия позволит вам познакомиться со всем озером Тахо с максимальной гибкостью и ценностью.

• Увлекательный и гибкий способ максимально использовать свое время на озере Тахо
• Изучить мелочи и историю Тахо. когда вы едете к различным достопримечательностям
• Низкая цена для бюджетного приложения указана за автомобиль
• Срок действия приложения не ограничен, его можно запускать и приостанавливать в любое время.
Город: озеро Тахо
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $14.99
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $14.99
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  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски.
Что ожидать
Tallac Historic Site
The Pope Cabin owes its name to its eccentric former owner, George Pope. Pope called this home the Vatican, and would bring celebrities out for all kinds of crazy parties. While Pope and his family vacationed here, they hired a retinue of 35 servants!
Pope Beach
Pope Beach is one of Lake Tahoe's 40 public beaches. It's defined by dunes and pine trees and makes for a perfect swimming, boating, or picnicking spot. Entry is $8 most days, but can go up to $20 on peak holidays.
Like Valhalla, Vikingsholm is built to emulate the architecture of Scandinavian castles. This 38-room mansion sports Norse carvings around the entrances and Nordic dragons on its roof. It also boasts a view that rivals any of Norway's fjords!
Emerald Bay State Park
Emerald Bay gets its name for the lovely green hue created by the sun shining on the bay's crystal clear waters. At Emerald Bay State Park, you'll have the opportunity to embark on all manner of activities in this water, from kayaking to scuba diving and beyond. If you didn't bring your own gear, don't worry, the park offers rentals!
Eagle Falls
Eagle Falls Trail leads to the only waterfall that flows into Lake Tahoe. This moderate, 2-mile hike is a hugely popular stop, and for good reason. The trail boasts not just the beautiful waterfall at the end, but also some splendid views along the way.
Meeks Bay Trail
Meeks Bay features a pristine white sand beach that's perfect for lounging lakeside. The water also remains shallow for a long way out, making this a great spot for families. This beach can get pretty crowded in the summer, so it's important to plan ahead.
Sugar Pine State Park
An optional detour can take you to Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State Park. As the name would suggest, sugar pines dominate this park. Interestingly, a huge portion of this 2,500-acre park is new growth forest due to heavy logging in the 1800s.
Olympic Valley
If you're visiting in the winter, you won't want to miss this detour. Olympic Valley, high in the Sierra Nevada, offers some of the best skiing areas in the region. It has actually hosted the Winter Olympics, hence the name!
Tahoe City Visitor Information Center
The Tahoe City Visitor Information Center marks just how far you've come. Located on the north side of the lake, it's a great place to pause, find restrooms, and pick up snacks for the final leg of your journey.
Carnelian Bay
Carnelian Bay is a popular, picturesque spot which was once famous for something besides its postcard beauty. Back in the 1930s and 1940s, this was a major destination for boat racing! Today, it's a great spot for fishing, paddleboarding, and all sorts of other activities.
Kings Beach
Kings Beach is one of the warmest beaches on the lakeshore, so if you're wary of the chilly alpine waters, this is the spot for you! The recreation area also features a playground and a basketball court, and there are plenty of well-shaded picnic tables here as well. It's got a little something for everyone.
Club Cal-Neva Casino
Located right on the state line between California and Nevada, the Cal Neva Lodge & Casino is a fun spot with a pretty wild history. It was once owned by Frank Sinatra and frequented by celebrities like Lucille Ball. Even John F. Kennedy used to visit before he became president!
Sand Harbor
Sand Harbor isn't just another beach. It features unique rock formations that make it a favorite spot among scuba divers, and has some of the clearest water of anywhere on the lakeshore. It's also where you'll find the trailhead for the fully accessible Sand Point Trail.
Logan Shoals Vista Trail
Logan Shoals is hands down one of the best vistas of Lake Tahoe. It rises 300 feet above the lake, offering panoramic views of the water and the lush greenery all around. There's a reason this is a hugely popular wedding spot!
Tallac Historic Site
The Pope Cabin owes its name to its eccentric former owner, George Pope. Pope called this home the Vatican, and would bring celebrities out for all kinds of crazy parties. While Pope and his family vacationed here, they hired a retinue of 35 servants!
Pope Beach
Pope Beach is one of Lake Tahoe's 40 public beaches. It's defined by dunes and pine trees and makes for a perfect swimming, boating, or picnicking spot. Entry is $8 most days, but can go up to $20 on peak holidays.
Like Valhalla, Vikingsholm is built to emulate the architecture of Scandinavian castles. This 38-room mansion sports Norse carvings around the entrances and Nordic dragons on its roof. It also boasts a view that rivals any of Norway's fjords!
Emerald Bay State Park
Emerald Bay gets its name for the lovely green hue created by the sun shining on the bay's crystal clear waters. At Emerald Bay State Park, you'll have the opportunity to embark on all manner of activities in this water, from kayaking to scuba diving and beyond. If you didn't bring your own gear, don't worry, the park offers rentals!
Eagle Falls
Eagle Falls Trail leads to the only waterfall that flows into Lake Tahoe. This moderate, 2-mile hike is a hugely popular stop, and for good reason. The trail boasts not just the beautiful waterfall at the end, but also some splendid views along the way.
Meeks Bay Trail
Meeks Bay features a pristine white sand beach that's perfect for lounging lakeside. The water also remains shallow for a long way out, making this a great spot for families. This beach can get pretty crowded in the summer, so it's important to plan ahead.
Sugar Pine State Park
An optional detour can take you to Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State Park. As the name would suggest, sugar pines dominate this park. Interestingly, a huge portion of this 2,500-acre park is new growth forest due to heavy logging in the 1800s.
Olympic Valley
If you're visiting in the winter, you won't want to miss this detour. Olympic Valley, high in the Sierra Nevada, offers some of the best skiing areas in the region. It has actually hosted the Winter Olympics, hence the name!
Tahoe City Visitor Information Center
The Tahoe City Visitor Information Center marks just how far you've come. Located on the north side of the lake, it's a great place to pause, find restrooms, and pick up snacks for the final leg of your journey.
Carnelian Bay
Carnelian Bay is a popular, picturesque spot which was once famous for something besides its postcard beauty. Back in the 1930s and 1940s, this was a major destination for boat racing! Today, it's a great spot for fishing, paddleboarding, and all sorts of other activities.
Kings Beach
Kings Beach is one of the warmest beaches on the lakeshore, so if you're wary of the chilly alpine waters, this is the spot for you! The recreation area also features a playground and a basketball court, and there are plenty of well-shaded picnic tables here as well. It's got a little something for everyone.
Club Cal-Neva Casino
Located right on the state line between California and Nevada, the Cal Neva Lodge & Casino is a fun spot with a pretty wild history. It was once owned by Frank Sinatra and frequented by celebrities like Lucille Ball. Even John F. Kennedy used to visit before he became president!
Sand Harbor
Sand Harbor isn't just another beach. It features unique rock formations that make it a favorite spot among scuba divers, and has some of the clearest water of anywhere on the lakeshore. It's also where you'll find the trailhead for the fully accessible Sand Point Trail.
Logan Shoals Vista Trail
Logan Shoals is hands down one of the best vistas of Lake Tahoe. It rises 300 feet above the lake, offering panoramic views of the water and the lush greenery all around. There's a reason this is a hugely popular wedding spot!
Tallac Historic Site
The Pope Cabin owes its name to its eccentric former owner, George Pope. Pope called this home the Vatican, and would bring celebrities out for all kinds of crazy parties. While Pope and his family vacationed here, they hired a retinue of 35 servants!
Pope Beach
Pope Beach is one of Lake Tahoe's 40 public beaches. It's defined by dunes and pine trees and makes for a perfect swimming, boating, or picnicking spot. Entry is $8 most days, but can go up to $20 on peak holidays.
Like Valhalla, Vikingsholm is built to emulate the architecture of Scandinavian castles. This 38-room mansion sports Norse carvings around the entrances and Nordic dragons on its roof. It also boasts a view that rivals any of Norway's fjords!
Emerald Bay State Park
Emerald Bay gets its name for the lovely green hue created by the sun shining on the bay's crystal clear waters. At Emerald Bay State Park, you'll have the opportunity to embark on all manner of activities in this water, from kayaking to scuba diving and beyond. If you didn't bring your own gear, don't worry, the park offers rentals!
Eagle Falls
Eagle Falls Trail leads to the only waterfall that flows into Lake Tahoe. This moderate, 2-mile hike is a hugely popular stop, and for good reason. The trail boasts not just the beautiful waterfall at the end, but also some splendid views along the way.
Meeks Bay Trail
Meeks Bay features a pristine white sand beach that's perfect for lounging lakeside. The water also remains shallow for a long way out, making this a great spot for families. This beach can get pretty crowded in the summer, so it's important to plan ahead.
Sugar Pine State Park
An optional detour can take you to Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State Park. As the name would suggest, sugar pines dominate this park. Interestingly, a huge portion of this 2,500-acre park is new growth forest due to heavy logging in the 1800s.
Olympic Valley
If you're visiting in the winter, you won't want to miss this detour. Olympic Valley, high in the Sierra Nevada, offers some of the best skiing areas in the region. It has actually hosted the Winter Olympics, hence the name!
Tahoe City Visitor Information Center
The Tahoe City Visitor Information Center marks just how far you've come. Located on the north side of the lake, it's a great place to pause, find restrooms, and pick up snacks for the final leg of your journey.
Carnelian Bay
Carnelian Bay is a popular, picturesque spot which was once famous for something besides its postcard beauty. Back in the 1930s and 1940s, this was a major destination for boat racing! Today, it's a great spot for fishing, paddleboarding, and all sorts of other activities.
Kings Beach
Kings Beach is one of the warmest beaches on the lakeshore, so if you're wary of the chilly alpine waters, this is the spot for you! The recreation area also features a playground and a basketball court, and there are plenty of well-shaded picnic tables here as well. It's got a little something for everyone.
Club Cal-Neva Casino
Located right on the state line between California and Nevada, the Cal Neva Lodge & Casino is a fun spot with a pretty wild history. It was once owned by Frank Sinatra and frequented by celebrities like Lucille Ball. Even John F. Kennedy used to visit before he became president!
Sand Harbor
Sand Harbor isn't just another beach. It features unique rock formations that make it a favorite spot among scuba divers, and has some of the clearest water of anywhere on the lakeshore. It's also where you'll find the trailhead for the fully accessible Sand Point Trail.
Logan Shoals Vista Trail
Logan Shoals is hands down one of the best vistas of Lake Tahoe. It rises 300 feet above the lake, offering panoramic views of the water and the lush greenery all around. There's a reason this is a hugely popular wedding spot!
Историческое место Таллак
Хижина Папы Римского обязана своим названием эксцентричному бывшему владельцу Джорджу Поупу. Папа называл этот дом Ватиканом и приглашал знаменитостей на всевозможные безумные вечеринки. Пока Папа с семьей отдыхали здесь, они наняли свиту из 35 слуг!
Поуп Бич
Поуп-Бич — один из 40 общественных пляжей на озере Тахо. Он окружен дюнами и соснами и идеально подходит для купания, катания на лодках или пикников. Вход стоит 8 долларов в большинство дней, но может доходить до 20 долларов в пиковые праздники.
Как и Вальхалла, Викингсхольм построен по архитектуре скандинавских замков. Этот особняк с 38 комнатами украшен скандинавской резьбой вокруг входов и скандинавскими драконами на крыше. Он также может похвастаться видом, который может соперничать с любым из норвежских фьордов!
Государственный парк Эмеральд-Бэй
Изумрудный залив получил свое название за прекрасный зеленый оттенок, созданный солнцем, сияющим на кристально чистых водах залива. В государственном парке Эмеральд-Бей у вас будет возможность заняться всеми видами деятельности в этой воде, от каякинга до подводного плавания и не только. Если вы не привезли свое снаряжение, не волнуйтесь, парк предлагает прокат!
Орлиный водопад
Тропа Орлиного водопада ведет к единственному водопаду, впадающему в озеро Тахо. Этот умеренный 3-километровый поход очень популярен, и на то есть веские причины. Тропа может похвастаться не только красивым водопадом в конце, но и великолепными видами по пути.
Тропа Микс-Бэй
В заливе Микс есть нетронутый пляж с белым песком, который идеально подходит для отдыха на берегу озера. Вода также остается мелкой на большом расстоянии, что делает это место отличным для семейного отдыха. Летом на этом пляже может быть довольно многолюдно, поэтому важно планировать заранее.
Государственный парк Шугар-Пайн
Дополнительный объезд может привести вас к государственному парку Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point. Как следует из названия, в этом парке преобладают сахарные сосны. Интересно, что огромная часть этого парка площадью 2500 акров представляет собой новый лес из-за интенсивной вырубки леса в 1800-х годах.
Олимпийская долина
Если вы посещаете зимой, вы не захотите пропустить этот объезд. Олимпийская долина, расположенная высоко в Сьерра-Неваде, предлагает одни из лучших горнолыжных курортов в регионе. На самом деле здесь проходили зимние Олимпийские игры, отсюда и название!
Информационный центр для посетителей Тахо-Сити
Информационный центр для посетителей Тахо-Сити отмечает, как далеко вы продвинулись. Расположенный на северной стороне озера, это отличное место, чтобы сделать паузу, найти туалет и перекусить на последнем этапе вашего путешествия.
Карнеол Бэй
Сердоликовая бухта — популярное живописное место, которое когда-то славилось не только своей открыточной красотой. Еще в 1930-х и 1940-х годах это было главное место для лодочных гонок! Сегодня это отличное место для рыбалки, катания на байдарках и многих других видов деятельности.
Кингс-Бич — один из самых теплых пляжей на берегу озера, поэтому, если вы опасаетесь холодных альпийских вод, это место для вас! В зоне отдыха также есть детская и баскетбольная площадки, а также много тенистых столиков для пикника. У него есть что-то для всех.
Клуб Кал-Нева Казино
Cal Neva Lodge & Casino, расположенный прямо на границе штатов между Калифорнией и Невадой, представляет собой забавное место с довольно дикой историей. Когда-то он принадлежал Фрэнку Синатре, и его часто посещали такие знаменитости, как Люсиль Болл. Даже Джон Ф. Кеннеди приезжал сюда до того, как стал президентом!
Песчаная гавань
Сэнд-Харбор — это не просто еще один пляж. Он отличается уникальными скальными образованиями, которые делают его излюбленным местом среди дайверов, и имеет одну из самых чистых вод на берегу озера. Здесь же вы найдете начало полностью доступной тропы Сэнд-Пойнт.
Тропа Логан Шолс Виста
Логан Шолс - это, несомненно, один из лучших видов на озеро Тахо. Он возвышается на 300 футов над озером, откуда открывается панорамный вид на воду и пышную зелень вокруг. Есть причина, по которой это очень популярное свадебное место!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (103)
Dec 2022
When the software kept directing us to points 3, 4, and 5 over and over again. We gave up and went to eat.
Dec 2022
Great tour! Kept us busy all day and provided interesting information. Good navigation tracking and audio.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for your feedback, Sage! I’m delighted that my tour of Lake Tahoe added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Nov 2022
Perfect way to see and learn about Lake Tahoe. Very easy to use the app. The GpS keep you pinpointed. Would absolutely use again
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback, John! I’m delighted that my tour of Lake Tahoe added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.

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