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Уникальные туры на конные фермы с инсайдерским доступом к частным фермам

Ищете уникальный доступ к лучшему из культуры чистокровных лошадей Кентукки? Отправляйтесь за кулисы с этим единственным в своем роде интимным туром. Наши профессиональные гиды долгое время являются инсайдерами, которые поделятся с вами богатыми знаниями и опытом. Узнайте о скачках и разведении лошадей, посетив три конные фермы и насладитесь эксклюзивным взглядом на то, как лошадей разводят, выращивают и готовят к их дебютам в гонках. Под присмотром вашего гида вы сможете познакомиться с лошадьми и накормить их лакомством. Не пропустите этот красочный и увлекательный индивидуальный тур с прекрасными видами и богатой историей.
Город: Лексингтон
Sat 21 Sep
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Начинается с $49.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $49.00
Что включено
3 Lexington Area Horse Attractions - Locations Chosen by Best Availability & Activities
Air-Conditioned Tour Bus
Professional Guide
3 Lexington Area Horse Attractions - Locations Chosen by Best Availability & Activities
Air-Conditioned Tour Bus
Professional Guide
3 Lexington Area Horse Attractions - Locations Chosen by Best Availability & Activities
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровни физической подготовки
  • Экскурсии обычно длятся 2,5–3 часа и начинаются в 8:30 и 12:00
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется зоны с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Кентукки открыть и маска бесплатно в это время. Маски не обязательны, но приветствуются при желании. Гид также может носить маску по запросу.
Что ожидать
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Unique Horse Farm Tours
Tours feature approximately 3 attractions such as some example stops below.
The Thoroughbred Center
See young yearlings swim up close and personal. Swimming horses is great exercise and they really love it!
Are you visiting Lexington, KY, and searching for something more than you run-of-the-mill tourist options? Join Unique Horse Farm Tours and explore the singular industries for which Kentucky is famous and gives you a chance to see history in action. Many of the horse farms in this area have been operated by the same families for generations, relying on the same methods the grandparents developed to maintain their success into the 21st century. Our unique tours in Lexington, KY, give area visitors a peek at the time-honored traditions that have contributed to the area's wealth and identity for over a century.
Уникальные туры на конную ферму
Туры включают около 3 достопримечательностей, таких как некоторые примеры остановок ниже.
Чистокровный центр
Посмотрите, как молодые годовалые плавают вблизи и лично. Плавание лошадей — отличное упражнение, и им это очень нравится!
Вы посещаете Лексингтон, штат Кентукки, и ищете что-то большее, чем обычные туристические варианты? Присоединяйтесь к турам Unique Horse Farm Tours и исследуйте уникальные отрасли, которыми славится Кентукки, и дайте вам возможность увидеть историю в действии. Многие из конных ферм в этом районе управлялись одними и теми же семьями на протяжении поколений, полагаясь на те же методы, которые разработали бабушки и дедушки, чтобы сохранить свой успех в 21 веке. Наши уникальные туры в Лексингтоне, штат Кентукки, позволяют посетителям познакомиться с освященными веками традициями, которые на протяжении более века способствовали богатству и самобытности этого района.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (719)
Oct 2013
Our tour guide took us to two farms ... Calumet and KatieRich Farms. Both were worth the visit. Calumet because of its rich history and KatieRich for its $2.8 million barn. The tour guide seemed to know alot about the horse industry. For the price we paid for the tour I expected we would visit at least 3 farms. But instead we spent lots of time simply driving to and from the farms. I'm glad we took the tour but my expectations were not met.
Oct 2013
Unique has operated out of the Kentucky Horse Park for a few years (with three tours per day), and its owner Shaun Washington, has evolved the business over time. My wife and I went on a tour with him a few years back, and at that time he went to Keeneland and to Winstar Farms. However, he told me that he had decided that there was no point in taking people to Keeneland, as people can go there for free and look around. Now, he has been able to get inside of Calumet Farm, which in its glory days was the most successful thoroughbred operation in history, with two Triple Crown winners, and numerous other horses who won the Kentucky Derby and other major races. In addition to being the Steelers/Celtics/Canadiens/Yankees of the thoroughbred world, Calumet also had iconic buildings painted in white and red trim that are known throughout the world to racing fans. Even though Calumet fell on hard times, most of the other local tours drive by it as part of their itineraries just so people could see where history's greatest thoroughbred operation had been. Unfortunately, for many years, no one could actually get inside its gates. Now, however, if you take the Unique tour you can get in and see Calumet. When I took the tour this August, the first stop was the farm's horse cemetery. A lot of non-racing fans would probably be bored silly there. However, to me it was almost like holy ground, as it had the burial sites of all the Calument Derby and Triple Crown winners, as well as Alydar, who lost all three Triple Crown races to Affirmed by a tiny margin. There was also a statue over the grave of Bull Lea, their star stallion. After visiting the cemetery, we went to a number of different buildings on Calumet. There, you could see where some of the famous horses had been stabled, as their name plates were still on the doors of their stalls. The tour also included a drive through horse country past a number of other farms, plus a stop at a very new thoroughbred operation that was built on what had been a cattle farm until just a few years ago. The owner of that thoroughbred farm had spared no expense in his buildings, which in some ways are more elaborate than what you would expect to see in a house for humans. Calumet's buildings had been elaborate for their time, so it was interesting to contrast the new with the old. I should also say that Shaun is an interesting guy, and knows a lot of people in the racing business (which is how he apparently obtained the right ot visit Keeneland). In any event, if you are a fan of horse racing and its history, you should run out and do this tour while you have the chance, as this might be the only chance you have to tour Calumet.
Aug 2013
This is a very nice place to visit. It is very educational for those of us that do not know a lot about horses and horse racing. I would recommend going here. Be sure you to do the Unique Bus Tour. If you do not, you will truly miss out. It is unbelievable.

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