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Приключения в национальном парке вулканов из Вайколоа

Мы небольшая компания, состоящая всего из двух геологов, у которых есть стремление и вдохновение рассказать о геологическом прошлом Гавайев, а также обо всех других формах красоты этих островов. Мы включили в команду Дэвида, гида с почти десятилетним стажем на большом острове, который обладает обширными знаниями и страстью ко всем аспектам этого острова.
Город: Большой остров Гавайи
Sun 20 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $219.00
Sun 20 Oct
Начинается с $219.00
Что включено
Coats, raincoats, and umbrellas
Coffee and/or Tea
Coats, raincoats, and umbrellas
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь по крайней мере средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Мы соблюдаем требования всех штатов Гавайи и Федерального центра по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США Рекомендации.
Что ожидать
Punalu'u Black Sand beach
Have you ever seen a beach with black sand? Because of constant volcanic activity, you'll find white sands and black sands on the island of Hawaii. Located on the southeastern Ka'u coast, Punaluu Black Sand Beach is one of the most famous black sand beaches in Hawaii. Located between the towns of Pahala and Naalehu in Ka'u, Punaluu Black Sand Beach's jet black shores are an unforgettable sight. Coconut palms fringe the upper edge of sand and you may also discover large Honu, (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles), basking on the beach.
Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farm
Visit an award winning 100% Kona Coffee Farm, with exclusive access, tasting and tour.
Drive through Historic town of Hilo.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park protects some of the most unique geological, biological, and cultural landscapes in the world. The park encompasses the summits of the world's most active volcano, Kīlauea. The only comprehensive Park Tour available. Tour the Park and the entire Chain of Craters Road from Summit to Sea.
Rainbow Falls
On sunny days, rainbows appear in the mist of the 80-foot falls, making for some pretty magical views. The broad waterfall — nearly 100 feet in diameter — plunges over a natural lava cave and into the river below. When it rains, (which it often does in Hilo), the engorged Wailuku River makes the falls wider, muddier and louder. On these days, you won’t see the rainbows for which this spot is named, but the sheer volume of water and the accessibility of this spot for all ages make it a fun, quick and easy excursion.
Saddle Road
Saddle Road, Hawaii, is considered among the most spectacular roads in the world. This is 55-mile drive of a chance of a lifetime experience. Hawaii’s Route 200 goes through all four of her climates – tropical forests, arid desert, lush grasslands and misty mountaintop fog. Between miles 19 and 23, you’ll see a few places with lava flows and young vegetation and trees. Near the road you can see where lava thickened and left the telltale mounds of a slowing flow. Just after mile 23, you’ll come close to a popular local landmark, Pu`u Huluhulu, which is an older Mauna Kea cinder cone, or kīpuka, and it’s surrounded by younger lava flows. At this point, you’re near the peak height for Saddle Road, about 1.25 miles in elevation – 6,632 feet. From here, you’ll continue through the volcanic aftermath of hundreds of thousands of years of lava activity as you head toward Belt Road, where you’ll eventually descend into Kona or Waikoloa.
Punalu'u Black Sand beach
Have you ever seen a beach with black sand? Because of constant volcanic activity, you'll find white sands and black sands on the island of Hawaii. Located on the southeastern Ka'u coast, Punaluu Black Sand Beach is one of the most famous black sand beaches in Hawaii. Located between the towns of Pahala and Naalehu in Ka'u, Punaluu Black Sand Beach's jet black shores are an unforgettable sight. Coconut palms fringe the upper edge of sand and you may also discover large Honu, (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles), basking on the beach.
Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farm
Visit an award winning 100% Kona Coffee Farm, with exclusive access, tasting and tour.
Drive through Historic town of Hilo.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park protects some of the most unique geological, biological, and cultural landscapes in the world. The park encompasses the summits of the world's most active volcano, Kīlauea. The only comprehensive Park Tour available. Tour the Park and the entire Chain of Craters Road from Summit to Sea.
Rainbow Falls
On sunny days, rainbows appear in the mist of the 80-foot falls, making for some pretty magical views. The broad waterfall — nearly 100 feet in diameter — plunges over a natural lava cave and into the river below. When it rains, (which it often does in Hilo), the engorged Wailuku River makes the falls wider, muddier and louder. On these days, you won’t see the rainbows for which this spot is named, but the sheer volume of water and the accessibility of this spot for all ages make it a fun, quick and easy excursion.
Saddle Road
Saddle Road, Hawaii, is considered among the most spectacular roads in the world. This is 55-mile drive of a chance of a lifetime experience. Hawaii’s Route 200 goes through all four of her climates – tropical forests, arid desert, lush grasslands and misty mountaintop fog. Between miles 19 and 23, you’ll see a few places with lava flows and young vegetation and trees. Near the road you can see where lava thickened and left the telltale mounds of a slowing flow. Just after mile 23, you’ll come close to a popular local landmark, Pu`u Huluhulu, which is an older Mauna Kea cinder cone, or kīpuka, and it’s surrounded by younger lava flows. At this point, you’re near the peak height for Saddle Road, about 1.25 miles in elevation – 6,632 feet. From here, you’ll continue through the volcanic aftermath of hundreds of thousands of years of lava activity as you head toward Belt Road, where you’ll eventually descend into Kona or Waikoloa.
Punalu'u Black Sand beach
Have you ever seen a beach with black sand? Because of constant volcanic activity, you'll find white sands and black sands on the island of Hawaii. Located on the southeastern Ka'u coast, Punaluu Black Sand Beach is one of the most famous black sand beaches in Hawaii. Located between the towns of Pahala and Naalehu in Ka'u, Punaluu Black Sand Beach's jet black shores are an unforgettable sight. Coconut palms fringe the upper edge of sand and you may also discover large Honu, (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles), basking on the beach.
Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farm
Visit an award winning 100% Kona Coffee Farm, with exclusive access, tasting and tour.
Drive through Historic town of Hilo.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park protects some of the most unique geological, biological, and cultural landscapes in the world. The park encompasses the summits of the world's most active volcano, Kīlauea. The only comprehensive Park Tour available. Tour the Park and the entire Chain of Craters Road from Summit to Sea.
Rainbow Falls
On sunny days, rainbows appear in the mist of the 80-foot falls, making for some pretty magical views. The broad waterfall — nearly 100 feet in diameter — plunges over a natural lava cave and into the river below. When it rains, (which it often does in Hilo), the engorged Wailuku River makes the falls wider, muddier and louder. On these days, you won’t see the rainbows for which this spot is named, but the sheer volume of water and the accessibility of this spot for all ages make it a fun, quick and easy excursion.
Saddle Road
Saddle Road, Hawaii, is considered among the most spectacular roads in the world. This is 55-mile drive of a chance of a lifetime experience. Hawaii’s Route 200 goes through all four of her climates – tropical forests, arid desert, lush grasslands and misty mountaintop fog. Between miles 19 and 23, you’ll see a few places with lava flows and young vegetation and trees. Near the road you can see where lava thickened and left the telltale mounds of a slowing flow. Just after mile 23, you’ll come close to a popular local landmark, Pu`u Huluhulu, which is an older Mauna Kea cinder cone, or kīpuka, and it’s surrounded by younger lava flows. At this point, you’re near the peak height for Saddle Road, about 1.25 miles in elevation – 6,632 feet. From here, you’ll continue through the volcanic aftermath of hundreds of thousands of years of lava activity as you head toward Belt Road, where you’ll eventually descend into Kona or Waikoloa.
Punalu'u Black Sand beach
Have you ever seen a beach with black sand? Because of constant volcanic activity, you'll find white sands and black sands on the island of Hawaii. Located on the southeastern Ka'u coast, Punaluu Black Sand Beach is one of the most famous black sand beaches in Hawaii. Located between the towns of Pahala and Naalehu in Ka'u, Punaluu Black Sand Beach's jet black shores are an unforgettable sight. Coconut palms fringe the upper edge of sand and you may also discover large Honu, (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles), basking on the beach.
Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farm
Visit an award winning 100% Kona Coffee Farm, with exclusive access, tasting and tour.
Drive through Historic town of Hilo.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park protects some of the most unique geological, biological, and cultural landscapes in the world. The park encompasses the summits of the world's most active volcano, Kīlauea. The only comprehensive Park Tour available. Tour the Park and the entire Chain of Craters Road from Summit to Sea.
Rainbow Falls
On sunny days, rainbows appear in the mist of the 80-foot falls, making for some pretty magical views. The broad waterfall — nearly 100 feet in diameter — plunges over a natural lava cave and into the river below. When it rains, (which it often does in Hilo), the engorged Wailuku River makes the falls wider, muddier and louder. On these days, you won’t see the rainbows for which this spot is named, but the sheer volume of water and the accessibility of this spot for all ages make it a fun, quick and easy excursion.
Saddle Road
Saddle Road, Hawaii, is considered among the most spectacular roads in the world. This is 55-mile drive of a chance of a lifetime experience. Hawaii’s Route 200 goes through all four of her climates – tropical forests, arid desert, lush grasslands and misty mountaintop fog. Between miles 19 and 23, you’ll see a few places with lava flows and young vegetation and trees. Near the road you can see where lava thickened and left the telltale mounds of a slowing flow. Just after mile 23, you’ll come close to a popular local landmark, Pu`u Huluhulu, which is an older Mauna Kea cinder cone, or kīpuka, and it’s surrounded by younger lava flows. At this point, you’re near the peak height for Saddle Road, about 1.25 miles in elevation – 6,632 feet. From here, you’ll continue through the volcanic aftermath of hundreds of thousands of years of lava activity as you head toward Belt Road, where you’ll eventually descend into Kona or Waikoloa.
Пляж Пуналу'у с черным песком
Вы когда-нибудь видели пляж с черным песком? Из-за постоянной вулканической активности на острове Гавайи вы найдете белые и черные пески. Пляж Пуналуу с черным песком, расположенный на юго-восточном побережье Кау, является одним из самых известных пляжей с черным песком на Гавайях. Черный песчаный пляж Пуналуу, расположенный между городами Пахала и Наалеху в Кау, представляет собой незабываемое зрелище. Кокосовые пальмы окаймляют верхний край песка, и вы также можете обнаружить больших хону (гавайских зеленых морских черепах), греющихся на пляже.
Небесная гавайская кофейная ферма Кона
Посетите отмеченную наградами кофейную ферму 100% Kona с эксклюзивным доступом, дегустацией и туром.
Поездка через исторический город Хило.
Национальный парк Гавайских вулканов
Национальный парк Гавайских вулканов защищает одни из самых уникальных геологических, биологических и культурных ландшафтов в мире. Парк охватывает вершины самого активного вулкана в мире Килауэа. Единственный доступный комплексный тур по парку. Совершите поездку по парку и всей Цепи кратеров от вершины до моря.
Радужный водопад
В солнечные дни радуги появляются в тумане 80-футового водопада, создавая довольно волшебные виды. Широкий водопад — почти 100 футов в диаметре — падает над естественной лавовой пещерой и впадает в реку внизу. Когда идет дождь (что часто бывает в Хило), набухшая река Вайлуку делает водопад шире, грязнее и громче. В эти дни вы не увидите радуги, в честь которой названо это место, но огромный объем воды и доступность этого места для всех возрастов делают экскурсию веселой, быстрой и легкой.
Сэддл-роуд на Гавайях считается одной из самых живописных дорог в мире. Это 55-мильная поездка шанса на всю жизнь. Маршрут 200 на Гавайях проходит через все четыре климатических зоны — тропические леса, засушливые пустыни, пышные луга и туманные вершины гор. Между 19 и 23 милями вы увидите несколько мест с потоками лавы, молодой растительностью и деревьями. У дороги видно, где лава загустела и оставила характерные бугры замедляющегося потока. Сразу после 23-й мили вы приблизитесь к популярной местной достопримечательности, Пуу Хулухулу, которая представляет собой более старый шлаковый конус Мауна-Кеа, или кипука, окруженный более молодыми потоками лавы. В этот момент вы находитесь рядом с пиковой высотой Сэддл-роуд, около 1,25 мили в высоту — 6 632 фута. Отсюда вы продолжите путь через вулканические последствия сотен тысяч лет активности лавы, направляясь к Белт-роуд, где вы в конечном итоге спуститесь в Кону или Вайколоа.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (108)
Jul 2021
Erik was amazing! He is a trained geologist who educated us about the island in it entirety including creation of landforms as well as island history & customs. We had individualized attention at the coffee farm & at the local restaurant for lunch. He gave his us his own spin on the volcano park which provided us a personalized experience. We are grateful for his hospitality & kindness. P.S. He has great snacks!!! <3
Jul 2021
Where do I start on how wonderful Zane Smith and his geo tour? He’s sun a nice guy and very knowledgeable on the history and science of the main island volcanoes. His van is comfy, had plenty of drinks and snacks and the home videos/professional videos of the 2018 eruption was an added bonus. We loved the coffee tour and can’t wait to receive our first coffee club shipment, the lunch was tasty and we have loved looking back at all of our amazing pictures and videos of the lava at various points on the island. Don’t let the 11 hour timeframe scare you, it went by sooo fast and we saw so many really cool things! Zane had rain jackets or warmth jackets for your comfort and a stool to get out of the passenger van. His attention to detail was so appreciated and he even offered his personal cell phone number if we needed any recommendations for food or fun for the rest of our stay. Just a nice guy- even if you don’t like volcanoes, book this tour to make a lifelong new friend on the main island with Zane Smith!
Jul 2021
Our tour was led by Zane who’s more than just a nature-loving guide; he is an actual geologist who has personally witnessed and studied the Big Island’s volcanic eruptions. Zane shared that genuine enthusiasm for Hawaii’s dynamic landscape at each stop along our eleven hour tour. Zane took us to so many places, many of which few other tour operators probably don’t even know exist, where we saw and learned about the natural beauty of Hawaii from a perspective only a geologist could describe. My four teenage children enjoyed the experience so much that they all agreed that it was the best tour that they’ve ever been on (and they’ve been on several different tours around the world). Zane is truly a wealth of knowledge yet he’s also easy going and relaxed which made the tour both interesting and enjoyable for all. We saw so much more than just volcanoes, including sea turtles on black sand beaches, a stunning waterfall, and my personal favorite, a visit to a Kona coffee plantation where we learned why Kona coffee is among the world’s best. While there on the plantation, we were given an all you can drink sampling of the varied brews. Thank you, Zane for giving our family a most memorable Big Island experience. We’ll never forget and it will surely be dinner conversation for many years to come.

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