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Приключение на подводной лодке Waikiki Atlantis

Исследуйте морские тайны Вайкики, погружаясь на глубину более 100 футов на экологически чистой подводной лодке с кондиционером и батарейным питанием! Особым дополнительным бонусом этого тура является возможность увидеть красивую береговую линию Вайкики и живописную Даймонд-Хед, когда гости едут на нашей лодке к месту погружения.

Atlantis Submarines Waikiki предлагает захватывающий дух опыт, когда гости могут вблизи увидеть красочную морскую жизнь, яркие искусственные рифы, созданные из затонувших кораблей, частей самолетов и других сооружений. Это как нырять с аквалангом, не промокнув!

Наши подводные лодки работают бесшумно и не выделяют загрязняющих веществ во время исследования глубин океана, гарантируя, что морская жизнь останется нетронутой.

Наша 64-местная подводная лодка является флагманской подводной лодкой Atlantis, предлагающей комфорт, много места над головой и большие смотровые порталы для наблюдения за природой в действии. Присоединяйтесь к нам в подводном приключении на всю жизнь!
Город: Оаху
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $175.43
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $175.43
Что включено
Complete live professional narration in English
Submarine dive
Local taxes
Pre-recorded audio available in Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese
Shuttle boat to submarine dive site
Complete live professional narration in English
Submarine dive
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Все пассажиры должны иметь возможность подниматься и спускаться по почти вертикальной лестнице, чтобы попасть на подводную лодку.
  • Дети должны быть ростом не менее 36 дюймов, чтобы кататься на подводной лодке.
  • Для путешественников в общественные места
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется места с интенсивным движением
  • Гиды требуется регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • В связи с обновленными требованиями береговой охраны все гости и члены экипажа должны носить маски в закрытых помещениях на борту всех наших судов, включая подводные лодки Atlantis. Atlantis Adventures больше не будет требовать от гостей предъявления прививок или отрицательных результатов теста на Covid-19 во время регистрации.
Что ожидать
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Atlantis Submarines Waikiki
The Atlantis submarine Hawaii adventure begins with a short (approximately 10 minutes) shuttle ride out to the submarine boarding site. Descending below, your time underwater on the Oahu submarine tour is around 45 minutes. Returning to the world above, your shuttle is waiting to return you to land. The Oahu submarine tour dive site is home to many Hawaiian fish, coral and turtles. On this truly eye-opening experience, you'll visit sunken ships, airplanes and other artificial reefs. The submarine has a spacious air-conditioned interior, large view ports and comfortable seating.  If you haven't taken a trip to the bottom of the ocean before, the Atlantis Submarine Oahu Adventure is a "must do" for the whole family during your visit to Hawaii. Check out the world's largest hi-tech 64-passenger submarine offers an enhanced amount of personal space and large viewports only available to Premium Tour passengers.
Подводные лодки Atlantis Вайкики
Приключение на подводной лодке Atlantis на Гавайях начинается с короткой (примерно 10 минут) поездки на шаттле к месту посадки подводной лодки. Спускаясь ниже, ваше время под водой в туре на подводной лодке Оаху составляет около 45 минут. Возвращаясь в мир наверху, ваш шаттл ждет, чтобы вернуть вас на землю. Дайв-сайт подводного тура Оаху является домом для многих гавайских рыб, кораллов и черепах. Во время этого поистине захватывающего приключения вы посетите затонувшие корабли, самолеты и другие искусственные рифы. Подводная лодка имеет просторный салон с кондиционером, большие смотровые окна и удобные кресла. Если вы еще не путешествовали по дну океана, приключение на подводной лодке Atlantis Oahu Adventure станет обязательным для всей семьи во время вашего визита на Гавайи. Взгляните на самую большую в мире высокотехнологичную подводную лодку на 64 пассажира, предлагающую увеличенное количество личного пространства и большие иллюминаторы, доступные только для пассажиров Premium Tour.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (772)
Dec 2022
The tour guide was awesome. Ride in the submarine was awesome. Would do it again. Was worth the money.
Dec 2022
Water is not as clear as you'd think. Can't see past about 10-15 feet. Saw 1 turtle, a lot of fish, and purposely sunken boats and planes. (I know this is not the fault of the staff.) Probably great for the kids, but lacking for me. The guide had a high-pitched voice. Between that and how quickly she spoke, I was not able to hear most of anything that she said. I wish all touristy places would recognize -- when you're speaking into a microphone -- you must speak low and slow. (I'm only 50 -- my hearing is pretty healthy.) The staff was friendly, and the shuttle-boat & sub were clean. Restroom a little scary-- but I'm sure that's hard to deal with on a rocking boat. I did not think this was worth $175. Maybe $100.
Dec 2022
The Atlantis Submarines Waikiki location is within walking distance of all the major hotels along the beach. The tour starts with a fun boat ride a mile off the coast, where you transfer to the submarine and dive up to 100 feet to the floor. The submarine winds slowly around Atlantis's man-made reefs--structures like sunken ships and airplanes placed there for the fish to make their homes. It's a fun activity, but go in with reasonable expectations. The sand from the beach makes the water murky. You'll see some cool schools of tropical fish, and maybe even spot a starfish or two, but it's not like an aquarium. The fish won't have vibrant colors and you'll have to squint to see some of the ones pointed out by the guide. They'll try to sell you a silly keepsake photo on the way back at an eye-popping price. The rest of the excursion is worth the cost, though, especially if you don't have the time for scuba diving during your trip.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Mahalo for your review! We are happy to hear you enjoyed your recent experience with us, aboard the Atlantis Submarine, from the shuttle boat ride to the deep-sea exploration. We love hearing from our guests and are thrilled to know you had a fantastic submarine adventure! Thank you very much for sharing your valuable feedback and recommendation. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise. Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii. A hui hou (until next time).

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