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Прогулка с мертвыми: тур по кладбищу Старого города Галвестона

В отличие от других туров по кладбищам на острове Галвестон, наш тур тщательно исследуется учеными.

Это единственный тур по кладбищу, который приведет вас к месту, где на кладбище появлялись настоящие призраки и наблюдались паранормальные явления.
Город: Галвестон
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $25.00
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $25.00
Что включено
Guided walking tour
Guided walking tour
Guided walking tour
Профессиональный гид
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым заболеванием.
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри.
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске.
  • Подходит. для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Действующие военнослужащие бесплатно
Что ожидать
Old City Cemetery
Old City Cemetery in Galveston is over 200 years old and is said to be one of the most unnerving sites in Texas. In that time, the cemetery has become the resting place for a menagerie of souls who bring a touch of mischief, mystique and the macabre to the island’s haunted history. You will meet “THE Lady In Black” who will uncover the mysteries at the heart of Texas’ more unsettling stories.
Old City Cemetery
Old City Cemetery in Galveston is over 200 years old and is said to be one of the most unnerving sites in Texas. In that time, the cemetery has become the resting place for a menagerie of souls who bring a touch of mischief, mystique and the macabre to the island’s haunted history. You will meet “THE Lady In Black” who will uncover the mysteries at the heart of Texas’ more unsettling stories.
Old City Cemetery
Old City Cemetery in Galveston is over 200 years old and is said to be one of the most unnerving sites in Texas. In that time, the cemetery has become the resting place for a menagerie of souls who bring a touch of mischief, mystique and the macabre to the island’s haunted history. You will meet “THE Lady In Black” who will uncover the mysteries at the heart of Texas’ more unsettling stories.
Старое городское кладбище
Старому городскому кладбищу в Галвестоне более 200 лет, и оно считается одним из самых тревожных мест в Техасе. За это время кладбище стало местом упокоения зверинца душ, которые привнесли нотку озорства, мистики и мрачности в историю острова с привидениями. Вы встретите «Леди в черном», которая раскроет тайны, лежащие в основе самых тревожных историй Техаса.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (49)
Dec 2022
It was very foggy so it made it more creepy. The guide was very knowledgeable. Learned different parts of history too.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Yeah the cemetery is extremely creepy when it's foggy out. Glad that you had an awesome adventure. We hope to see you in one of our other tours. And thank you for riding we really appreciate the five stars
Dec 2022
We had an excellent time ! We enjoyed learning about the history of the cemetery and what Galveston has to offer. The tour was very informative. If you are looking for something enjoyable to do in the evening def try it !
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for your wonderful review and I'm glad you had an awesome adventure. You really want to learn Galveston's history cemetery is the place to do it. We hope to see you on some of our other tours soon and we really appreciate your review thank you.
Nov 2022
This was a fun, educational and spooky (a little bit) tour. Our guide was fantastic - she brought Galveston history and local personalities to life. The only tip I would give is bring some mosquito spray - little buggers were hungry.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Vampire mosquitoes LOL thank you for your wonderful review. We hope to see you again soon. Glad you had an awesome adventure. Happy Thanksgiving

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