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Пешеходная экскурсия: Тропа Свободы в центре города плюс Бикон-Хилл до Копли-сквер /Бэк-Бэй

Наслаждайтесь яркой атмосферой Бостона в этой двухчасовой пешеходной экскурсии по тропе свободы в центре города между Faneuil Hall и Boston Common, а затем отправляйтесь на площадь Копли в Бэк-Бэй через Бикон-Хилл. Часть популярной Тропы Свободы в центре Бостона включает в себя многие места, имеющие историческое значение для Соединенных Штатов, в том числе Старый Государственный Дом, Старое кладбище Зернохранилища и место Бостонской резни. Затем мы увидим, где живет бостонская аристократия на Бикон-Хилл по пути в Бостонский общественный сад, и увидим викторианские коричневые камни в историческом Бэк-Бэй. Посетите знаменитый ресторан Cheers, Ньюбери-стрит и Содружество-авеню на пути к финишу Бостонского марафона. Другие главные достопримечательности включают: Старое и Новое Государственные Дома, Место Бостонской Резни, Старую и Новую Ратуши, Старый Южный Дом собраний, Королевскую Часовню, Церковь на Парк-Стрит, Бикон-Хилл, Бостонский общественный сад, Лебединые лодки, Бостонскую публичную библиотеку, Троицкую церковь.
Город: Бостон
Sun 22 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $45.00
Sun 22 Sep
Начинается с $45.00
Что включено
See Victorian Brownstones throughout the Back Bay neighborhood
Stroll through the Boston Public Garden and view the Swan Boats
Professional/Local Guide
2-Hour Walking Tour of the Freedom Trail in Downtown Boston
See popular sites between Faneuil Hall and Copley Square including Old State House & Quincy Market
See Victorian Brownstones throughout the Back Bay neighborhood
Stroll through the Boston Public Garden and view the Swan Boats
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (345)
Sep 2018
Excellent knowledge and history of the area. Enthusiastic and friendly to everyone on the tour even to the crazy women asking stupid questions.
Emily P
Sep 2018
We have been to Boston several times. Every time we go we always take a tour in hopes we learn something. This tour did not disappoint. We learned about some historic events we did not previously know. This tour starts at the Old State House and ends near Copley Square. Our guide, Alan was informative and added some humor to his stories. A few points of interest are Faneuil Hall, the location of the Boston Massacre and King’s Chapel. The only negative thing I can say is that our tour was rather large and if you were in the back you would have a hard time hearing because of the street traffic. Overall this is something not to be missed. Wear comfortable shoes as this tour lasts about 2 hours.
Sep 2018
I though I will get some good informative walking tour( had several in Chicago ) about historic events, interesting facts, dates, famous quotes , but it was boring, nothing interesting at all same information I can read it in Freedom trail booklet. Our tour guide was an older man, his voice was not loud to hear him speaking l, since there were multiple groups at the Trail it was a little crowded. I even walked away to listen younger guide ,who was passionate and more articulate on subject. I asked few questions about Copley square and Common Park history, he was not able to answer them. Later I just walked away to explore on my own. Please don't waste your money, it's not a lot from a person , but from group of 10 for a walk and some absolutely average information- find a tour - one where guide dressed up as historic figure-much better, more fun, since I listen( over-heard story line) to them. I think personality of tour guides and their readiness to deliver quality tour it is matter I actually did research on my own just look up some information about for example : the legend of a golden grasshopper above Faneuil Hall - it's small, but interesting story, which our guide had no idea. That is why it's not a tour it was a stroll with strangers accompany with older passionless guide

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