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Пешеходная экскурсия по Уолл-стрит и финансовому району

[Best Valued 2-Hour Experience. All tour guides use large 11" x 17" photos to add richness to your experience.] Wall Street is a renown symbol of economic might and ironically also the embodiment of corporate greed. This tour provides a deep insight into how consulting firm, investment banks, and financial markets work. Going forward it covers the 2008 Financial Collapse and the headline news of GameStop. Then proceed to a detailed understanding of how cryptocurrencies work.

No Wall Street tour will be complete without a full explanation of why in 2020, oil prices plummeted from $18 a barrel -$37. Yes, oil producers were paying people $37 a barrel to take it off their hands. This tour exposes financial charlatans and is the perfect primer for those interested in how finance and financial markets operate.

We’ll visit the Wall Street District and the World Financial Center.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Thu 27 Mar
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Начинается с $34.95
Thu 27 Mar
Начинается с $34.95
Что включено
Narrated 2-Hour Walking Tour using Extra Large Visuals
Licensed professional tour guide
Narrated 2-Hour Walking Tour using Extra Large Visuals
Licensed professional tour guide
Вход в Музей американской революции в Йорктауне, музей живой истории.
Вход в колониальный Вильямсбург, включая места с гидом, торговые точки и сады.
Narrated 2-Hour Walking Tour using Extra Large Visuals
Дополнительная информация
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Well organized
  • This tour is copyrighted
Что ожидать
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Нижний Манхэттен
Добро пожаловать на Уолл-стрит, финансовую столицу мира. Совершите прогулку по истории и узнайте происхождение Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи. Узнайте, как она стала крупнейшей в мире биржей стоимостью 20 триллионов долларов. Деньги Уолл-Стрит помогли построить империи и династии. Узнайте, от Рокфеллера до Баффета, как Standard Oil стала незаконной монополией. Затем полюбуйтесь, как Уоррен Баффет прошел путь от разносчика газет до основателя Berkshire Hathaway. Исследуйте Федеральный зал, место рождения американской демократии. Посетите бесстрашную девушку и статуи атакующего быка с Уолл-стрит. Стенд, где Джордж Вашингтон принес присягу, чтобы стать первым американским президентом. Посетите Троицкую церковь, место последнего упокоения Александра Гамильтона и Роберта Фултона. Этот тур заканчивается внутри достопримечательности, Национального музея американских индейцев. В этом здании в настоящее время находится американский суд по делам о банкротстве в Нью-Йорке, где слушалось дело Берни Мэдоффа. Этот тур идеально подходит для всех, кто интересуется историей Уолл-стрит и будущими выпускниками MBA. Чаевые приветствуются и ценятся. Вариант улучшения Статуи Свободы Повышение категории «Свобода» включает общий входной билет на Статую Свободы и на остров Эллис. Гид представит ваши билеты в конце тура. На всех паромах есть места для сидения внутри или снаружи. Этот опыт доступен для инвалидных колясок. По прибытии на остров Свободы гостям предоставляется бесплатная гарнитура для самостоятельных экскурсий. Откройте для себя символ Статуи Свободы и ее историю. Этот вариант также включает доступ на остров Эллис. В нем есть миллионы иммиграционных артефактов 1892 и 1954 годов. На борту паромов можно приобрести скидки и сувениры. Групповой тариф для 15+ гостей: 20 долларов США за человека (только тур)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
Lower Manhattan
Welcome to Wall Street, the financial capital of the world. Take a stroll through history and learn the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. Learn how it became the world’s largest exchange, valued at $20 trillion. Wall Street money has helped built empires and dynasties. From Rockefeller to Buffett, discover how Standard Oil became an illegal monopoly. Then marvel how Warren Buffett when from a paperboy to the founder of Berkshire Hathaway. Explore Federal Hall, the birthplace of the American Democracy. Visit the Fearless Girl and with the Charging Bull of Wall Street Statues. Stand where George Washington took the Oath of Office to become the first American President. Visit Trinity Church, the final resting place of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton. This tour finishes inside the landmark, National Museum of the American Indian. This building currently houses the U.S. bankruptcy court of New York, where Bernie Madoff case was heard. This tour is ideal for anyone interested in the history of Wall Street and future MBA grads. Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated. Statue of Liberty Upgrade Option The Liberty upgrade includes general admission ticket to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The guide will present your tickets at the end of the tour. All ferries have accommodations for inside or outside seating. This experience is wheelchair accessible. Upon arriving onto Liberty Island, a free headset for self-guided tours are available. Discover the symbolize of the Statue of Liberty and its history. This option also includes access onto Ellis Island. It has millions of immigration artifacts from 1892 and 1954. Concessions and souvenirs are available on board the ferries. Group rate for 15+ guests at $20 per (Tour Only)
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For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (92)
Mar 2025
We learned so much and had such a great time! We feel like we could understand so much more about the financial district of NY and it was such a fun and memorable experience for our family! Visiting with a knowledgeable guide like this makes it so much fun!
Feb 2025
Richard was an excellent tour guide - provide interesting narration of the architecture along the route and clear explanations of how various financial firms got started. This was a great intro to the Wall St area. Recommended.
Dec 2024
This was a very unique walking tour that immediately got my attention, when I was scouting for walking tours to take during my 3-day visit to New York. Since I have been a financial journalist for over 24 years, I thought it'd be interesting to take this tour since it takes us through the Wall Street. And the tour didn't disappoint. The host was a very experianced financial official, himself. The walk is curated out of his knowledge and experience over the years. He painstakingly took us through the Wall Street and the financial centre. He gave us the history and background of some of the largest, most historic banks and financial institutions that have their offices there. He enthralled us with stories and tales that we would remember for a long time. I had a very nice time here. if you're in NY, please take this walk. Absolutely worth it.

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