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Рафтинг на целый день в каньоне Вестуотер из Моава

Испытайте красоту и острые ощущения от рафтинга в штате Юта во время однодневной поездки по участку каньона Вестуотер на реке Колорадо. Получите прилив адреналина, когда опытные гиды проведут вас через пороги, такие как Мраморный каньон, Носок-это-то-меня, Водопады Фаннел и Череп, а затем расслабьтесь и любуйтесь пейзажами с красивыми древними скалами во время спокойных водных участков с перерывами на отдых. Этот потрясающий пейзаж каньона из красных скал в сочетании с бурной водой класса III и IV обеспечивает незабываемые впечатления на свежем воздухе, подходящие для авантюрных людей, которые любят вызов.
Город: Моав
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $235.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $235.00
Что включено
Ground transportation from departure location to the river put-in and return
Professional guide
Quality buffet-style lunch and extra ice water
Wetsuits (depending on the time of year due to water temps/weather)
All required rafting equipment - Helmets & Coast Guard approved PFD's
River dry bags for belongings if need be
Ground transportation from departure location to the river put-in and return
Дополнительная информация
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Во время бронирования ДОЛЖЕН быть указан вес всех пассажиров; минимальный вес составляет 23 кг.
  • Обратите внимание: перед отъездом все путешественники должны подписать освобождение от ответственности.
  • Минимальный возраст – 8 лет.
  • Рекомендуется взять с собой: Прочную обувь (шлепанцы/сандалии типа «крокодил», как у Чако, не принимаются), быстросохнущую одежду, весенний или осенний дождевик, купальник или быстросохнущие шорты, солнцезащитный крем, бальзам для губ, шапку и камера, если требуется (желательно водонепроницаемая).
  • Снаряжение для кемпинга можно взять напрокат у туроператора за дополнительную плату для поездок с ночевкой.
  • Для этой речной поездки требуется минимум 4 человека. Если ваша поездка не соответствует минимуму, вам будут предложены другие варианты тура или вы получите полный возврат средств (другой вариант — оплатить оставшиеся тарифы)
Что ожидать
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Get started in the morning after making your way to the office in central Moab. Meet your guide for a safety orientation, then get outfitted with a lifejacket and other necessary gear. A van transfers you to the put-in site on the river where your guide gives a safety briefing and paddle lesson. Then step into your boat, push off from the bank and start down the Westwater Canyon section of the Colorado River.
Colorado River
Your full-day rafting trip through Westwater Canyon provides both challenging white water and stunning scenery. Raft through 12 Class III and IV rapids including Funnel Falls, Skull and Sock It To Me. Your expert guide rows your oarboat through the rapids while you hang on and enjoy the thrills and splashes. On most trips, paddleboats are also available and participants help power the raft while following directions from the guide. Between bouncy white-water sections, take in the stunning scenery of the canyon.
Westwater Canyon
The Westwater Canyon formed when the Colorado River cut across an ancient mountain range, the water channeling through hard rock to create the narrow canyon. Learn about the geology of the area from your guide, as well as its history and wildlife. You may see petroglyphs as well as remnants of the wild west such as old mining cabins and even an outlaw’s grave. Look for bald eagles roosting in old-growth cottonwood trees, river otters playing in the eddies and beavers slapping their tails.
At noon your guide steers you to shore for a delicious buffet lunch on a riverside beach. Have time to rest in the shade, snap pictures and soak up the canyon’s beauty. Once you're refreshed, hit the river again for more fun. At the end of an exciting day of rafting, your guide returns you to Moab.
Экспедиции NAVTEC — однодневные туры
Начните работу утром после того, как доберетесь до офиса в центре Моава. Познакомьтесь с вашим гидом, чтобы узнать о безопасности, а затем наденьте спасательный жилет и другое необходимое снаряжение. Микроавтобус доставит вас к месту установки на реке, где ваш гид проведет инструктаж по технике безопасности и урок гребли. Затем сядьте в лодку, оттолкнитесь от берега и начните спускаться по каньону Вестуотер реки Колорадо.
Река Колорадо
Во время рафтинга на целый день по каньону Вестуотер вам предложат как сложную белую воду, так и потрясающие пейзажи. Сплавьтесь по 12 порогам класса III и IV, включая водопады Funnel Falls, Skull и Sock It To Me. Ваш опытный гид ведет вашу лодку через пороги, пока вы держитесь и наслаждаетесь острыми ощущениями и брызгами. В большинстве поездок также доступны байдарки, и участники помогают управлять плотом, следуя указаниям гида. Между оживленными участками с бурной водой вы сможете полюбоваться потрясающими пейзажами каньона.
Каньон Вестуотер
Каньон Вестуотер образовался, когда река Колорадо пересекала древний горный хребет, и вода текла сквозь твердые породы, образуя узкий каньон. Узнайте о геологии этого района от своего гида, а также о его истории и дикой природе. Вы можете увидеть петроглифы, а также остатки Дикого Запада, такие как старые шахтерские хижины и даже могилу преступника. Ищите белоголовых орланов, устроившихся на старовозрастных тополях, речных выдр, играющих в водоворотах, и бобров, хлопающих хвостами.
В полдень ваш гид отвезет вас на берег, чтобы отведать вкусный шведский стол на берегу реки. Успейте отдохнуть в тени, сфотографироваться и насладиться красотой каньона. Как только вы освежитесь, снова отправляйтесь в реку, чтобы повеселиться. В конце захватывающего дня рафтинга ваш гид вернет вас в Моав.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (87)
Sep 2022
It was an incredible experience for all of us. David was an amazing guide who knew the river and was very knowledgable about the geology and history of the river. Not only that but his demeanor was totally chill and he explained everything we needed to know about safety on the water helped us immensely. The trip itself was beautiful and even the little bit of rain we encountered did nothing to dampen our spirits on this ride. One last note...David also told us a lot about the countryside as we drove to and then from the boat sites. It was a day that the three of us ill long remember as a family. Oh yes, lunch was terrific as well.
Sep 2022
Thank you NavTec and guide David for an outstanding adventure on the Westwater Canyon Whitewater Raft Trip! David was very knowledgeable about the landscape and wildlife. He did a terrific job making the trip fun and memorable! After a delicious lunch, it was down to business navigating the canyon whitewater rapids. Skull rapids was definitely a highlight! Well done David! We highly recommend NavTec for their expertise and experience on delivering a great adventure out of Moab!
Jul 2022
Such an amazing day! Spencer was professional and kept everyone at ease through the exciting rapids. The scenery was beautiful, the ride was exhilarating and it was fun to learn about the geology. We will definitely be back and we'll request Spencer as our guide.

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