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Остров Уидби и перевал Десепшн - роскошный однодневный тур для небольших групп с обедом

Этот тур из Сиэтла – остров Уидби и перевал Десепшн – рассказывает о лучших пейзажах и образе жизни штата Вашингтон. Самый большой остров Вашингтона полон местного очарования, дружелюбных людей, истории штата и красивых видов. Уидби, одно из самых популярных мест для выходных среди местных жителей, отличается идиллической обстановкой и игривой энергией, что делает его полезной однодневной поездкой из Сиэтла. Тур включает в себя изысканный обед, вход в парк и трансфер до вашего отеля в Сиэтле на нашем роскошном фургоне Mercedes.
Город: Сиэтл
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $289.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $289.00
Что включено
Professional local guide
Guided nature and history walks
Bottled water
Частный транспорт
Драйв /Путеводитель
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Добро пожаловать в возрасте 8 лет и старше.
  • Требуется прививка от COVID-19
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использовать
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Доказательство вакцинации против COVID-19 требуется для путешественников
  • прививка от COVID-19 требуется для гидов
  • ВАКЦИНАЦИЯ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ ПУТЕШЕСТВЕННИКОВ 12+: все гости в возрасте 12+ должны быть полностью вакцинированы против COVID-19 (не менее 2 недель) помимо второй дозы вакцин Pfizer или Moderna или однократной дозы вакцины Johnson & Johnson). Пожалуйста, посетите yonderskytours.com/covid-19-response/для получения дополнительной информации.
Что ожидать
Yonder Sky
Our day starts with front door pickup at your downtown Seattle hotel or vacation rental in our luxury Mercedes van. On the way to the island, we'll stop to enjoy coffee, tea, juice, and fresh baked pastries from our favorite Seattle bakery.
Deception Pass State Park
We’ll start our day at the island’s most stunning natural attraction and its only bridge to the mainland: Deception Pass. Strong tidal currents shape the dramatic landscape to this day. The beautiful vistas and beaches demonstrate why this is the most visited park in all of Washington State.
Coupeville is among the oldest communities in Washington and one of the centerpieces of Ebey’s Landing National Historic Reserve. Enjoy lunch, included in the tour price, at one of the areas best restaurants.
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
After lunch, we’ll head to the windswept cliffs of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve. Established in 1978, Ebey’s Landing was the first such historical reserve in the country.
Fort Casey State Park
Enjoy gorgeous coastal and tidal views as we wind our way to Fort Casey State Park. This former military installation was built during World War II as the third leg in a triangular fortification system protecting the entrance to Puget Sound. While here, take time to wander the abandoned bunkers, visit the beautiful historic lighthouse, and take in sweeping views of the Salish Sea.
We’ll round out our tour of Whidbey by visiting beautiful downtown Langley. Soak up the creative and small-town island vibe as your guide shows you around town. If you like, stop into the boutique shops and small art galleries lining the main street. One local favorite is the Firehouse Glass Studio, where you can observe artists at work as they manipulate molten glass with the help of a thousand-degree furnace.
Yonder Sky
Our day starts with front door pickup at your downtown Seattle hotel or vacation rental in our luxury Mercedes van. On the way to the island, we'll stop to enjoy coffee, tea, juice, and fresh baked pastries from our favorite Seattle bakery.
Deception Pass State Park
We’ll start our day at the island’s most stunning natural attraction and its only bridge to the mainland: Deception Pass. Strong tidal currents shape the dramatic landscape to this day. The beautiful vistas and beaches demonstrate why this is the most visited park in all of Washington State.
Coupeville is among the oldest communities in Washington and one of the centerpieces of Ebey’s Landing National Historic Reserve. Enjoy lunch, included in the tour price, at one of the areas best restaurants.
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
After lunch, we’ll head to the windswept cliffs of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve. Established in 1978, Ebey’s Landing was the first such historical reserve in the country.
Fort Casey State Park
Enjoy gorgeous coastal and tidal views as we wind our way to Fort Casey State Park. This former military installation was built during World War II as the third leg in a triangular fortification system protecting the entrance to Puget Sound. While here, take time to wander the abandoned bunkers, visit the beautiful historic lighthouse, and take in sweeping views of the Salish Sea.
We’ll round out our tour of Whidbey by visiting beautiful downtown Langley. Soak up the creative and small-town island vibe as your guide shows you around town. If you like, stop into the boutique shops and small art galleries lining the main street. One local favorite is the Firehouse Glass Studio, where you can observe artists at work as they manipulate molten glass with the help of a thousand-degree furnace.
Yonder Sky
Our day starts with front door pickup at your downtown Seattle hotel or vacation rental in our luxury Mercedes van. On the way to the island, we'll stop to enjoy coffee, tea, juice, and fresh baked pastries from our favorite Seattle bakery.
Deception Pass State Park
We’ll start our day at the island’s most stunning natural attraction and its only bridge to the mainland: Deception Pass. Strong tidal currents shape the dramatic landscape to this day. The beautiful vistas and beaches demonstrate why this is the most visited park in all of Washington State.
Coupeville is among the oldest communities in Washington and one of the centerpieces of Ebey’s Landing National Historic Reserve. Enjoy lunch, included in the tour price, at one of the areas best restaurants.
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
After lunch, we’ll head to the windswept cliffs of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve. Established in 1978, Ebey’s Landing was the first such historical reserve in the country.
Fort Casey State Park
Enjoy gorgeous coastal and tidal views as we wind our way to Fort Casey State Park. This former military installation was built during World War II as the third leg in a triangular fortification system protecting the entrance to Puget Sound. While here, take time to wander the abandoned bunkers, visit the beautiful historic lighthouse, and take in sweeping views of the Salish Sea.
We’ll round out our tour of Whidbey by visiting beautiful downtown Langley. Soak up the creative and small-town island vibe as your guide shows you around town. If you like, stop into the boutique shops and small art galleries lining the main street. One local favorite is the Firehouse Glass Studio, where you can observe artists at work as they manipulate molten glass with the help of a thousand-degree furnace.
Там небо
Наш день начинается со встречи в отеле в центре Сиэтла или с аренды нашего роскошного фургона Mercedes. По пути на остров мы остановимся, чтобы насладиться кофе, чаем, соком и свежей выпечкой из нашей любимой пекарни Сиэтла.
Государственный парк Десепшн-Пасс
Мы начнем наш день с самой потрясающей природной достопримечательности острова и его единственного моста на материк: перевала Десепшн. Сильные приливные течения и по сей день формируют драматический пейзаж. Прекрасные виды и пляжи демонстрируют, почему это самый посещаемый парк во всем штате Вашингтон.
Купевиль является одним из старейших поселений в Вашингтоне и одним из центральных элементов Национального исторического заповедника Эбей-Лендинг. Наслаждайтесь обедом, включенным в стоимость тура, в одном из лучших ресторанов района.
Национальный исторический заповедник Эби-Лендинг
После обеда мы отправимся к продуваемым всеми ветрами скалам Национального исторического заповедника Эбей-Лендинг. Ebey’s Landing, основанный в 1978 году, стал первым подобным историческим заповедником в стране.
Государственный парк Форт-Кейси
Наслаждайтесь великолепным видом на побережье и приливы, пока мы движемся к государственному парку Форт-Кейси. Этот бывший военный объект был построен во время Второй мировой войны как третья опора треугольной системы укреплений, защищающих вход в Пьюджет-Саунд. Находясь здесь, найдите время, чтобы побродить по заброшенным бункерам, посетить красивый исторический маяк и полюбоваться потрясающим видом на море Салиш.
Мы завершим нашу экскурсию по Уидби посещением прекрасного центра города Лэнгли. Окунитесь в творческую атмосферу маленького городка острова, пока ваш гид покажет вам город. Если хотите, загляните в бутики и небольшие художественные галереи вдоль главной улицы. Одним из местных фаворитов является Стеклянная студия Firehouse, где вы можете наблюдать за работой художников, которые манипулируют расплавленным стеклом с помощью печи с температурой в тысячу градусов.
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Отзывы (9)
Jun 2021
The private group tour to Whidbey Island was excellent! Daniel was our guide, and the tour was exactly what we were looking for. The day was full of activity, and we hit all the places we wanted to see and a few more. Daniel was extremely flexible and tailored the tour to our group as we went along. The food was great (we had a picnic lunch (Covid)), and he made sure we had water, other drinks, and snacks throughout the day. A great day all around, and we'll make sure to use Yonder Sky again if we get the chance to do another tour in the future. Highly recommend!
Sep 2019
The small group tour by Yonder Sky is the best way to visit Whidbey and Deception Pass – a relaxed, comfortable pace with personalized attention. This small group gives you the chance to interact with your fellow travelers and guide. The new Mercedes van is modern, spacious, clean and comfortable. Our guide, Daniel, was very knowledgeable and courteous. He made sure that we got to see the beautiful coastal scenery, interesting sights and provided many photo opportunities. Daniel enthusiastically shared his knowledge of the history of the area, including much about the Native Americans who settled in this area and about the founding of some of Washington’s oldest communities. The walk through the woods to the beach at Deception Pass allowed us to get up close to Old Growth Douglas Firs and Western Red Cedars. We were treated to a nice lunch at a local restaurant in Coupeville, one of the oldest communities in Washington. After lunch we visited several other interesting and scenic sights including Fort Casey, a World War II military installation, built to protect Puget Sound. On our return journey to Seattle we took the Clinton Ferry to Mukilteo. Nice to experience the Washington State ferry system as it is such an integral part of life in this area for work and play. Thank you Daniel for such a memorable day and being a weather wizard that was able to change a very rainy forecast miraculously into a nice day.
Sep 2019
Just one other couple was on this tour with my husband and I, Daniel was our driver and guide. We lucked out with no rain and we had a lovely day making numerous stops on Whidbey Island and at Deception Pass. We had a wonderful lunch in a place overlooking the water along the way, this is included with the tour. Daniel was such a pleasant person to spend the day with and a great guide. Recommend this if you want a nice relaxing day.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2019
Hi Marilyn, thanks so much for joining me and taking the time to write a review. I had a great time spending the day with you on Whidbey Island. Is there anything we could have done better to make this a five-star experience? We're always open to constructive feedback to improve our tours. -Daniel and Matt, Owners and Guides

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