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Классический закатный парус Windjammer

Закаты в штате Мэн лучше всего видны с воды на борту романтического корабля Appledore II! Этот высокий корабль ограничен 49 пассажирами для интимного плавания. Это современный виндджаммер с роскошными номерами и большим количеством сидячих мест. Широкие палубы позволяют с легкостью ходить и любоваться великолепным видом на закат.
Город: Камден
Tue 04 Jun
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $64.95
Tue 04 Jun
Начинается с $64.95
Что включено
Sunset cruise
Sunset cruise
Sunset cruise
Sunset cruise
Велосипедный замок
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должен быть в сопровождении взрослого.
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя — 21 год.
Что ожидать
Camden Harbor Park and Amphitheatre
Your sunset sailing cruise departs from Bayview Landing, at the heart of Camden Harbor. Mariners consider Camden Harbor one of the most beautiful harbors in New England, framed by the mountains greeting the sea. Feel the sense of adventure as the crew hoists the sails. Participate in this age-old tradition by joining in and help raise the sails. Take a turn at the wheel and feel the exhilaration of captaining a traditional wooden ship.
Schooner Appledore II Windjammer Cruise
The Appledore II was hand-built in 1978 at the Gamage Shipyard in Maine in the finest shipbuilding tradition. She proved her seaworthiness by circumnavigating the globe. She continues to sail a 2,000 mile ocean voyage twice a year between her summer home of Camden, Maine and winter home of tropical Key West, Florida.
Curtis Island Light
Your Downeast Maine boat tour takes you past Curtis Island Light, helping navigate seafarers since 1836, and into Penobscot Bay. As we sail along the rugged coastline, take in the majestic mountains, only one of two places along the Atlantic seaboard where the mountains drop off into the ocean. With the painted sky as your exquisite backdrop, gaze at the magnificent mansions, historic inns and elegant yachts. Watch for porpoises, eagles and ospreys. Along the jagged rocks, look for seals and shorebirds, including guillernots, cousins to puffins.
Mount Battie
Quench your thirst with cocktails, beer, wine and soft drinks, all available for purchase during your sailing cruise. Gather close to your loved ones as the fiery sun sets over Mount Battie and toast the end of an amazing day. Against the darkened sky, the blink of the Curtis Island Light guides us back home to Camden Harbor.
Camden Harbor Park and Amphitheatre
Your sunset sailing cruise departs from Bayview Landing, at the heart of Camden Harbor. Mariners consider Camden Harbor one of the most beautiful harbors in New England, framed by the mountains greeting the sea. Feel the sense of adventure as the crew hoists the sails. Participate in this age-old tradition by joining in and help raise the sails. Take a turn at the wheel and feel the exhilaration of captaining a traditional wooden ship.
Schooner Appledore II Windjammer Cruise
The Appledore II was hand-built in 1978 at the Gamage Shipyard in Maine in the finest shipbuilding tradition. She proved her seaworthiness by circumnavigating the globe. She continues to sail a 2,000 mile ocean voyage twice a year between her summer home of Camden, Maine and winter home of tropical Key West, Florida.
Curtis Island Light
Your Downeast Maine boat tour takes you past Curtis Island Light, helping navigate seafarers since 1836, and into Penobscot Bay. As we sail along the rugged coastline, take in the majestic mountains, only one of two places along the Atlantic seaboard where the mountains drop off into the ocean. With the painted sky as your exquisite backdrop, gaze at the magnificent mansions, historic inns and elegant yachts. Watch for porpoises, eagles and ospreys. Along the jagged rocks, look for seals and shorebirds, including guillernots, cousins to puffins.
Mount Battie
Quench your thirst with cocktails, beer, wine and soft drinks, all available for purchase during your sailing cruise. Gather close to your loved ones as the fiery sun sets over Mount Battie and toast the end of an amazing day. Against the darkened sky, the blink of the Curtis Island Light guides us back home to Camden Harbor.
Camden Harbor Park and Amphitheatre
Your sunset sailing cruise departs from Bayview Landing, at the heart of Camden Harbor. Mariners consider Camden Harbor one of the most beautiful harbors in New England, framed by the mountains greeting the sea. Feel the sense of adventure as the crew hoists the sails. Participate in this age-old tradition by joining in and help raise the sails. Take a turn at the wheel and feel the exhilaration of captaining a traditional wooden ship.
Schooner Appledore II Windjammer Cruise
The Appledore II was hand-built in 1978 at the Gamage Shipyard in Maine in the finest shipbuilding tradition. She proved her seaworthiness by circumnavigating the globe. She continues to sail a 2,000 mile ocean voyage twice a year between her summer home of Camden, Maine and winter home of tropical Key West, Florida.
Curtis Island Light
Your Downeast Maine boat tour takes you past Curtis Island Light, helping navigate seafarers since 1836, and into Penobscot Bay. As we sail along the rugged coastline, take in the majestic mountains, only one of two places along the Atlantic seaboard where the mountains drop off into the ocean. With the painted sky as your exquisite backdrop, gaze at the magnificent mansions, historic inns and elegant yachts. Watch for porpoises, eagles and ospreys. Along the jagged rocks, look for seals and shorebirds, including guillernots, cousins to puffins.
Mount Battie
Quench your thirst with cocktails, beer, wine and soft drinks, all available for purchase during your sailing cruise. Gather close to your loved ones as the fiery sun sets over Mount Battie and toast the end of an amazing day. Against the darkened sky, the blink of the Curtis Island Light guides us back home to Camden Harbor.
Camden Harbor Park and Amphitheatre
Your sunset sailing cruise departs from Bayview Landing, at the heart of Camden Harbor. Mariners consider Camden Harbor one of the most beautiful harbors in New England, framed by the mountains greeting the sea. Feel the sense of adventure as the crew hoists the sails. Participate in this age-old tradition by joining in and help raise the sails. Take a turn at the wheel and feel the exhilaration of captaining a traditional wooden ship.
Schooner Appledore II Windjammer Cruise
The Appledore II was hand-built in 1978 at the Gamage Shipyard in Maine in the finest shipbuilding tradition. She proved her seaworthiness by circumnavigating the globe. She continues to sail a 2,000 mile ocean voyage twice a year between her summer home of Camden, Maine and winter home of tropical Key West, Florida.
Curtis Island Light
Your Downeast Maine boat tour takes you past Curtis Island Light, helping navigate seafarers since 1836, and into Penobscot Bay. As we sail along the rugged coastline, take in the majestic mountains, only one of two places along the Atlantic seaboard where the mountains drop off into the ocean. With the painted sky as your exquisite backdrop, gaze at the magnificent mansions, historic inns and elegant yachts. Watch for porpoises, eagles and ospreys. Along the jagged rocks, look for seals and shorebirds, including guillernots, cousins to puffins.
Mount Battie
Quench your thirst with cocktails, beer, wine and soft drinks, all available for purchase during your sailing cruise. Gather close to your loved ones as the fiery sun sets over Mount Battie and toast the end of an amazing day. Against the darkened sky, the blink of the Curtis Island Light guides us back home to Camden Harbor.
Кэмден-Харбор-Парк и Амфитеатр
Ваш круиз на закате отправляется из пристани Бэйвью, в самом сердце гавани Камден. Моряки считают Кэмден-Харбор одной из самых красивых гаваней Новой Англии, обрамленной горами, приветствующими море. Почувствуйте приключение, пока команда поднимает паруса. Примите участие в этой вековой традиции, присоединившись и помогите поднять паруса. Повернитесь за рулем и почувствуйте волнение от управления традиционным деревянным кораблем.
Шхуна Appledore II Windjammer Cruise
Appledore II был построен вручную в 1978 году на верфи Gamage в штате Мэн в лучших традициях судостроения. Она доказала свои мореходные качества, совершив кругосветное плавание. Она продолжает плавать по океану на 2000 миль два раза в год между своим летним домом в Камдене, штат Мэн, и зимним домом в тропическом Ки-Уэсте, Флорида.
Кертис Айленд Лайт
Ваш лодочный тур по Даун-Ист-Мэн проведет вас мимо Кертис-Айленд-Лайт, помогающего мореплавателям ориентироваться с 1836 года, и в залив Пенобскот. Когда мы плывем вдоль изрезанной береговой линии, полюбуйтесь величественными горами, только одним из двух мест на атлантическом побережье, где горы обрываются в океан. На фоне нарисованного неба вы сможете полюбоваться великолепными особняками, историческими гостиницами и элегантными яхтами. Следите за морскими свиньями, орлами и скопами. Вдоль зазубренных скал ищите тюленей и куликов, в том числе гильернотов, кузенов тупиков.
Гора Бэтти
Утолите жажду коктейлями, пивом, вином и безалкогольными напитками, которые можно приобрести во время круиза под парусом. Соберитесь поближе к своим близким, когда огненное солнце садится над горой Бэтти, и поднимите тост за конец удивительного дня. На фоне затемненного неба мерцание огня Кертис-Айленд возвращает нас домой, в Камден-Харбор.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (194)
Amy V
Oct 2022
Great sail - recommend for families and couples of all ages! The Captain and crew were amazing! Very informative about the ship and the crew kept the drinks coming. Just fantastic!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your positive review, we work very hard to provide a great experience, your feedback is very much appreciated.
Oct 2022
The Captain and crew made this the best sail we’ve ever taken! Perfect 2 hour family sail and the Captain told the entire history of the ship and why these are so important to our history.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for the 5 STAR review. Honestly as a manager I give 100% of the credit for our success to the crew, In the end they are the ones that deliver day after day, trip after trip. Thank you for acknowledging their hard work
Oct 2022
Cruise was fine. Dealing w/Viator and all the unnecessary junk they inundated me with was annoying. Won’t be quick to book anything through them again.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Not sure how to respond - I am not Viator and it seems my part was fine, only suggestions is Book Direct!

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