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Полет на воздушном шаре в винной стране из Юнтвилля

Познакомьтесь с всемирно известной винной страной с воздуха, совершив ранний утренний полет на воздушном шаре. Затем заберитесь в удобную корзину, чтобы подняться в небо, когда пробудится долина под вами. Во время полета наслаждайтесь панорамой холмов, обширных виноградников и элегантных поместий с высоты птичьего полета. Ваш пилот расскажет о полетах на воздушном шаре и ландшафте, пока вы парите над всем этим!

* Полет на воздушном шаре в Винной стране
* Узнайте о всемирно известной Винной стране во время полета над всем этим
Город: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $338.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $338.00
Что включено
Post Flight Sparkling Wine Celebration with the Pilot
40 min to 1 hour hot-air balloon ride (weather dependent)
Preflight Coffee or Tea
Post Flight Sparkling Wine Celebration with the Pilot
40 min to 1 hour hot-air balloon ride (weather dependent)
Preflight Coffee or Tea
Post Flight Sparkling Wine Celebration with the Pilot
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь по крайней мере, средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст 8 лет и минимальный рост 57 дюймов в высоту. На усмотрение пилота, который считается безопасным для полета
  • ДОЛЖЕН указать номер телефона на дороге во время бронирования. Непредоставление этой информации приведет к отмене.
  • С гостей весом 260 фунтов (118 кг) и более взимается дополнительная плата в размере 275 долларов США.
  • С лиц, совершивших глубокое подводное плавание. в течение последних нескольких дней
  • Люди, страдающие от хронической боли, недавно перенесшие травму или серьезную операцию, любой, кто не может стоять без посторонней помощи более часа
  • Кто-то, кому требуется помощь при ходьбе или кто не может подняться по лестнице.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Napa Valley
Then it’s off into the wild blue yonder. Our experienced pilots will share with you some of ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights!
Our experienced pilots will share with you ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights
Napa Valley
Then it’s off into the wild blue yonder. Our experienced pilots will share with you some of ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights!
Our experienced pilots will share with you ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights
Napa Valley
Then it’s off into the wild blue yonder. Our experienced pilots will share with you some of ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights!
Our experienced pilots will share with you ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights
Napa Valley
Then it’s off into the wild blue yonder. Our experienced pilots will share with you some of ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights!
Our experienced pilots will share with you ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights
Napa Valley
Then it’s off into the wild blue yonder. Our experienced pilots will share with you some of ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights!
Our experienced pilots will share with you ballooning's colorful history and the regions highlights
Долина Напа
Затем он уходит в дикую синеву вон там. Наши опытные пилоты поделятся с вами красочной историей воздухоплавания и достопримечательностями региона!
Наши опытные пилоты поделятся с вами красочной историей воздухоплавания и достопримечательностями региона.
Показать 9 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Если вы отмените по крайней мере за 4 дня до запланированного времени вылета, вы получите полный возврат средств.
Если вы отмените в течение 3 дней до запланированного вылета, вы получите возврат 0%.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (474)
Oct 2022
Unfortunately we were not able to participate in the balloon ride due to physical limitations which we were not told ahead of time
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Hello Eleanora, I'm sorry we were unable to fly you. We'll explore more ways to communicate what the physical limitation for ballooning are and we'll see how we can add more specific detail to our Viator profile. In addition to the information currently on Viator, we send out confirmation emails. Our reservation system shows that we sent you a confirmation email on 9/21, 9/26 and that we sent you a link to your confirmation by text message on 9/21, 9/26 and 10/6. Our confirmation specifically states the following: Everyone in your party must be able to: Climb into and out of the basket Stand without assistance for an hour or more Walk through tall grass or uneven terrain back to the shuttle vehicles, etc. Bend their knees, hang on and absorb shock under your own strength. A safe bet is if you cannot jump from a kitchen chair, a hot air balloon ride may not be appropriate or safe for you. Ballooning is not appropriate for: Infants or young children (under the age of 8 yrs/57 inches tall) Pregnant women Individuals who have done a deep scuba dive within the past few days People suffering from chronic pain, have a recent injury or who have recently had major surgery, anyone who is unable to stand without assistance for more than an hour Someone who requires assistance walking or who cannot climb stairs. IMPORTANT! - Children must be at least 8 years old and 57 inches in height to participate. We are very sorry if your child does not meet these parameters but they exist for the safety and wellbeing of your child. Our minimum age and height are firm. Please be aware falsification of your child’s age for the purpose of taking this trip is illegal. If your child (or children) is disqualified from participation for not meeting the minimum height and age you will still be charged in full for them. Please understand that we will always err on the side of caution and in some cases may ask a guest to refrain from flying. If you have a medical problem that could cause discomfort or be aggravated during flight, please consult your physician in advance. If you are unsure if ballooning is appropriate for you, please call us at 707-944-0228 or visit https://bit.ly/2W2VdR2 for more information. Again, sorry you were unable to join us. Sincerely, -Gabe
Oct 2022
Wonderful flight! Only day of our trip in the valley where the morning wasn’t socked in by fog - clear, cool, and gorgeous. Great to be part of our pilot’s 10,000th piloting hour.
Oct 2022
It was a bit foggy and windy so our team drove us to another take off spot an hour away. Our pilot Bob, did a fantastic job explaining to us how the weather would affect our takeoff and landing so they came up with a quick plan to get us in the air and not have to cancel. I felt safe the entire time and it was a great experience. It was a very beautiful day and there was just a little bit of coolness in the beginning of the fall air. I would recommend this company to anyone that wants to experience a beautiful and safe ride. We celebrated with champagne and the team and Learned a bit more about the pilots and their team and how they love to do this.

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