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Зима - тур по дикой природе и Turnagain Arm Tour

В Центре охраны дикой природы Аляски площадью 140 акров челюсти отвисают от благоговения — даже у давних жителей Аляски. Миссия AWCC — предоставить убежище осиротевшим, раненым и больным животным — тем, кто не может выжить в дикой природе. Центр также знакомит посетителей с дикой природой Аляски.

Фотолюбители имеют возможность сделать отмеченные наградами фотографии животных, выставленных в их естественной среде обитания.
Город: Анкоридж
Fri 20 Sep
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Начинается с $115.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $115.00
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  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Путешественникам следует иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Центр охраны дикой природы Аляски
В Центре охраны дикой природы Аляски посетители могут исследовать более 140 акров естественной среды обитания медведей, лосей, северных оленей, рысей и других местных диких животных.
Белуга Пойнт
Дело в том, что это место, где обязательно нужно остановиться, так как виды потрясающие! Белуга-Пойнт, скалистый аванпост, выступающий в воды Тернагейн-Арм, находится к югу от Анкориджа вдоль шоссе Сьюард. Он назван в честь белых китов, которых часто можно увидеть в этом месте, когда они пробираются вверх и вниз по заливу. Белуги часто можно увидеть в период с июля по август.
Сьюард Хайвей
Рукав Тернагейн на Аляске на шоссе Сьюард входит в число тех, которые были признаны одним из самых незабываемых и обязательных для посещения районов Аляски. МНОГИЕ ГОВОРЯТ, ЧТО ЕСЛИ ВЫ ПРОПУСТИТЕ ПОСЕЩЕНИЕ ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТЕЙ ВДОЛЬ ПОВОРОТНОГО РУКАВА - ВЫ ПРОПУСТИЛИ АЛЯСКУ!
Ледник Портидж
Долина Портедж представляет собой 14-мильный перешеек, соединяющий полуостров Кенай с материковой частью Аляски. Ледник Портедж когда-то простирался по всей длине долины. Ледниковые остатки, которые можно увидеть сегодня, - это ледники Эксплорер, Миддл, Байрон, Бернс и Шекспир. Несмотря на огромные размеры, эти ледники служат меньшим напоминанием об огромных ледяных щитах, которые когда-то покрывали этот ландшафт.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (37)
Jan 2020
We booked a Groupon tour with Alaska’s Finest. Since it was over the holiday, I reached out by phone, prior to booking and got no call back. I took a chance, booked it and emailed to inquire how to reserve the tour time, as you don’t choose a date via the Groupon. That would make things a bit easier. In my email I specified the date and time I wanted and tried to confirm the pick-up location at the Sheraton downtown. I explained that I didn’t want to click on my Groupon voucher until I was confirmed, as once it’s redeemed, it’s difficult to get a refund. I overlooked the fact that the first response answered about the wrong day, Sunday, when I requested Monday. I figured it was a typo and I reconfirmed that he meant Monday. Once we reached the minimum required for the tour, I was asked to click on my Groupon and send the voucher number. I gave my voucher number and two phone numbers when asked for contact info. Off we went to the Sheraton that Monday morning, 40 minutes early. We inquired at the desk as to where pickup would be and were told the tour guides would come in to get us. We waited. We didn’t see any other loitering groups so we started to get concerned. Before 11, we asked again and were told not to worry, they’re usually late. Finally at 11:07 (tour pickup was at 11), I called the number for Alaska’s Finest. Martin/Ben told me he doesn’t pick up at the Sheraton anymore, he picks up at the Visitor Center, half a mile away. I asked if he could just come get us since the Groupon clearly states pickup at the Sheraton and he didn't correct me when I asked in my email either. Never did he specify pickup at the Visitor Center. He said he had waited til quarter after and couldn’t wait any longer. I said it’s 11:10! He said his clock said 11:17. So that would mean he’s 2 minutes away and yet he refused to come get us. I asked why he didn’t call us at either of the provided numbers. I don’t remember his answer. He said he’d take us the next day, but we were leaving that night. He said he’d refund us. It took me a week of emailing/chatting with Groupon and Martin/Ben before I finally received a refund. I would definitely not recommend working with this company. We met so many kind people in Alaska, if you really want a tour, talk to the lovely folks at the Visitor Center for advice. Don’t take the chance of being left behind by Alaska’s Finest.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2020
I am so sorry for the miscommunication regarding your tour. As we discussed on the phone the night before it was stated that pickup was to be at the Anchorage Visitors Center. That day of the miscommunication I talked to your husband and asked if you got your confirmation and he stated yes. I said that the confirmation was the communication that gave the times and place for pick up and drop off. He said he would look at the confirmation when we got off the phone. Because I was concerned I also looked at what was sent to you and it clearly stated the pickup location to be the Anchorage Visitors Center and for guest to be ready 15 minutes prior. Unfortunately you are right we had a lot of other guest waiting to start the tour and had already waited well past the departure time. The Sheraton is not a representative and they do not give directions for tours other than which door pick up for tours occur. We do not do hotel pickups because when we did in the past it took upwards of one hour to pick up and one hour to drop off guest at the various hotels. Nobody wants a hotel tour at the beginning and end of a tour. This is why we only pick up at one location so we can get started without delay as to not upset other customers. Everyone in the vehicle saw us go from the log cabin to the main tour office looking for you. Every guest in the van also looked up and down the street with us to make sure no one was running our way. Because of this one guest was spotted and did wave us down, she made the tour. We also left word with the visitor’s center and because of a storm expected towards the end of the day it was decided to go. You went to the Visitor’s Center after our initial call, which was 20 more minutes past your first call where you were told we could not turn around as we were well out of town. We were already by that second call 30 minutes out of town and again offered you the next day or a full refund. We did feel bad and when we arrived at Beluga Point and while other guest were outside, frantic calls were made to four other operators to get you out on tour that day. Unfortunately everyone was sold out. We apologized profusely and advised you that a full refund request would be asked of Groupon that day since they were the ones holding your funds. Normally because of the deep discount Groupon offers they do not give refunds at all. But we went through back channels to get you a full refund. As always with refund request it normally takes upwards to 14 days. Groupon expedited your refund because we went direct to the Groupon representative and not customer service. We show you were refunded in less than 10 days. We have had numerous times that customers have “no showed” and gave no explanation or a call to cancel. Unfortunately, “NO SHOWS” happen so often in the travel industry that it is common to leave as to not upset other travelers. Again, we apologize.

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