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Зима - тур по дикой природе и Turnagain Arm Tour

В Центре охраны дикой природы Аляски площадью 140 акров челюсти отвисают от благоговения — даже у давних жителей Аляски. Миссия AWCC — предоставить убежище осиротевшим, раненым и больным животным — тем, кто не может выжить в дикой природе. Центр также знакомит посетителей с дикой природой Аляски.

Фотолюбители имеют возможность сделать отмеченные наградами фотографии животных, выставленных в их естественной среде обитания.
Город: Анкоридж
Sat 21 Sep
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Начинается с $115.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $115.00
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  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Путешественникам следует иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center visitors are free to explore over 140 acres of natural habitat home to bears, moose, reindeer, lynx and other native wildlife.
Beluga Point
The point is a definite must stop location as the views are spectacular! Beluga Point, a rocky outpost jutting into the waters of Turnagain Arm, is just south of Anchorage along the Seward Highway. It’s named for the white whales that are often spotted from this location as they make their way up and down the inlet. Beluga's are often seen between July and August.
Seward Highway
Alaska's Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway is among those voted as one of the country's most unforgettable, must see areas of Alaska. MANY HAVE SAID THAT IF YOU MISS VISITING SIGHTS ALONG THE TURNAGAIN ARM- - YOU HAVE MISSED ALASKA!
Portage Glacier
Portage Valley is a 14 mile isthmus that connects the Kenai Peninsula to mainland Alaska. Portage Glacier once extended the entire length of the valley. The glacial remnants seen today are Explorer, Middle, Byron, Burns, and Shakespeare glaciers. While still massive in size, these glaciers stand as smaller reminders of the immense ice sheets that once covered this landscape.
Центр охраны дикой природы Аляски
В Центре охраны дикой природы Аляски посетители могут исследовать более 140 акров естественной среды обитания медведей, лосей, северных оленей, рысей и других местных диких животных.
Белуга Пойнт
Дело в том, что это место, где обязательно нужно остановиться, так как виды потрясающие! Белуга-Пойнт, скалистый аванпост, выступающий в воды Тернагейн-Арм, находится к югу от Анкориджа вдоль шоссе Сьюард. Он назван в честь белых китов, которых часто можно увидеть в этом месте, когда они пробираются вверх и вниз по заливу. Белуги часто можно увидеть в период с июля по август.
Сьюард Хайвей
Рукав Тернагейн на Аляске на шоссе Сьюард входит в число тех, которые были признаны одним из самых незабываемых и обязательных для посещения районов Аляски. МНОГИЕ ГОВОРЯТ, ЧТО ЕСЛИ ВЫ ПРОПУСТИТЕ ПОСЕЩЕНИЕ ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТЕЙ ВДОЛЬ ПОВОРОТНОГО РУКАВА - ВЫ ПРОПУСТИЛИ АЛЯСКУ!
Ледник Портидж
Долина Портедж представляет собой 14-мильный перешеек, соединяющий полуостров Кенай с материковой частью Аляски. Ледник Портедж когда-то простирался по всей длине долины. Ледниковые остатки, которые можно увидеть сегодня, - это ледники Эксплорер, Миддл, Байрон, Бернс и Шекспир. Несмотря на огромные размеры, эти ледники служат меньшим напоминанием об огромных ледяных щитах, которые когда-то покрывали этот ландшафт.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (37)
Mar 2022
Matthew was a great tour guide. Full of information and pleasant to spend 5 hours with. There are a few other similar/same tours on Viator. I think this is the least expensive. This was a great value.
Mar 2022
My family and I took this tour during our stay in anchorage and had a great experience! Matt was very nice and knowledgeable, unfortunately the weather was not to nice to us this day however we were able to still see some amazing views, glacier water and wildlife at the sanctuary!
Mar 2022
Mathew is a good tour guide and an excellent driver. Views are incredible, and the most enjoyable part of this tour for me was simply looking out the windows during the drive. I would recommend to anyone who wants to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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