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Экскурсия по торговым центрам Woodbury Common Premium Outlets из Манхэттена

Проведите день в Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, крупнейшем аутлет-центре Нью-Йорка, во время этой однодневной поездки из Манхэттена. Более 220 магазинов предлагают скидки на брендовые и дизайнерские товары, включая Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger и другие. Выберите один из нескольких ежедневных отправлений и гибких возвратов с гарантированно зарезервированными местами, чтобы обеспечить вам максимальную гибкость и удобство. Вы также получите книгу купонов VIP на сотни долларов исключительной экономии.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $42.00
Sat 08 Feb
Начинается с $42.00
Что включено
All taxes, fuel surcharges, and service fees
Guaranteed reserved seating
VIP coupon e-book worth hundreds of dollars in extra savings
Round-trip bus transportation
All taxes, fuel surcharges, and service fees
Guaranteed reserved seating
VIP coupon e-book worth hundreds of dollars in extra savings
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходит для всех уровень физической подготовки
  • Вы можете взять с собой чемодан для хранения покупок
Что ожидать
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Tour America
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Bus
Depart from McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets
Get an instant confirmation for guaranteed reserved seating at the times of your choice. Simply show up at the time you reserved, show your voucher, and board the bus. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is the largest outlet center on the East Coast with over 220 stores featuring discounts on brand name and designer merchandise including Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger & more. After a day of shopping, relax on the drive back to Manhattan.
Тур по Америке
Отправление от McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Автобус Вудбери
Отправление от McDonald's 51st Street - 1651 Broadway & 51st Street.
Вудбери Коммон Премиум Аутлеты
Получите мгновенное подтверждение гарантированного зарезервированного места в выбранное вами время. Просто приходите в забронированное время, предъявляйте ваучер и садитесь в автобус. Woodbury Common Premium Outlets — крупнейший аутлет-центр на Восточном побережье с более чем 220 магазинами со скидками на брендовые и дизайнерские товары, включая Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Gap, Nike, Puma, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger и другие. После дня, проведенного за покупками, расслабьтесь на обратном пути на Манхэттен.
Показать 18 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (246)
Dec 2022
This trip is a complete waste of time and money. The vouchers they give you on bus are not accepted in any outlets. The stock available was so limited. Shop staff are in general rude and unhelpful
Dec 2022
We left and arrived on time though the weather was rainy and snowy. A pleasant ride. Just wished there were more pick up and drop off points as we had to walk in the rain to get to the spot for pick up.
Dec 2022
Good relaxing trip saved a lot of money on my purchases there are over 100 outlets used Levies my self 4 pairs for $150

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