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Йеллоустонский национальный парк - ЧАСТНЫЙ тур на целый день по нижней петле из Джексон-Хоул

В зависимости от ваших интересов один из наших опытных гидов проведет для вас тур на всю жизнь в Йеллоустонском национальном парке! Это будет познавательно, весело, увлекательно, и ваш гид покажет вам основные моменты «Нижней петли» Йеллоустона и исследует некоторые из основных мест обитания диких животных в парке.

Что касается дат тура ДО 14 мая, поскольку Южный вход закрыт, Туры будут ехать из Джексона в Западный Йеллоустоун, чтобы войти через Западные ворота. Таким образом, мы не будем гастролировать по парку Гранд-Титон с 16 апреля по 13 мая.
Город: Джексон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $1750.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $1750.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Park Entry Fees
Hearty deli sandwiches, fruit, chips, cookie and water
Use of Binoculars
Muffins, bananas, orange juice and water
Private transportation
Park Entry Fees
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках или колясках
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех физических нагрузок уровни
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно путешественникам и персоналу
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Бесконтактные платежи за чаевые и дополнения
Что ожидать
Old Faithful
Experience the most iconic geyser in the world erupt with all of its explosive glory.
Artist Point
Located on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, this canyon overlook offers breathtaking views of both the amazing 308-foot Lower Yellowstone Falls and the spectacular, rhyolite canyon.
Hayden Valley
This beautiful, wildlife-rich valley between Yellowstone Lake and Upper Falls straddles the Yellowstone River and is prime habitat for bison, elk, grizzly bears, bald eagles and wolves.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Walk around and marvel at the vivid colors of the largest hot spring in the USA. Over 350 feet in diameter, 160 feet deep and discharging over 500 gallons of water per minute, the brilliant deep blue water is surrounded by microbial mats of orange, red, green, yellow and brown.
Upper Falls
See, hear and feel the thunderous power of the Yellowstone River plunge 109 feet over Upper Yellowstone Falls.
Fountain Paint Pot
Located in the Lower Geyser Basin, this volcanic landscape has all 4 types of active geothermal features in one place, including: geysers, mud pots, hot springs and fumaroles (steam vents).
Oxbow Bend
This bend in the Snake River is the definition of serenity, featuring a stunning view and reflection of Mt. Moran of the Teton Mountain Range in the still water. We often see white pelicans, trumpeter swans, blue herons and occasionally beaver, fox and grizzly bears.
Old Faithful
Experience the most iconic geyser in the world erupt with all of its explosive glory.
Artist Point
Located on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, this canyon overlook offers breathtaking views of both the amazing 308-foot Lower Yellowstone Falls and the spectacular, rhyolite canyon.
Hayden Valley
This beautiful, wildlife-rich valley between Yellowstone Lake and Upper Falls straddles the Yellowstone River and is prime habitat for bison, elk, grizzly bears, bald eagles and wolves.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Walk around and marvel at the vivid colors of the largest hot spring in the USA. Over 350 feet in diameter, 160 feet deep and discharging over 500 gallons of water per minute, the brilliant deep blue water is surrounded by microbial mats of orange, red, green, yellow and brown.
Upper Falls
See, hear and feel the thunderous power of the Yellowstone River plunge 109 feet over Upper Yellowstone Falls.
Fountain Paint Pot
Located in the Lower Geyser Basin, this volcanic landscape has all 4 types of active geothermal features in one place, including: geysers, mud pots, hot springs and fumaroles (steam vents).
Oxbow Bend
This bend in the Snake River is the definition of serenity, featuring a stunning view and reflection of Mt. Moran of the Teton Mountain Range in the still water. We often see white pelicans, trumpeter swans, blue herons and occasionally beaver, fox and grizzly bears.
Старый Верный
Испытайте извержение самого культового гейзера в мире во всей его взрывной красе.
Точка художника
Расположенный на южном краю Гранд-Каньона Йеллоустоун, этот каньон предлагает захватывающий вид на удивительный 308-футовый Нижний Йеллоустонский водопад и впечатляющий риолитовый каньон.
Хейден Вэлли
Эта красивая, богатая дикой природой долина между озером Йеллоустоун и Аппер-Фолс находится между рекой Йеллоустоун и является основным местом обитания бизонов, лосей, медведей гризли, белоголовых орланов и волков.
Большая призматическая пружина
Прогуляйтесь и полюбуйтесь яркими красками самого большого горячего источника в США. Более 350 футов в диаметре, 160 футов в глубину и выбрасывая более 500 галлонов воды в минуту, блестящая темно-синяя вода окружена микробными ковриками оранжевого, красного, зеленого, желтого и коричневого цветов.
Верхний водопад
Посмотрите, услышьте и почувствуйте громоподобную мощь реки Йеллоустоун, низвергающейся на 109 футов над Верхним Йеллоустонским водопадом.
Горшок с краской для фонтана
Расположенный в Нижнем бассейне гейзеров, этот вулканический ландшафт сочетает в себе все 4 типа активных геотермальных явлений, в том числе: гейзеры, грязевые котлы, горячие источники и фумаролы (паровые жерла).
Оксбоу Бенд
Этот изгиб реки Снейк является воплощением безмятежности, предлагая потрясающий вид и отражение горы Моран горного хребта Тетон в стоячей воде. Мы часто видим белых пеликанов, лебедей-трубачей, голубых цапель и иногда бобра, лису и медведя гризли.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (12)
Jenna R
Aug 2022
Our private tour was awesome! Our tour guide Nick was considerate, kind, informative, and he wonderfully managed our tour/sight-seeing throughout the day. I would strongly recommend the private tour, if you can, as it allows for the entire day to progress at your pace.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Thank you so much for the feedback and helping others understand the benefits of private tours. So glad you got to see the areas in Yellowstone that were most important to you and move at a pace that worked best for your group. Thanks again!
Aug 2022
When you plan your entire vacation around a Yellowstone tour, you want to make sure you actually get to go on said Yellowstone tour. We ran into a last-minute issue with our plans and Yellowstone Day Tours (Heather in particular!) were more than accommodating - they were practically life savers! Due to a mistake on our end, we wanted to switch our tour date. They were fully booked so Heather couldn't switch our date, but we didn't want to miss this trip. We rearranged our travel plans and kept the tour on Sunday. We're so happy we did! On Sunday, our tour guide Ben picked us up at our hotel right on time, and we started off by passing through the Grand Tetons. We got the clearest photo of the mountains reflected in the lake, then moved onto Yellowstone itself. We saw Old Faithful, the Grand Prismatic Spring, the paint pots, the upper and lower falls, and basically all of the big sights of the Lower Loop, plus Yellowstone Lake and Jenny Lake. We also spotted some bison and elk and we didn't even need to ask Ben to stop and pull off the road so we could take pictures. We didn't have to worry about driving, finding restrooms, getting food...with the logistics taken care of, we could all sit back and take in the stunning nature views around us. If you're looking for a comprehensive and informative Yellowstone tour with a friendly and knowledgeable guide, we cannot recommend Yellowstone Day Tours (and our tour guide Ben) enough!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
I am so happy to hear you had fun with Ben! He loves sharing the park with others. Glad to hear it was a good tour.
Jul 2022
What a great day and a must do if you are in Jackson Hole area. Nick, our guide, was not only incredibly knowledgeable on the area but the wild life as well. One of the bust guides I’ve had in years of travel. We hit all of the major spots (Make sure to check out the Grand Prismatic Springs, very beautiful), and we were lucky to see several bears, bison and elk. Nick was very conscious of our safety while still helping us see the wildlife, something that is very important if you’re not from the area and get excited to see them. This tour was a 10/10 recommendation!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
That is high praise for Nick and we greatly appreciate you sharing your experience. Glad you got to see Grand Prismatic and had a some great wildlife sightings. Thanks for joining us!
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