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1 Хоур Тхе Есцапе Гаме у Њу Џерсију

Смештене у Америчком сну, ове авантуре нуде јединствено врхунско искуство. Пратите трагове и решавајте загонетке да бисте заједно завршили своју мисију. Можда побегнеш... ЗАБАВИЋЕШ СЕ!
Цити: Неварк
Thu 24 Oct
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Са почетком у $45.84
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $45.84
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Улазница за играње једне авантуре
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (83)
Jun 2022
So fun and challenging definitely worth it! We had a great time and our guide was great if you’re up for a challenge this is the place!
Jun 2022
We went to this room while on vacation in New York City. It was a quick uber ride from the City. My family of 4 (wife, 10-year old, and 9-year old) played the Heist Room. The room states in a museum exhibit and continues on from there. There is a mix of placement puzzles and lock puzzles. There some challenging puzzles in the room, but the game master is there to help you allow so don't be afraid to ask for hints. We love the effects in the room and just make sure that you are observant. On a side note, the escape room is located in the American Dream mall. It is in an excellent location so we were able to get lunch and then head over the escape room. We recommend the room and can't want to come back to play more of their games. A final shout out to David, Val and the TEG staff for making our experience so memorable! We loved that the managers and game masters are escape room enthusiasts because their passion carries through in all that they do.
Jun 2022
All the escape rooms were so much fun. Better than any other escape room I’ve ever done. Each room was so different from the other and I found the storylines so intriguing. My personally favorite was special ops!

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