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10 Зип Лине Зип Тоур (1,5 сати)

Зип тура укључује 10 зип лајн-ова кроз прелепу стару шуму и изнад водених објеката. То је забавна авантуристичка активност за свакога од 8 до 98 година доброг до умереног здравља.
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Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $66.67
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Коментара (566)
Jun 2019
We had so much fun on our zip lining tour. Our guides were helpful and informative, offering nice tips and throwing in fun challenges along the way. It was my first experience zip lining and I would absolutely come back.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Hello! Thank you for adventuring with us on your first zip tour! We are happy to hear that we will be seeing you again soon!
Jun 2019
So this wasn't anything much different than other zip lines except that it has 10 lines. Most places have 7-8 lines. The first three lines are pretty short and easy. I was worried that it was going to be boring but things got a little more adventurous after that. One of the staff said their longest line was 1000 feet. I've been on longer but nonetheless, it was a good line. I think my favorite was over the creek because the air flow was so much better. If you don't have a large enough party they will place you with others. We were with two other groups and had about 12 in our tour. I really enjoyed the staff. Dakota and Devante were our guides. Although they put safety first, they kept the pace going swiftly. There was a younger child about 8 in our group but he seemed just fine with everything. Our guides would continue to check our harnesses to ensure all was well. Some of the stations/lines are close together but there is a time where you have to "hike" a little bit. You will also climb steps at every tower, which is typical for zip lining. Beware of the last line's landing. It tends to be a short landing and you'll end up hitting the stop knot and getting bounced. It was fun but unexpected. All in all, we enjoyed our time there. If it's your first time on a zip line, you will love this place. If you are used to zipping, this won't be any different or exciting.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to write this detailed review! We do put safety first, and it is great to hear that you could feel that. We are delighted that your group had a memorable experience, and we do hope that you come back again soon!
May 2019
My boyfriend and I recently visited this location during our weekend getaway in Hot Springs. I must say that we had a blast. The zip line was amazing. This was his first time ziplining and I haven't been in about nine years. I didn't know if it would meet my expectations, but it did. I can't complain. We had so much fun. We participated in the zip line as well as the aerial adventure tour. The aerial adventure tour was fun as well. It was scary, but I'm glad we tried it out. It was something new for both of us. All of the guides that we encountered were friendly. I would definitely recommend this place and we will probably go back with more of our friends.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Thanks so much for the review! We always appreciate when our guests take the time to give such great feedback! Come back and see us anytime.

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