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2-сатни обилазак пустиње Аризона са водичем е-бициклом

Јоурнеи Ридес није само прва туристичка компанија која нуди туре електричним бициклима у Аризони. Такође смо једина компанија за Е-Бике туре која је специјализована за теренске сонорске пустињске електричне бициклистичке туре.
Цити: Сцоттсдале
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $134.67
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Све туре су подложне временским условима и условима стазе<ли>Потребне су основне бициклистичке вештине!! (балансирање, кочење, педалирање и мењање брзина).<ли>Минимална висина 5”0<ли>Максимална тежина 265 фунти<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила редовно дезинфицирана
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Сунчани сат града безбрижног
Гости ће започети обилазак прелепог центра града са сунчаним сатом у Царефрее Аризони.
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Коментара (273)
Jan 2017
We were visiting the area and were tired of shopping and dining so we decided to do something different and with a bit of exercise. While the riding is not particularly taxing, you do feel like you have had a workout after the two hour excursion. Brandon and Kevin were great guides, there were only two of us and so it felt like we had a personalized tour that was geared toward our abilities, our interests and our sense of fun. The bikes are like nothing I had ever ridden before, they are not scooters, they are not ATV which make a lot of noise, they are bikes that you peddle and can supplement (nature friendly) with an electric motor. The sights along our tour were great, very remote and we did not see any other people while in the desert which made the experience even more realistic. Because they are bikes, we tread lightly on the fragile desert floor, but it allowed us to see what it is like and learned so much about the flora and the fauna of the area. We were even treated to a rattlesnake demonstration (safely of course). This is really a great thing to do and I would do it again!
Dec 2016
My husband and I were looking for an outdoor activity to do with our 15 year old son and our guided bike tour through the desert was the perfect excursion! Brandon kept the pace appropriate to our skill level and shared a wealth of information about the desert plants. We had a blast! Highly recommend this adventure.
Nov 2016
What an incredible tour I took today! It was the best thing I have done since I've been in Arizona. The Elecric bikes are fantastic, I dare you to try and ride one without getting a huge smile on your Face! To me this was an absolute adrenaline rush! Soaring through the desert on amazing trails was just what I was looking to do. You feel so at one with the terrain as you control your speed and level of comfort climbing up mountains and then flying back down them in a way only a mountain bike can make you feel. Kevin Newman and Brandon Buckles are the ultimate guides! They are so fun and know the desert like no other guide I've ever encountered. They have a passion and knowledge of the Arizona desert that just blew my mind. They obviously love what they do. The Elecric bikes are top notch and definitely the way to go if your looking for the ideal desert tour. The eco friendly bikes are powerful and quiet making looking for desert wildlife a better choice then a loud motorized gas guzzling vehicle. I took a sunset tour which made the experience for me even greater. The Arizona sunset cannot be described and pictures do not do them justice. When I say breathtaking it doesn't even come close to what they actually were. We were chasing the sunset Skies, flying on our bikes and at every turn they were more colorful and brilliant then the last stretch. The view from the top of the mountain looking down at the lights of the city were something you only see in travel guide photos! If you are looking for the best tour and guides on your trip to Arizona you would be foolish not to take an ELECTRIC BIKE TOUR with the awesome guides KEVIN NEWMAN and BRANDON BUCKLES at the tour company JOURNEY ARIZONA! I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Don't miss out on the ELECTRIC BIKE experience that is taking over the way people want to explore the world!!!

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