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2-часовна вожња Е бициклом на стази Пеавине (популарно)

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Цити: Пресцотт
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $65.00
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Коментара (89)
Nov 2021
There were 8 of us and we were all pleasantly surprised how easy it was to handle the ebike. Drake was very nice and he gave us very clear instructions. The trail was just the right terrain for the ebike. We had a lot of fun!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you, We will make sure Drake gets your message. This ride as a group is such a blast. Very glad you all had a great time. Happy trails !
Oct 2021
Rented a 20" step thru with dog trailer. I inquired about the battery during the orientation since it was 1 bar down. Was told it was "plenty" to do the entire trip, 20 miles on the Peavine and Iron King trails. It was not! The entire way back I had to be concerned about conserving battery, using only PAS 1-2 instead of 3 like I wanted to. The battery was flashing upon return, barely making it back. They should not send a 60 year old female on the trails without a full battery! The dog trailer was a POS. The front screen door was tore up from another dog and not usable. My 10 lb dog was not totally secure. It was also dirty inside.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
I am so sorry to hear about your experience, I will make sure to address with your operator the concerns that you mentioned above and will make sure this will not happen again. Thank you for bringing this up to our attention and believe me this “NEVER” happens. We make sure our batteries are fully charged and we test ride the bikes prior to your “test ride” again I am very sorry to hear your experience was not as enjoyable as the others. As far as the doggie trailer, it’s a doggie trailer we can’t control what the dogs do or don’t do while they ride on it. Trailer is set up with a leash inside to keep the dogs safe, ( never have had a dog fall or get hurt ) we ask to keep the front screen open because dogs tend to get claustrophobic and want to tear the screen and fabric. Which is why the front zipper does not work, a different guest a few weeks back closed the front screen and her dog tore it up. That’s why we ask to keep front screen open. Again I am sorry it wasn’t what you had expected and I will be happy to offer you a refund for the trailer of that would help in any way. Please feel free to contact us directly to arrange. Sincerely Tony/ owner
Sep 2021
It was a fun experience, however we lost 20-30 minutes of our 2 hour ride getting instructions, adjusting bike seats, filling out the Waiver, etc. I did not receive instructions about getting to the pick-up site prior to our 10 AM time slot. It was 10:30 before we were able to ride.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
I am so glad you had fun in your adventure, however I am disappointed to hear your tour operator did not extend your time to account for the orientation. We usually ask our guests via your confirmation email to arrive 15 minutes before your ride amd if we significantly go over that time we extend your ride from the time you leave. I am sorry he didn’t do that. Please allow us to extend you a discount for the next time you decide to book with us. I can guarantee this will not happen again. Thank you for letting us know. Till next time Happy trails !!

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